Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

2 hours ago, Concise Locket said:

That's not a soldier, that's a pilot, and would completely flip the game balance away from non-starfighter Aces.

Not the way I would build it and I have no idea what balance you are talking about, it's not an MMO.

Kinda like the idea of a "Skytrooper" specialized in jetpacks...Death from Above!

You guessed one of my Talent ideas name. There was also 'Airburst', 'Strafe', and 'Comin Through'......

Okay now I kinda want to see this full spec...8)

Need some better/more durable Jetpacks tho...

So the base Soldier Skills are; Athletics , Medicine , Survival , Knowledge (Warfare), Brawl , Melee , Ranged (Light) & Ranged (Heavy).

I'm thinking the Sky Trooper should have; Pilot (Planetary) [duh], Mechanics [fix/modify jetpacks], Cool [gotta be able to keep your s**t together and make decisions in mid-air ], Perception [looking for small targets on the ground]?

Pilot-P, Range-L, Perception, Cool. Sky Troopers dont' fix em, they ride em, fixers are called Mechanics.

I can get behind that, I also thought about Gunnery for Armor-Mounted Launchers etc...

Range-L, jetpacks, speeder bikes, fast stuff. Throwing grenades like Madalorians.

On 7/12/2017 at 4:27 PM, Nytwyng said:

I love me some Ostrander writing...but just can't take Quinlan Vos. Of all the things to survive the continuity purge and stay in canon, he has to be one of them?

Ostrander's Suicide Squad, Hawkworld, and Quinlan Vos/Clone Wars material are my favorites among the man's work.

Curious... What did you not like about Quin?

16 minutes ago, 2P51 said:

Range-L, jetpacks, speeder bikes, fast stuff. Throwing grenades like Madalorians.

Boba Fett had a jetpack-mounted missile...just sayin...8D okay so he only used it once ever...or am I confused with SWTOR again?

Just because you use something doesn't mean you automatically get it as a Skill or Talent.

18 minutes ago, 2P51 said:

Just because you use something doesn't mean you automatically get it as a Skill or Talent.

And just because you don't, doesn't mean you shouldn't. There are many (too many, IMO) cases where a specialization's career skills are questionable based upon what talents the spec offers.

23 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

And just because you don't, doesn't mean you shouldn't. There are many (too many, IMO) cases where a specialization's career skills are questionable based upon what talents the spec offers.

I see that skills are selected to build up the concept of a character rather than the pure mechanical nature of the spec.

1 hour ago, Harlock999 said:

Ostrander's Suicide Squad, Hawkworld, and Quinlan Vos/Clone Wars material are my favorites among the man's work.

Curious... What did you not like about Quin?

Hard to put a finger on it. He rubbed me the wrong way from the start. The elements of his character in and of themselves don't present a problem to me, but put together as a whole, combined with the execution just never clicked for me. I always had the feeling that he didn't offer anything I hadn't seen before (or, in hindsight, since), but done much better than with Vos. Even by Ostrander himself - Cade Skywalker shares a lot of similarities to Vos in character, but never had me rolling my eyes like Vos.

10 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

Cade Skywalker shares a lot of similarities to Vos in character, but never had me rolling my eyes like Vos.

Heh. To me, Cade ispure eyeroll. He's the living embodiment of all that's terrible about the 90s. Vader pants, bad attitude, and a perm? He's the ultimate cringe.

Edited by Stan Fresh
2 hours ago, Stan Fresh said:

Heh. To me, Cade ispure eyeroll. He's the living embodiment of all that's terrible about the 90s. Vader pants, bad attitude, and a perm? He's the ultimate cringe.

I can understand that. Both of the characters are "bad boys," and share a lot of other traits. (Vos just has face tats, bad attitude, and dreds instead :lol: ). But I found Cade's character and story more interesting than Vos'.

Different franchise, but I had a similar reaction to Ronon Dex on Stargate Atlantis. Nothing inherently wrong with the character or actor, but I just never really warmed to him. (Maybe it was the overabundance of "lookit what a bad@ss Ronin is" episodes. Which made me glad when they gave us the "that's not s [email protected]'s a bad@***" episode guest-starring SG-1's Teal'c.)

