Anyone else annoyed by this? Anyone have a fix? I have done the steam straighten and ice bath, but the flag is just too heavy and bends back into place. Am I just being too OCD about this?
Banner Bearer with Bent Flagstaff
Steam? I just dunk 'em in really hot water.
Me too. And then I bend it a little past straight when I set it, because the plastic still tries to relax towards its original position when it resets. This results in a nice, straight staff for your banner bearer.
2 hours ago, Contrapulator said:Steam? I just dunk 'em in really hot water.
The snarky part of me wants to say that steam is really hot water, but I will refrain and I will just say that I have better luck with steam since I have better control over what gets heated and warped than just dipping.
I've actually cut the staff at the bend, drilled and pinned it to give it additional strength. That worked.
1 hour ago, Uthoroc said:I've actually cut the staff at the bend, drilled and pinned it to give it additional strength. That worked.
Hard. Core.
I would say swap the plastic rod part out with a thin metal rod. In the past, I've used thicker paper clips bent into straight shape for better or taller banners.
3 hours ago, Uthoroc said:I've actually cut the staff at the bend, drilled and pinned it to give it additional strength. That worked.
I should have done that, as one of mine is perma floppy, but I painted it instead of doing work and try not to care.
5 hours ago, Uthoroc said:I've actually cut the staff at the bend, drilled and pinned it to give it additional strength. That worked.
I may look into that. To bad I've almost finished his paint.
Yup I'm a dunker. No patience for steam, and no skill for cutting and manufacturing. Although I work in a small manufacturing plant!!! We even use pvc in some of our plastic extrusion.
3 hours ago, Ywingscum said:Yup I'm a dunker. No patience for steam, and no skill for cutting and manufacturing. Although I work in a small manufacturing plant!!! We even use pvc in some of our plastic extrusion.
Do you mean patience for getting the water to boil? I've only ever had parts take 10-15 seconds to soften.
14 minutes ago, flightmaster101 said:Do you mean patience for getting the water to boil? I've only ever had parts take 10-15 seconds to soften.
I totally pictured you holding it over a pot of water for an hour, testing your arm strength limits! Haha
I take it back
6 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:I totally pictured you holding it over a pot of water for an hour, testing your arm strength limits! Haha
I take it back
LOL now worries! Yea pro tip, wait for the water to boil before putting the model over it!
i use a blow dryer and iced water.
I get a mug and pop it in the microwave oven for 60 seconds then dip the figure. I fish it out and run it under the tap to "set" it in place. It works most of the time. If you've ever left your figures in a hot car or sitting on a table with direct sun on them, they tend to "remember" their original position.
Re-positioning after painting hasn't been a problem for me either, but I prefer to do it before the paint goes on.
Edited by Force Majeure