Hello everyone!
It's been a long, long time for me. In L5R, I go by 'Bayushi Tashiro', and was in the game since the 1st edition of the Roleplaying Game. I played off and on with the card game, but my first love was the RPG. I just cracked open all my old fiction from the campaigns I ran, and looked over the characters my friends played, and decided to come peek in here.
I'm looking forward to trying out the card game, stepping back into L5R, and I'm glad they're starting from the beginning(ish). I'm curious to see what stories they tell.
And I'm definitely looking forward to seeing a new edition of the RPG coming out. I helped with a bit of 2nd Edition, was a playtester for 3rd Edition and 4th Edition, and even did the conversion from d20 to R&K for the Bloodspeakers book. I would like nothing more than to step into Rokugan once more.
Any other old-timers here?