SoB: Per Campiagn Level

By Jake yet again, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The encountrers in sob refer to "per campaign level" often with a string of modifiers, but how should they be interpretted. (E.g. Bob the ratchetty sorceror has 4 extra HP and 1 extra rmour per Campaign level) If you were playing at Gold does this mean that Bob has:

a) +4 HP and +3 Armour


b) +12 HP and +3 Armour?

Jake yet again said:

The encountrers in sob refer to "per campaign level" often with a string of modifiers, but how should they be interpretted. (E.g. Bob the ratchetty sorceror has 4 extra HP and 1 extra rmour per Campaign level) If you were playing at Gold does this mean that Bob has:

a) +4 HP and +3 Armour


b) +12 HP and +3 Armour?

Option B. It was noted in the previews that the health and armor would both scale. Having just the armor scale would be fairly ineffective.