2 hours ago, gabe69velasquez said:
It's all speculation. In the films, we never see a ship fly into, or out of, a Nebulon-B. We never even see one fire any of its weapons. We don't even see any of this in the Rebels TV show.
That being said, I appreciate EU sources and have stated that I accept that Star Wars doesn't always make perfect sense and take a lot of it with a healthy dose of handwavium. Still, to represent the Nebulon's carrier abilities in past Star Wars media, my Imperial title, Warspite, spawns a ship under its spar each round.
I simply wanted a ship larger than a corvette on my mat without making Epic games a big carrier battle spectacle that would take days to play out. I appreciate your enthusiasm on this subject. I love the Epic game and like seeing the ideas of others. For me, I'm trying to go just a little bit bigger while still keeping it simple. That's not to say I won't get bored someday and do a full-on Nebulon carrier title and go nuts. With me, anything's on the table. Right now, though, this will be a centerpiece of my Battle of Scarif scenario. I really haven't looked beyond that.
Edited by weisguy119