DOH items

By Shocker666, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG


I found several items in several lists while doing research for items that would be cool to pull out an utility belt.

There were some items (8) from DOH that i found but absolutely have no idea what they do;

-Dalabar sos-632 surveillance scanner

-Fabritech 7000 geoscanner

-Paradour enterprise signature scent synthesizer

-Suritech foodstuffs EZ1 analyses


-Consolidated learning systems transliterator

-Antishock blanket

-Synoptic teacher

Can anyone tell me what these items do? Note: The itemlist contained a name, encumbrance, rarity etc. Only thing missing was the description.


Edited by Shocker666
Forgot 1 item

Consolidated learning stranslator and synoptic teacher are technological laearning systems that allow you to learn new skills.

Datagoggles is a system to access data visually.

Antishock blanket is a thermal blanket like those on ambulances

Thnx :)

Learning skills trough a device seems powerfull, maybe even OP.

The transliterator is just a translation device that helps with languages and does teach you anything.

The synoptic teacher comes with built in short and long term abuse protection. Short term you need a skill check each time you use it to gain a skill. Failure reduces your strain threshold by half instead of teaching the skill for a session. Long term a despair result can render a character permanently unable to use the device.

Its a good way to introduce a critical skill for an adventure but a bad way to actually learn skills in the long term.