That itty-bitty room on Bespin might be fine for a saber fight or freezing someone to send to Jabba and/or the Emperor, but Cloud City is a massive mining facility the size of New York City (and then some). There's no way that tiny (some might say crude) facility can handle the Tabana output of the refineries. There has to be a much more massive carbon freezing assembly line somewhere (actually probably several of them) - which is also perfect place for a fight. Lots of swinging arms, buckets loading the molten Carbonite, massive freezing stations, tiers of conveyor belts and on and on.
So I've got my short list of hazards and ways to spend your assorted threats and advantages - but I thought I'd come to you guys to brainstorm. Throw out some "I failed, have three advantage and a despair" ideas, would ya. I want to supplement my meager listings.