Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

20 hours ago, Absol197 said:

You're mostly right :) . Farsight needs to be activated every couple of rounds, although with 2 Force points and both duration upgrades, you only need to do it once every three rounds. However, as mentioned above, Kanan has a variant called Kanan's Farsight, which is a passive ability.

Yeah I have a player playing a blind Force Sensitive in a group. We treat things as they just can't make perception checks to see and some information isn't known by that character based on perception checks but that they have some sense of their surroundings narratively through their connection to the Force and due to training with their blindness for years.

Secretly I was going to give the player their own unique version of Farsight that could be used on a more consistent basis than wasting every 3rd turn to be able to see.

29 minutes ago, Demon4x4 said:


A little disappointed it' not sil 3. I kinda understand but disappointed none the less

Yeah, but I can't think of any sil 3's that can hold 12 peeps.

I knew that would happen as soon as I said that. lol

The stats for the Fang Fighter are different than the ones in "No Disintegrations".

1 hour ago, Eoen said:

The stats for the Fang Fighter are different than the ones in "No Disintegrations".

is there a logical explanation why? i.e., was this a specific craft rather than the generic version?

7 minutes ago, Bojanglez said:

is there a logical explanation why? i.e., was this a specific craft rather than the generic version?

Nope, the blurb is smaller. This version has shields, less hull trauma and strain, medium lasers, and more reloads for the proton torpedo launcher. It's also made by SoroSuub. No low profile rules.

This one also has no hyperdrive or navicomputer.

Edited by Eoen

Perhaps Disney had a change of plans between those two books, there really is no other explanation since the mouse checks everything

Any word yet on amazon availability?

Would like to not to have to spend $70AUD on this book.

3 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

Perhaps Disney had a change of plans between those two books, there really is no other explanation since the mouse checks everything

Technically not Disney Lucasfilm does, which is an owned subdivision of Disney, but a separate entity in itself. I actually think that Disney probably take a step back from a lot of the day to day running for LFL, they have more than enough properties, Im sure if there was problems with what LFL was doing they wouldnt be shy in replacing Kathleen Kennedy though.

RE: The Fang Fighter

Could just be different authors. There was a similar issue with the Lannik, who have different stats in Keeping the Peace and Lead by Example, with the KtP version being labeled the "correct" one by Sam Stewart on an O66 podcast, and the AoR errata updates that LbE to match KtP.

As I seem to recall hearing (and could be mistaken), No Disentegrations was actually completed some time ago, so it's entirely possible that whoever wrote up the Fang Fighter for DoR simply wasn't aware that the Fang Fighter had already been covered, or the design team decided that the versions Feen Rau's group used were different enough to warrant a different stat block.

Then again, the first sentence of the DoR's descriptive blurb does say " based upon the designs for the Death Watch Gauntlet fighter used in the Clone Wars..." So could very well be that this is a variant design in contrast to previously published Mandalorian Protectorate Starfighter, one built for and used by the Protectors specifically rather than a general-usage Mandalorian design.


7 hours ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

RE: The Fang Fighter

Could just be different authors. There was a similar issue with the Lannik, who have different stats in Keeping the Peace and Lead by Example, with the KtP version being labeled the "correct" one by Sam Stewart on an O66 podcast, and the AoR errata updates that LbE to match KtP.

As I seem to recall hearing (and could be mistaken), No Disentegrations was actually completed some time ago, so it's entirely possible that whoever wrote up the Fang Fighter for DoR simply wasn't aware that the Fang Fighter had already been covered, or the design team decided that the versions Feen Rau's group used were different enough to warrant a different stat block.

Then again, the first sentence of the DoR's descriptive blurb does say " based upon the designs for the Death Watch Gauntlet fighter used in the Clone Wars..." So could very well be that this is a variant design in contrast to previously published Mandalorian Protectorate Starfighter, one built for and used by the Protectors specifically rather than a general-usage Mandalorian design.

They both say their for the protectorate.

I really think they’re the same ship. Though the text blurb in no disentigrations says the ship has medium cannons while the stat block says twin light.

Edited by Eoen
1 hour ago, Eoen said:


Hmm... googling that gives me nothing.

What is it and where's it from?

Anyone else notice that the "Inquisitorius Lightsabers" sidebar on page 67 allows turning the spinnysabers into coptersabers?

25 minutes ago, OddballE8 said:

Hmm... googling that gives me nothing.

What is it and where's it from?

I'm guessing it's new, or newly named, in dawn of rebellion. But after a statement like he gave we must have more info about it... it'd be rude of him to just leave us hanging

2 hours ago, Eoen said:


Please elaborate, what makes it so cool.

56 minutes ago, OddballE8 said:

Hmm... googling that gives me nothing.

What is it and where's it from?

On 2/22/2018 at 10:34 PM, Wilhelm Screamer said:

so does anyone know where the KST-100 is from? I've been looking around and can't find a source for it

EDIT: just realized after checking the description again that it is this ship from the kanan comics


1 hour ago, OddballE8 said:

Hmm... googling that gives me nothing.

What is it and where's it from?

It’s from the secret history of Kanan Jarrus.

Looks like a HWK competitor.

Small, fast, Corellian. Decent hard points 4 and it’s already armed.

Small, silloquette 3.

4 passenger state rooms.

Edited by Eoen

So... species stats?

3 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

so is it the ship Kanan is in or the one behind him?

3 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

so is it the ship Kanan is in or the one behind him?

It's been a while since I read the series, but I believe they're one and the same, just stylistically presented. Notice that the red ship, some of the ARCs' blasts, and Coruscant itself appear to be "inside" the cockpit that young Caleb/Kanan is sitting in.

Edited by Nytwyng
On 2/22/2018 at 11:54 PM, Absol197 said:

Kanan's ability in this book basically is just: "Yeah, he's blind, but it doesn't matter, because Force." He doesn't need to spend actions or maneuvers or anything to maintain the ability.

A PC, however, would need to use the Farsight power, and thus need to spend the occasional action.

or the GM can handwave...

35 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

or the GM can handwave...

It's called Kanan's Farsight it's unique to him, I assume a hand waive could make it fit a blind PC no problem.