Another RoL and misc question

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


me and my friends was start in this days our firt Rol champain, and obviusly we had a lot of question about it lengua.gif (i've read " gathered list of answered question" before posting dont worry).

1) After a battle, at the beginning of a champain's week, the wound's lieutenant: regenerate all their healt? Or the OL must play card to help them?

2) More than 1 Lieutenant at the begin of a champain's week on the same city, can increase the OL's speed of place the Siege token on that city? (i dont know the name of the original version for this token sorry)

if yes: how exactly? one extra token for Lieutenant or else?

3)A lieutenant near/or in the same worldmap's space of another Liuetenant engaged in a fight with the heros party, can in someway help his evilmate like for the dungeons o partecipate at the combat?

4)A character (hero or monster) with Grapple skill, can in his turn choose to free the targert walking away from him? or the skill will during until the death of one of two sides?

5) A Hero under the effect of Darkcharm, can benefit of the others hero's skill? like Comand(+1 damage +1 range-the Red beastman superskill) ?

if not: he can benefit from monsters skill(red beastman again) ?

6) Same way, a monster under the necromancer effects, still benefit from the skill of his ex-monster-mate, or he's now considered like an hero, or he's not considered at all?

think it's all (for now gran_risa.gif ) thank you!

1) The lieutenant heals after each encounter, so he/she will be at full health the next time the Heroes encounter him (FAQ page 10).

2) Yes, you put one siege token for EACH lieutenant at that city.

3) You mean Fortify? I'm not sure but I don't think so, since that ability fortifies dungeons, not encounters. And fighting the lieutenant is an encounter.

4) Grapple means the "grappled" figure cannot spend MPs (which also means abilities that require MPs like drinking a potion). RtL Rulebook page 29 states, "Enemies adjacent to a figure with the Grapple ability cannot spend movement points until that figure is dead or moves away. They may still attack as normal."

5) Good question, and I don't have an answer for it ;)

6) Ditto, though I would guess it's treated like a hero.


Tanks for the answers! happy.gif

i'll wait someone can answer me about question 5- 6 , because we are really in truble with this case. the Ol say's yes, the Heros say's no(as usual gui%C3%B1o.gif )

Jack and THE Hammer said:

5) A Hero under the effect of Darkcharm, can benefit of the others hero's skill? like Comand(+1 damage +1 range-the Red beastman superskill) ?

if not: he can benefit from monsters skill(red beastman again) ?

6) Same way, a monster under the necromancer effects, still benefit from the skill of his ex-monster-mate, or he's now considered like an hero, or he's not considered at all?

This is in the FAQ:

Q: When the overlord is controlling a hero through “Dark Charm,” who decides how to spend the surges and power dice? Can the overlord move the character and attack, or just make a single attack without moving?
A: The overlord controls the hero for that attack, including the hero’s use of surges and power dice. The overlord may also play cards such as “Aim” with the attack. However, the overlord player cannot move the character, or force the hero to spend fatigue to add to the attack. The hero no longer benefits from any heroes with Command, but does receive a bonus from any of the Overlord's figures with command.

The reverse would be true for a necromancied monster as it would considered friendly to the heroes.

thats probably true i guest. thanks a lot XD