Hi all
Just thought I'd try to tap into the hive-mind of the FFG forums. It seems fairly ubiquitous in RPGs that, while the non-combat characters can have a significant impact during combat encounters, it's tricky for non-social characters to get involved in social encounters. This is something I've run into in the last couple of sessions, where there were important social encounters that one or two of my players found boring. Now, not every character has to shine in every encounter, but I'd really like to find ways to make those encounters more interesting for non-social characters.
However, forcing non-social characters to make social checks is just begging for failure with a bucketload of threat, so I'm trying to come up with various roles that non-social PCs could take on in a social encounter - ways in which they could be useful, and which they can be encouraged to consider when heading to a meet. I've come up with the following examples off the top of my head, but I'd love to know if anyone else has any thoughts.
- Security : Meeting a contact in a dodgy cantina might not be the safest option. If there is a genuine threat of being ambushed, double-crossed, mugged, or simply having their pockets picked - and if the PCs are made aware of this by the GM - it might make having someone with good Perception , Vigilance, Ranged (Light) and/or Brawl skills a good idea.
- Advisor: One way of finding out if someone is lying to you is to use Perception , but it's even easier if you just know whether what they're saying is true and/or makes sense. So having a smart fellow with a datapad and a decent amount of Knowledge could be handy. [Depending on the nature of the meeting, this could also bring in characters with other areas of expertise.]
- Good Cop/Bad Cop: There are talents based around this, but even without these talents it could be useful to have a second social character present, especially if they specialise in Coercion while you make a Charm offensive (or vice versa). [This doesn't really help bring non-social characters in, but does at least get more characters involved in the encounter.]
- Getaway Driver: You've come out of a secret underground meeting, you're cruising away through the streets of Coruscant...but you seem to have picked up a tail. Thank the Force your mate has some ranks in Piloting (Planetary) . [This one's a bit of a stretch, as this is unlikely to occur with any regularity.]
Anyone have any other ideas? In particular, I'd love to come up with something for characters with ranks in Mechanics , Computers , Medicine , Stealth and/or Skulduggery to do in social encounters.
Thanks in advance.