Hand Of Doom lose 1 life

By player2669876, in Talisman Rules Questions


We are about to try the alternate ending "hand of Doom" and we have a question about when it says 2-3) Lose 1 Life. Does that mean the player rolling loses the life, all players except the person rolling, all players, or...


It's actually quite literally: " A character " on the ... must roll 1 die ..." -> 2-3) Lose 1 Life.

So, long story short, if it were any other player/-s, the card would say so.

For example, the "Armageddon Crown" Ending [Harbinger Expansion]:

2-3) All characters lose 1 life.

Or the "The Eternal Crown" (Cataclysm Expansion):

2) All characters lose 1 life.

Edited by Lorinor