I'm aware of the numeric XP cost for reducing Insanity Points, 100 per point.
My question is this: Does XP spent in this way count for the purposes of advancing in rank?
My character has been a bit unlucky with rolls, and I've ended up with a whopping 18 Insanity Points despite being a bit under Rank 3. I'm really interested in the Templar Calix Career, but my high Insanity Point count means I'm ineligible. Even if I don't accrue any more, that's still 800 XP spent to bring me into eligibility.
I don't mind spending XP to qualify, but I am a bit worried about spending at least 1/3 of my Rank 4 XP that would otherwise go towards the skills I need to keep my character even remotely useful outside of combat (though obviously his focus WILL be combat-oriented, given the interest in Templar Calix).
So does spending XP on reducing Insanity Points count towards Rank Advancement, or does the XP cost have to go towards a characteristic, skill, or talent advancement from a career to count?