Dynasty: Family or Corporation?

By Etepete, in Rogue Trader

I find the references in the Rulebook to the effect that all PC:s are part of the RT Dynasty rather obscure. A brief text explaining the usual contractual relationship between the RT and his retainers would have been useful. Because I assume that this is what it means: Other PC:s are junior partners or senior retainers in/of the Dynasty. Some may have actual family ties with the RT, others (such as the navigator) certainly does not. The dynasty is basically a corporation formed around a family lineage. Did I get this right?

If so, it would be cool to explore different forms of associations. Some Dynasties may tie their key staff to them through actual adoptions, other may be partnerships, others again may be more feudal with oaths of fealty and vassalship.

I see the RT Dynasty as a combination of Family and Corporations - much like the Italian trading concerns of the renaissance. Family members held positions of trust (Captaincies, Section Heads, Proctors, ect) while talented 'outsiders' would be promoted to positions of power (Seneschals, Buyer, Banker, ect).

An especially trusted 'outsider' could be adopted or married into the family - while a unskilled family member might be moved to a less prestigious position. The difference I'm thinking would be in the treatment of the individuals family - an employee would take a salary and need to pay for the educations and upkeep of his family - while a member of the Rogue Trader's 'Family' would have those costs assumed by the dynasty.

Any betrayal of the Family would be met with loss of account access, prestige at the family dinner table, and maybe threats to the children (either physical or more effectively disowning the disloyal family members mate and children), while an employee would be fired. Of course in both case the ultimate punishment would be death.

There would be stock markets, lawyers, contracts, and stock holders only without the SEC regulating the Rogue Traders (and other corporations) and while galaxy wide stock exchanges seems farfetched in the 40k universe sector and planetary ones seem possible and necessary.

I see it more like La Cosa Nostra

You have the capofamiglia (the head of the Dynasty), his/her consigliere (astropaths, navigators, explorators, sensechal, etc), the sotto capo (archmilitant and/or possibly the commanders of other ships the dynasty controls), and then under them the capodecina (voidsmen) with the crew chiefs as made men and the crew as 'associates'.

Many of the endevors, both criminal and legit, are the sort of activities organized crime gravitates to: vice, banned publications, protection rackets, extortion, piracy, shipping, labor, smuggling, looting archeological digs, etc.

Punishment seems very similar. beatings, torture, and being thrown out the airlock (sans Bessemer Overshoes).

"Let me make you an offer you can't refuse."

I see the dynasty as somewhere between renaissance merchant houses and the mafia, personally, with a dash of feudal obligation- much like the faufreluche system of Dune, or possibly the world-walker clans of Charles Stross' Merchant Princes series. I'll specifically note that the Merchant Prince series is several kinds of awesome and appropriate, as it's a mix of renaissance mercantilist trading house and norse feudalism (or as I like to think of it: viking the Rialto).

I'd say your dynasty is whatever you want it to be. Everything from family clan, mafia-like organization or some kind of comercial business or any mix seems to be suitable and possible.

Thank you for a set of very learned and inspiring replys. I certainly agree that the renaissance italy as well as the Cosa Nostra are excellent sources of inspiration.

Of course it's worth pointing that the structure and culture of la cosa nostra is heavily influenced by the traditions of the Italian nobility, from the Renaissance merchant houses all the way back to the ancient Romans. The fundamental concepts of obligation and patronage runs through all of them.

It is reasonable to assume that the type of the Dynasty might evolve over time. A starting Rogue Trader with a fresh warrant might only have a single ship and a few trusted associates. This small group might operate as a small scale "Vassal" or "Mafia"- system. But over the decades and centuries the Dynasty would grow to include more and more people and so start to operate like a true corporation.

As the 40k universe seems to have a 'Dark Ages in Space' as a major theme I'm thinking that any medieval merchant structure could be adopted as a model.

for example the concept of a RT Dynasty being a Guild with a rigid hierarchy and a chartered set of rules - a ruling council that directs and/or passes judgment on the Rogue Trader - perhaps being a RT it is an elected position with different faction vying for rulership. if the rulers have organized into faction it makes sense that craftsmen unions would also form and add another level of politics to the Rogue Trader's Ship(s)

A Viking/Norse style of rulership with an elected captain and officers - with the press ganging of serfs being mentioned maybe only the command crew - 'nobility' get to vote - maybe the voting occurs at designated times but until then the crew is obliged to obey the Rogue Trader, at least until the next election...or maybe a vote or duel can be called at any point (much like a Caribbean pirate)...profit is shared amongst the voting crew equally or according to a schedule or contract.

I wish I knew more about medieval Asian cultures but I'm betting the concept of family and loyalty with a strong sense of duty could be adopted by the playing group - Samurai in Space - just going on movies here :-) but Traids and the Yakuza are much more than clones of the Mafioso.

To me it makes sense that the all of these and some other social organizations would be in use - which asks how would these groups interact together - to steal from the 'Mafioso' concept how does a Triad and the Italian Mob get together on cooperative deals? A Venetian Style RT deal with Guild styled Rogue Trader? Profit would be the motivator but expectations would differ leading to some possibly interesting adventure possibilities...'What do you mean you have to present our proposal to the Honorable Sweepers and Solid Refuse Union?!?! - they want mechanical brooms or the deal is off?!?!'

I think player groups should have every licence to go wild:

- A religious sect venerating the ancient Saint-Captain that recieved the original Warrant of Trade, highly heretical. The Rogue Trader character is basically seen as his living embodiment. Membership of the "dynasty" means being accepted into the secret priesthood.

- A conspiracy of murderers who killed the legitimate Rogue Trader and usurped his warrant of trade. One of them mascarades as the legitimate holder of the Warrant. The "Dynasty" consist only of the conspirators and those they deign take into their confidence. Some unwitting accomplices could also be part of the inner group.

- What began as a mutiny has now transformed into a free democratic ship-board republic, vaguely tolerated by imperial authorities once they were confronted with the fait accompli. The Warrant of Trade is granted to the President of the Ship, who is elected for a 12 year period. On this ship, the entire crew is part of the "dynasty" - the PC group is most likely a mix of the Government officials and ministers, as well as representatives of other groups such as the Admech.

- A strictly feudal Dynasty propping up an old and next to depleted line of Rogue Trader. His Excellency the Lord-Regnant-Captain may have one or two active relatives in the group, but most PC:s have sworn an oath of fealty and recieveced a noble title such as Constable of Arms, Majordomus of the Ship Council, Helsman Esquire and Councilor Elect of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

But all in all, the sort of roman/mafioso/renaissance picture of patronage and la familia is probably the most common one.