Variations for movement...

By Netherek, in Dark Heresy House Rules

I've found the movement rates to be a little to desire. In WHFRPv2, the move and half move were double the rates in DH. I can walk in 5 sec the rate of 5m, it seems a little slow when few people actually walk in a fire fight. I've been considering a house rule that won't really alter too much of the base rules.

Please PEACH for me as I don't have a group to test at this time...

Hustle: Double the rate for half move and full move. Not sure what a good penalty would be, considering -10 to WS/BS for hastely performed attacks.


Netherek said:

I've found the movement rates to be a little to desire. In WHFRPv2, the move and half move were double the rates in DH.

The turn is twice as long in WFRP2 as well - approximately 10 seconds in WFRP2, compared to 5 seconds in 40kRP.

A half action move isn't really 'walking pace'... it's a couple of seconds of cautious movement, brief enough that you can still get something else done in that 5 second period. Really, 'walking pace' (where you're walking and not really doing anything else that dominates your concentration - that is, nothing else that costs more than a free action) should be considered the full action movement rate (6m for Ag 30, 8m for Ag 40, 10m for Ag 50, etc), rather than the half action one, which is appropriate given that 'walking pace' works out at approximately 6 metres every 5 seconds. A half action movement rate is a slower pace for when you're doing something else significant.

My point is that it takes less then 5 seconds to walk what would take a full round to do, i.e. 6m full move at a walking pace. I know it doesn't take more than a couple seconds to take a hastely aimed shot, so by RAW you are taking a walk for 3m (average) and shooting, when its not that hard to move your ass like you are in danger i.e. move at a faster pace and shoot. It's not that hard to move 6m and shoot, I know, I've done it hunting and I'm only average...

As to WHFRPv2 I thought the rounds were 6 sec, my bad as I don't have them on hand...

Netherek said:

My point is that it takes less then 5 seconds to walk what would take a full round to do, i.e. 6m full move at a walking pace. I know it doesn't take more than a couple seconds to take a hastely aimed shot, so by RAW you are taking a walk for 3m (average) and shooting, when its not that hard to move your ass like you are in danger i.e. move at a faster pace and shoot. It's not that hard to move 6m and shoot, I know, I've done it hunting and I'm only average...

Hunting is one thing, a firefight is another. Wild animals seldom shoot back. The combat rules assume that characters are fighting with at least some concern for their own safety (that's why all attack rolls are Challenging as standard - everyone is trying to avoid being an easy target).

With a 5 second turn, assume a half action is thus roughly 2-3 seconds worth of activity. Not much time to accomplish anything, particularly when you're being cautious to avoid taking a bullet or las-bolt in the skull.

Also consider some real-world figures. Human average walking pace is about 3 miles per hour, which equates to about 6.7m every 5 seconds... which is just slightly more than the Full Move speed for an Agility 30 human in Dark Heresy, and slightly less than the Full Move for an Agility 40 human. Similarly, an Agility 40 humanoid with Sprint can achieve running speeds close to the Olympic record for the 100m sprint (96m in 2 turns, which is 10 seconds), while an exceptional Agility 50 humanoid with Sprint breaks the men's 100m sprint record by about 1.2 seconds.

None of the values seem particularly out of line with reality.

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Hunting is one thing, a firefight is another. Wild animals seldom shoot back. The combat rules assume that characters are fighting with at least some concern for their own safety (that's why all attack rolls are Challenging as standard - everyone is trying to avoid being an easy target).

Here is where you and I clearly see things differently, people tend to move as fast as possible when underfire while still shooting back. Unless you have cover, move as quickly as you can. I've watched combat photage, soldiers move quickly (not at a run) but quickly. RAW doesn't mesh with what I've seen, and feels wrong.

N0-1_H3r3 said:

With a 5 second turn, assume a half action is thus roughly 2-3 seconds worth of activity. Not much time to accomplish anything, particularly when you're being cautious to avoid taking a bullet or las-bolt in the skull.

Agreed that in many situations you'll proceed at a slow "cautious" pace, particularly in environments with lots of cover and you don't know if or where the enemy is. That changes as you engage, and are not pinned down. Good examples of quick decisive action are clearing building and such. I don't think RAW emulates that well...

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Also consider some real-world figures. Human average walking pace is about 3 miles per hour, which equates to about 6.7m every 5 seconds... which is just slightly more than the Full Move speed for an Agility 30 human in Dark Heresy, and slightly less than the Full Move for an Agility 40 human. Similarly, an Agility 40 humanoid with Sprint can achieve running speeds close to the Olympic record for the 100m sprint (96m in 2 turns, which is 10 seconds), while an exceptional Agility 50 humanoid with Sprint breaks the men's 100m sprint record by about 1.2 seconds.

None of the values seem particularly out of line with reality.

Sure, the walking speeds are very close to RW, as well as when you include sprint, but if you don't include it the numbers are pretty low, about 8 miles an hour running speed for AG 30, add 2 miles an hour for each increase in AG... That's pretty slow...

Having said that, I don't have a beef with most of the movement. I just think that havin walk and hustle is closer to what I have seen and the way I generally imagine the flow of combat. So I am going to just say that I'm going to agree to disagree. I'm not interested in changing anyones game. I'm looking for something specific, and would like some help fleshing that idea out and have it remain balanced in game...

You must not have heard.

6m is a HALF move. Of course you could probably walk that in a few seconds.

12m is a FULL move. You have to remember, in battle this is pretty good, seeing as you're ducking possible random shots/moving cover to cover.

(Based off my 60AG btw)

Still thinking about movement, and some thoughts occured to me.

I find it interesting that there are no penalties to perception rolls when running.

I figure that having a -20 to Per tests while running a fair penalty...
