We have a problem in the local league. Others have mentioned it here, too, I think. The player that moves from their deployment zone first, is usually the one to lose. These sit-and-wait predators, as I like to call them, have deployed in an advantageous arrangement, huddled together, making it difficult for all my units to converge on his/her forces. Ranged attacks weaken us on the way in, while I struggle to make use of my own ranged attacks because their action has to be spent on movement.
I know others have not had trouble with this, and I also know this isn't a game design flaw, but a tactical consideration. So let's discuss. When your opponent is holed up in their deployment zone, how do you crack that shell?
After last night's game, I think it has a lot to do with turn order and initiative values. If you move into range of enemies with ranged attacks, make sure you do so on an initiative value after their attack. Fortunately, these late-initiative moves are also faster, so you cover more ground, and increase the likelihood of making contact before receiving a volley of arrows, throwing knives, enchanted fire, or evil magic. Turn order is important because you want to move first on the charge the next round. If your Reanimates have closed with opposing Reanimates, you have identical Initiative values. If you can reach them with a 3-charge (which is -1 because skeleton reasons), then they can reach you, too. So this means you don't want to advance into range until your opponent is first player, so you get the first opportunity to charge on the next round.
Overall, it's not that complex, but I'm just now formulating that tactic. There is an awful lot to remember and learn, and it's coming little by little. So do you agree with my assessment? Is there more to it? I'd like to have a good discussion about this, and I fully acknowledge that once we figure it out, anybody's opponent can mess with our heads by not doing what we expect.
P.S. The worst thing in this game is when both units think the other is going to charge them, and they both reveal melee attacks, and nothing happens. Equally bad/boring is when everybody sits on their starting line Rallying for 2 rounds. I'd like to pick up the pace and get to the action a little quicker, which is why I posed this question. Thanks again.