11 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

the characters are "bad boys," and share a lot of other traits. Vos just has face tats, bad attitude, and dreds instead

To be fair, those yellow markings and dreadlocks - as well as the psychometry talent - are fairly commonplace amongst the Kiffar (Vos' human-like species).

As for Quin being a "bad boy?" Well, kinda. I mean, he IS the Jedi most associated with flirting with the Dark Side. But I don't see him being any more of a "bad boy" than, say, Anakin.

On 7/14/2017 at 6:35 PM, Nytwyng said:

Hard to put a finger on it. He rubbed me the wrong way from the start. The elements of his character in and of themselves don't present a problem to me, but put together as a whole, combined with the execution just never clicked for me. I always had the feeling that he didn't offer anything I hadn't seen before (or, in hindsight, since), but done much better than with Vos.

The initial amnesiac approach I might agree with... But his relationships with Aayla, Tholme, Khaleen, and ESPECIALLY Vilmarh "Villie" ("so happy for you to be seeing me again") Grahrk were really nuanced and a LOT of fun.

49 minutes ago, Harlock999 said:

The initial amnesiac approach I might agree with... But his relationships with Aayla, Tholme, Khaleen, and ESPECIALLY Vilmarh "Villie" ("so happy for you to be seeing me again") Grahrk were really nuanced and a LOT of fun.

...for you.

Again, the character just never clicked for me. And, those elements that you list as positives, as I mentioned, I've seen their like before and since, and enjoyed them more than with Vos.

Glad you enjoyed him. I just don't. After all this time, the odds of me changing my mind are far steeper than 3720:1.

Dawn of Rebellion ...sounds like Spark of Rebellion :) .Well, It is kind of neat to see them publish this. I kinda would like to think that my crew at RPG.buzz had a bit of a hand in this ;) when we did Spark of Rebellion.... even more so that I sent a printed copy to FFG about a year ago. I will be very curious to see how close we got to the official book when its comes out. Whats even funnier to me is that they use Kanan, out of all the characters they could have chosen, for the cover of the book like we did.

Maybe we SHOULD get together again and make a imperial source book ( Jaspor's idea back in the day) and then maybe 2 years down the road FFG will make an official one.

Edited by Drathen
On 7/14/2017 at 11:34 AM, 2P51 said:

Not the way I would build it and I have no idea what balance you are talking about, it's not an MMO.

Game balance is a concern for all games, not just MMOs. The list of TTRPGs where devs ignored balance for "coolness" is full of notorious offenders, with Shadowrun and Rifts as Public Enemies #1.

A jet pack specialization:

  • removes a character from any possibility of hand-to-hand combat (a la, the D&D "Fly" spell)
  • gives the character the option to move to a range band outside of blasters on the ground, all the while dropping grenades

If the character gets his jet pack shot out from under him, there's the possibility that he's going to fall a looooong way.

Whether you like the Beast Rider specialization or not, the reason why it's in the Ace book is pretty obvious. If your specialization is "drive thing that moves you from point A to point B," that's the Ace career.

On 7/14/2017 at 4:28 PM, GandofGand said:

Boba Fett had a jetpack-mounted missile...just sayin...8D okay so he only used it once ever...or am I confused with SWTOR again?

Boba Fett is a Bounty Hunter and is outside the purview of Age of Rebellion and the Death Watch were literally portrayed as terrorists, not soldiers. Clone troopers used them in the Clone Wars TV show but they used them as glorified parachutes. We've never actually seen jet packs used en mass on the battlefield in a Star Wars film or show.

It's non-canonical but I like this quote from the West End Games D6 SW game: " A lot of the younger soldiers thought we oughta be zipping around the battlefield on jetpacks. But one direct hit, and you're grounded. Maybe forever. "

I like this first entry into an "all three core rule book line" era sourcebook, especially as my work in progress campaign will be set 9 years before the Battle of Yavin and the material in this new sourcebook can potentially be very useful to me.

On 7/17/2017 at 4:53 AM, Drathen said:

Dawn of Rebellion ...sounds like Spark of Rebellion

Was this the sourcebook where Batman and Superman fight?

I hope to see stats for the Imperial Raider and the new stuff shown in Rogue One.

2 hours ago, Desslok said:

Was this the sourcebook where Batman and Superman fight?

You mean Punisher and Miracleman, don't you? :P