The Current Metagame

By MechSpike, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Now I know a lot of metas with this game are local, but it's very tough to find any information on this game and its popular decks at all. I would like to see this thread as a gathering for people to discuss their local metas and what is popular.

How about giving examples of popular archetypes and what those archetypes might look like by posting a sample decklist. Fast aggro? Combo? Mill? Control? What is good right now and why? Why isn't?


Honestly, I find hard to answer to your question :-)

There is no "official metagame" but I think you can find some good LCG-only decks on the Stahleck report, posted somewhere here on the boards.

Basically, if you want to play a real strong and competitive deck an Hastur-Agency+ alaskan sledge dogs and descendant of Eibon is a good choice.

I guess that every small group has is own metagame and good decks :)


Yeah, that's what I'm looking a couple sample decks from everyone's local meta. :)

I'll look around for the Stahleck report...