Beyond the Threshold Tiles

By mrgandw, in Mansions of Madness

Hello, recently I bought a copy of Beyond the Threshold (got it on sale too). This got me wondering since I haven't tried it out yet if any of the new tiles show up in older scenarios. I've heard the Thrall and the cards do but have found nothing saying if the Tiles have been added into additional maps or anything.

I've seen them pop up a few times in older scenarios, yes.

While I have yet to see it myself, I've been told that there is a new [& interesting] map variation for the first scenario with these tiles. (I could also imagine them being used in a few other scenarios, based on the general types of tiles needed.)

I forgot about this post but am glad to hear that the tiles have more use than just the two scenarios included with them. Thanks for answering.

I would love expansions-based DLCs!!!