How do you treat Locations attached to House cards?

By Four Eyed Warrior, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

The rule(correct me if I'm wrong) is still that: locations played do not give their income or influence till the next turn. What about those that have the ability to ATTACH to House cards? Do you get the goods immediately then? Like other attachments?

influence is always aviliable whenever it is played as long as ti is standing. Income is only counted as the first step during a player's turn in amrshalling and as such gold (income) is only counted while in play at that time.

So, an attachment or location that provides influence is always providing influence no matter where played. An attachment or location that is providing gold is counted if out when you count during marshalling and is not aviliable or unaviable at any other time.

Attaching a card to your house card does not change the timing of its benifits it only changes what the card would be suspeciptible to (i.e. fleeing to the wall would not hurt an atatchment on a house card, but mad kings legacy would).