Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I 100% agree, Locket. I want new stuff, too.

Corporate sector is my big one, but a not insignificant part off me wants to be selfish and have my favorite planet, Socorro, get the FFG treatment, too! I'd be better than endless rehashes.

Don't get me wrong: I'm perfectly fine with revisiting the iconic locations...as long as they're sprinkled in among the new and unique. Like a sort of garnish. Movie garnish! But focusing solely on things that have already appeared in a film or TV show? That's boring!

Strip out ties?


More seriously, I agree that a corporate, Tion Hegemony/Mon Calamari area or a shadowport thing that you suggest would be great. I am not that keen on the corporate sector after reading the Hutt book though (quite underwelming in its description of the hutts and their numbers). However, emphasis seems to be in the rebellion content. I find the rebellion to be quite boring myself (and jedi for that matter) but there is where the story is in the pop culture.

Edited by MonCal
7 minutes ago, MonCal said:




And those heels! That might get me to fly a TIE. Or at least give it a go...

Calling Gigorans "Snow Wookies" is a slap in the face to Talz everywhere...still shocked we haven't seen official Talz stats yet since they've been statted in numerous books as NPCs and there are several pieces of artwork featuring them. But, no, we get Gigorans. The species seen for about 5 seconds in the films. /endrant

1 minute ago, Tweedledope said:

Calling Gigorans "Snow Wookies" is a slap in the face to Talz everywhere...still shocked we haven't seen official Talz stats yet since they've been statted in numerous books as NPCs and there are several pieces of artwork featuring them. But, no, we get Gigorans. The species seen for about 5 seconds in the films. /endrant

You mean like Talz were before that one Clone Wars episode?...

7 minutes ago, Ebak said:

You mean like Talz were before that one Clone Wars episode?...

Hey, hey, Muftak is OG Chalmun's Cantina. Can't mess with that shiznit.

And I didn't know the Talz weren't a playable species yet. That's...kind of a strange omission, if you ask me.

1 hour ago, Concise Locket said:

I'm not seeing how that ties into a statistically measured - i.e. operational - Death Star, which is what was presented in the preview.

Was it?

swr10_ds-1_death_star.png No weapons stats, no fighter compliment, etc. We’ve got size, speed, and occupancy information.

That’s not to say that the final book won’t had stats for a fully armed and operational battle station. But, the preview doesn’t necessarily indicate one, and the Price/Rarity listing could be a nod to the DS II, the rumors of yet another Death Star in TLJ*, or could lend itself to the multiple Death Stars concept: “Almost all of them also believe the gigantic battle station to be unique.”

*(Personally, I think it’s just toy packaging trade dress designed to highlight the latest movie, but encompass them all.)

2 hours ago, Concise Locket said:

Edge would really benefit from one or two more setting supplements - a shadowports book and a Corporate Sector book would be inherently more useful and welcome

I agree, i'd love to see a shadowport book.

While it isn't a shadowport, I wouldn't be surprised if we see some detail on Ring of Kafrene from Rouge One. Which I at least thought was an interesting setting.

7 minutes ago, ThreeAM said:

I agree, i'd love to see a shadowport book.

While it isn't a shadowport, I wouldn't be surprised if we see some detail on Ring of Kafrene from Rouge One. Which I at least thought was an interesting setting.

I’ve been circling the details of a planet sheet for the Ring of Kafrene, but I’m holding off until this book comes out.

On 7/11/2017 at 11:08 PM, vilainn6 said:

Lol you never saw the Wookie Marauder with a vibro-axe who is only useful to cleave people in half to say such stupidity

I made a gonk droid bounty hunter named STOMPER that could stomp a Jedi to death wothout getting a scratch. Martial artists are great!

Edited by Degenerate Mind
7 hours ago, Tweedledope said:

Calling Gigorans "Snow Wookies" is a slap in the face to Talz everywhere...still shocked we haven't seen official Talz stats yet since they've been statted in numerous books as NPCs and there are several pieces of artwork featuring them. But, no, we get Gigorans. The species seen for about 5 seconds in the films. /endrant

Noted, but the special thing about Gigorans is that they're one of the few species to ORIGINATE in a Star Wars RPG that made it to the big screen, back in 1994's Star Wars Adventure Journals from West End Games. The Talz are a great species, though! I had the opportunity to write up the chadra-fan for Stay on Target, and Kabe needs his big Talz buddy! (though Pablo recently revealed the cantina chadra-fan was more likely hanging with Ponda Boba and Dr. Evazon in the cantina)

11 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

Was it?

swr10_ds-1_death_star.png No weapons stats, no fighter compliment, etc. We’ve got size, speed, and occupancy information.

That’s not to say that the final book won’t had stats for a fully armed and operational battle station. But, the preview doesn’t necessarily indicate one, and the Price/Rarity listing could be a nod to the DS II, the rumors of yet another Death Star in TLJ*, or could lend itself to the multiple Death Stars concept: “Almost all of them also believe the gigantic battle station to be unique.”

*(Personally, I think it’s just toy packaging trade dress designed to highlight the latest movie, but encompass them all.)

