I've been thinking of running a Talent past my GM, an upgraded Hip Shooting. It would require Hip Shooting as a prereq, and allow the character to move up to their Charge range while firing semi- or full-auto. Does that make any sense, or would it be OP? If it's not stupid, how much do you guys think it should cost? And put it in every Specialty's chart that gets Hip Shooting? One or two Ranks above, do you think?
New Talent, upgraded Hip Shooting?
I remember some Squad and Solo modes which gives you such ability at high levels so as "almost free, only some XP investment ability" it would be overpowered, I think.
I'd think a DW marine might get a weapon link (OK, machine spirit) that could link his bolter to his visor with a small camera (tech eye) over the barrel that would pretty much let him see a display in his helmet visor that would be like looking down his gun's sites. That should give you enhanced hip shooting ability.
12 hours ago, Techpriest support said:I'd think a DW marine might get a weapon link (OK, machine spirit) that could link his bolter to his visor with a small camera (tech eye) over the barrel that would pretty much let him see a display in his helmet visor that would be like looking down his gun's sites. That should give you enhanced hip shooting ability.
Rogue Trader has Mono-Sight (camera wired to an eyepiece) and Targeting Monocle (same, but wireless and with extra features).
At least some Astartes probably have similar hardware, but except the camera part, this should be a part of the helmet, integrated into autosenses.
MIU Weapon Interface from Only War is another example. But Hip Shooting talent isn't about shooting from the hip, it's about shooting while moving.
Ripper Charge from Shield of Humanity allows to Charge and fire full auto. Perhaps have it renamed into something more generic (or glorified)?
On 7/28/2017 at 9:09 AM, Jargal said:MIU Weapon Interface from Only War is another example. But Hip Shooting talent isn't about shooting from the hip, it's about shooting while moving.
It's not clear what exactly this MIU does (other than "pull the trigger with your brain" part), however. It doesn't explicitly require a special sight. Shoulder mount doesn't require it to include a sight either, and remote weapons are likely to have their own video links either way. It probably gives its user the exact direction where the barrel is pointed and aims using servos of the shoulder mount, with Good quality ones also providing inertial prediction of where it's going to be pointed moving like this — or something like that.
Hip Shooting represents training to fire without a proper posture, which happens while moving.
Those sights (among the other things) allow the shooter to look along the barrel no matter how the weapon is held, i.e. even without anything like a proper posture, even if it's not as good as aiming through the sight and having a steady position.