Ship size HWK-1000

By ThreeBFour, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I wouldn't be surprise if this hasn't been covered before, but I have been unable to find the info.

I am looking for, at the very least rough, dimensions for the HWK-1000 freighter from Fly Casual. Hoping someone out there can help. Length, height, and width.

The HWK-1000, as far as I know, is exclusive to Fly Casual and has not appeared in any other source. I would recommend just using whatever is known for the HWK-290.

That's an option, except for the Silhouette difference. What's the general difference between a 3 & a 4 silhouette?

Based on Xwing minis the HWK-290 is similar in size as an Xwing or TIE Fighter, so my gaming group just home brewed the HWK-1000 as the same length as a YT1300,, but with a bit more cramped in the case of crew space, more bunks, crammed storage for personal belongings, living in each other's space aboard ship. AS you can see from the link below... there isn't much space in a 290

Edited by ExpandingUniverse
1 hour ago, ThreeBFour said:

That's an option, except for the Silhouette difference. What's the general difference between a 3 & a 4 silhouette?

There is very specifically no actual dimension information on pretty much any ship in FFGs Star Wars. Just like bathrooms, its not supposed to be important.

If I am remembering my info right, the wayback machine would give you a length of 26m for a HWK-290. The -290 mini in Xwing is a good deal smaller than that tho. Again, if I remember right. So rough dimensions for a -1000 could be about 25-30m long, 15-20m wide and about 10m tall. Thats all guesswork tho so your mileage may vary.

What do you need the actual lengths for?

It's something of a joke. The length of the HWK-290 has been cited as being very different over the years. The two primary ones are 16.5 meters and 29 meters. Based on the video games, the smaller figure is more accurate, and this is what FFG based both their X-Wing miniature on and the profile in the game. Somebody at Wookieepedia is apparently defiant to this, and refuses to move away from the longer measurement. The HWK-1000 is likely based on that 29 meters.

So, there's your answer.

Blackbird beat me to it.

The 1000 in an in-joke addressing the discrepancy between the 290s size from one source to another. That's why it even says in the description that people who aren't super familiar with the line often mistake the 1000 for the 290. They're basically saying the people that insist on the longer length for the 290 don't know what they are talking about.

So if you're dying to know, listen to the bird and assume the 29m length is what you want.

Thanks for the help all. I was thinking of doing a layout for it, but I have seen several different ones, as well as those for the HWK-290 (i.e. Moldy Crow, or The Vornskr ). It's shouldn't be too difficult because the shape is pretty much a flying rectangular box, but dimensions were the issue.

CEC HWK-290 (3).jpg

I did just find a layout for the 1000 on Google Images that I had missed before.


Edited by ThreeBFour
Missed wording

Dont do layouts for Star Wars ships. That way lies madness :)

Pretty sure those are by Ruakar , that guy made some great deck plans but looking now the hosting has issues. The nice things was he made them with some actual thought to likely scale. And they all look fantastic

Edited by SanguineAngel

I always liked to picture Kyle Katarn's ship from Jedi Outcast/Jedi Acadamy as the HWK-1000 despite the description given in the book. It appears to be from a similar line as the HWK-290 and looks to be all engine which justifies the speed nicely while out-massing most starfighters, something I feel a number of Silhouette 4 ships fail to do.

Edit: Ah, its called the Raven's Claw

Edited by Crimson_red