I saw a little while ago blue prints floating around for an "Arkham Koffer." I am pleased to say that I have started my own version of this and plan on having it done for this year's Gen Con. So far, all I have is a box and a lid with no dividers on the inside.
When it is finished, I am going to spray paint it black and find some way to put the Elder Sign on it. Underneath of that, I am going to write "Property of Miskatonic University".
The original prints had a hinge on the back and made it look very formal. I am going the opposite direction as the game does not promote a sense of class and pretention, but rather one of dread and insanity. I am looking to find ways to age the box and make it very... unique. Around the edges, in order to secure the lid to the drawer, I thought about buying some old padlocks (the kind that Houdini would have used) and keeping a skeleton key to unlock the locks around it. I think that would make it very Indiana Jones-esque.
Has anyone else done this?