Escape from Innsmouth: Start event(some spoilers)

By Stansfield, in Mansions of Madness

- Investigators are placed in the hotel room. A Hybrid spawns and wants to attack but we barricaded the door.

- the App says nothing about the Hybrid needs to break down the door but according to the rules it has to, right?

Now 4 turns into the game it is still standing there banging on the door (brawn=2 and it needs 2 x succes to breach the door/barricade). Not happening.

- Would it maybe choose another route through unexplored areas (guess not) or just keep banging on the door/barricade?

I think he should keep banging...

2 hours ago, Ashgur said:

I think he should keep banging...

I agree

Yup, page 12 of RR says that unless he passes the movement is forfeited. So he's stuck there until your luck runs out!

Thanks for you replies guys!