First Draft List - Log

By oda204, in Runewars List Building

First off, Tvayumat, forget what you've seen here. With my luck i'll play you first round and get creamed!

I've got an event coming up on the 22nd of July and it's time to start doing some testing on the list. The goal is to get 10 games with the list in before the 22nd, so here goes! My common play partner is Daqan.

CURRENT LIST: v 0.01 7/16

Ankaur Maro

Fortunas Dice

Violent Forces

Reanimates (3x3)

File Leader

Front Line Carrion Lancer

Blighted Vexillum Bearer

Lingering Dead

Reanimates (3x2)


Profane Banner Bearer

Aggressive Drummer

Carrion Lancer

Carrion Lancer

I should be getting 2 games inntoday with a possible 2 more tomorrow. Current plan is to play atleast 3 games before making any changes to the list. The 3x3 block im already fairly comfortable with as I run 3 of them in my other lists (Ardus allows them to be 3x2). The Ankaur Maro/Executioner is something Tyavumat talks about quite a bit and I believe it may allow me to completely neuter the dreaded Spearmen Block.

Other options I'm considering. Swapping Profane Banner Bearer for Raven-Standard Bearer to allow me to use Executioner at Init 3. This would also allow me to grab any number of useful musician upgrades on the other block. Needs tabletime to determine if needed methinks.

Played game 1 - Opponent Severus Snape (name changed forntheir protection)

Their list


Shield of Margarh

Might of Daqan

3 units of Heaxy Crossbowman 3x1

Rank Discipline

Fire Rune

Marching Conciern

2 units of Rune Golem 1x1

Victory went to me, 149 to 74. We played Oblique Formation, Break Their Defenses. Terrain was 100% inconsequential.

My thoughts:

List worked. Maro was a BEAST 1-shotting Rune Golems before dice were ever rolled. Key moment was the Profane Banner Bearer keeping Maro alive vs. Crossbowmen.

Snape's thoughts:

List needs some work. Found fire rune to be far less exciting than expected. Especially for the point value it cost me.