Dnd/pathfinder play?

By Elvenwisdom, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

Does anyone use the figures in this game for dnd or other rpgs? If so how was the experience? These look like good models to use. Also how bout a full runebound rpg? I bet the necromancers look good in dnd lol!

They are excellent for the undead horde or local heroes.

As for an RPG, since FFG announced their own Gensys, which powers their Starwars RPG.


All they need is source books. I think the Netrunner universe will be first, but I expect to see the Runebound universe sooner or later.

These minis also work great in Descent, where some missions call for local garrison figures (which are currently represented as cardboard disks). You can use the Reanimates as summoned summoned minions.

I know one dude who is also using the Daqan cavalry for proxies in another squad game system. Much easier to paint, and would look good on oval bases.

In addition, I posted my Rune Golem on the Facebook paint support group called 1HR a Night and D&D players loved it.