I like how an outstanding pilot appears capable of fluing the Death Star through an asteroid field. It might take a reroll along the way, and some Force powers would be necessary, but that -5 handling isn't insurmountable by any means.

Edited by Degenerate Mind

Keep in mind that most all Piloting checks use Silhouette as the base difficulty. So that outstanding pilot had better be able to make Difficulty 20 checks with some regularity if she wants to get it through that asteroid field :P !

4 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Keep in mind that most all Piloting checks use Silhouette as the base difficulty. So that outstanding pilot had better be able to make Difficulty 20 checks with some regularity if she wants to get it through that asteroid field :P !

****. I thought speed was the base. Speaking of which, full throttle is one **** of a drug when you're flying the Death Star.

Edited by Degenerate Mind

They both are! That's the beauty of it! It's built like a skill check, with Speed and Silhouette instead of Skill and Characteristic!

It's half silhouette or speed, whichever is higher. So be of good cheer, would be Death Star pilot - it's only nine difficulty dice, one challenge die, and five setback dice!

Let's see, Skilled Jockey 5 - check! Natural Pilot - check! Is there a "reduce difficulty by 1 for 2 strain" talent for Piloting? Definitely going to want one of those!

Not enough Larger Project in the game to get the Death Star as a signature vehicle, alas.

14 minutes ago, coyote6 said:

It's half silhouette or speed, whichever is higher. So be of good cheer, would be Death Star pilot - it's only nine difficulty dice, one challenge die, and five setback dice!

Let's see, Skilled Jockey 5 - check! Natural Pilot - check! Is there a "reduce difficulty by 1 for 2 strain" talent for Piloting? Definitely going to want one of those!

Not enough Larger Project in the game to get the Death Star as a signature vehicle, alas.

That's great to hear - my dreams have hope after all!

In case anyone was wondering, no. I have not played a pilot before.

On the topic of the death star.... Do we have evidence on how a NORMAL battle station is and its capabilities?

21 hours ago, Tweedledope said:

Calling Gigorans "Snow Wookies" is a slap in the face to Talz everywhere...still shocked we haven't seen official Talz stats yet since they've been statted in numerous books as NPCs and there are several pieces of artwork featuring them. But, no, we get Gigorans. The species seen for about 5 seconds in the films. /endrant

It seems that FFG is sticking to its unofficial policy of only offering up playable races that are star-faring (or can be assumed to be star-faring). Talz, like the Ewoks and Tusken Raiders, sit somewhere between the stone and iron ages.


On the topic of the death star.... Do we have evidence on how a NORMAL battle station is and its capabilities?

Fly Casual has a sample Imperial space station. Death Stars are considered "battle stations" because they're hyperspace capable.

Edited by Concise Locket
21 hours ago, Ebak said:

You mean like Talz were before that one Clone Wars episode?...

Not necessarily. Kabe and Muftak had extensive storylines in (now) non-canonical books. Also, don't forget about Foul Moudama from Star Wars: Clone Wars.

They had about as much screen time as Ithorians and we've seen them printed TWICE.

14 hours ago, KRKappel said:

Noted, but the special thing about Gigorans is that they're one of the few species to ORIGINATE in a Star Wars RPG that made it to the big screen, back in 1994's Star Wars Adventure Journals from West End Games. The Talz are a great species, though! I had the opportunity to write up the chadra-fan for Stay on Target, and Kabe needs his big Talz buddy! (though Pablo recently revealed the cantina chadra-fan was more likely hanging with Ponda Boba and Dr. Evazon in the cantina)

Chadra-Fan are my favorite species write-up. Also seems to work to call that stat block a Jawa, too. I'd love to see what you could do with the Talz. Oh, and while we're at it, go ahead and take a stab at the Amanin. ?

Kabe and Muftak are both sketchy hustlers in the old EU Mos Eisley story collection, as well as in the new From a Certain Point of View . In neither story is Muftak's background elucidated. No one seems to know how the kriff a Talz got on Tatooine.

16 minutes ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

Kabe and Muftak are both sketchy hustlers in the old EU Mos Eisley story collection, as well as in the new From a Certain Point of View . In neither story is Muftak's background elucidated. No one seems to know how the kriff a Talz got on Tatooine.

The Talz have contact with starfaring species. It's not hard to think a few of them could have been introduced to the galaxy.

Just now, Stan Fresh said:

The Talz have contact with starfaring species. It's not hard to think a few of them could have been introduced to the galaxy.

Oh, on a meta level, yes, I know, but in the stories no one knows how Muftak ended up there. :)

2 hours ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

Oh, on a meta level, yes, I know, but in the stories no one knows how Muftak ended up there. :)

The same way any non-native ended up there...a starship.

Or perhaps a Star Dragon gave him a lift. Or he stumbled onto an ancient hyperspace transport device that creates wormholes and he ended up in the desert. That's probably more likely...

4 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

The same way any non-native ended up there...a starship.

Or perhaps a Star Dragon gave him a lift. Or he stumbled onto an ancient hyperspace transport device that creates wormholes and he ended up in the desert. That's probably more likely...

He's probably an anchor baby.