I have created a scenario that takes place right before the sea battle in Season 7, Episode 2. Here certain factions are faction cards are changed to represent the climate up to this point. (i.e. House Baratheon is now House Targaryen). I had a hard time completing all of the character cards from certain factions so I got some obscure names or in the case of the Greyjoys, even called some of the cards simply "Greyjoy Raider." I cited the removal of any character cards for dead characters.
The game starts out with an interesting diplomatic situation that pits House Targaryen, House Martell, and House Tyrell against House Lannister and House Greyjoy (lead by Euron). House Stark is neutral.
Several Major rule changes include:
1. New White Walker rule set that replaces the Wildlings. White Walkers can attack and take territory. Several factions have an objective to defeat the White Walkers
2. Dragon Unit for House Targaryen
3. Unique Major and Minor Victory rules for each faction. Rules allow for more than one victors but only one Major victor
4. Unique board setup
Please checkout the Excel File and let me know your thoughts. Be sure to read each tab.