RTL Help

By SeriousMedic, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all, i've only had descent about a month and know the rules quite well. My problem is with RTL how do you work out the xp the heroes and OL make?


Every CP the OL earns gives him 1XP to spend on upgrades. Every CP the hero *party* earns gives each *individual* hero 1XP to spend on upgrades.

Basically CP is the running total of Conquest earned over the campaign, where-as XP goes up and down throughout the campaign (goes up when either side earns CPs, goes down when either side buys upgrades).

Make sense?


Yeah thats how i thought it might work, just wasn't sure. Thanks for the reply

Also do the heroes start the campaign with any xp?

No, only the OL starts with XP. He gets 15 XP to spend on upgrades before the game begins, and anything not spent is lost (i.e. if he buys a 12pt upgrade, he doesn't get to start the game with the other 3pts).
