Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

11 minutes ago, penpenpen said:

I might be reading it wrong, but it seems that Farsight needs to be activated with an action every round (or every few rounds with duration upgrades) to let a blind man see. There is a control upgrade that allows the user to commit to get the ongoing effect, but that only seems to apply to the increased Perception effect? Or does it apply to the activated basic power as well? Would it make other activated control effects like 360 vision and seeing through objects ongoing as well?

Maybe I should be shooting this question of to the devs rather than a fellow fan? :P

You're mostly right :) . Farsight needs to be activated every couple of rounds, although with 2 Force points and both duration upgrades, you only need to do it once every three rounds. However, as mentioned above, Kanan has a variant called Kanan's Farsight, which is a passive ability.

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

Can you post a photo of each of the specialization trees, or at least the force adherent, padawan survivor, and retired clone trooper, also what are the silhouettes, passenger capacity, and presence or lack thereof of a hyperdrive of each of the "shuttles" in the book.

I don't have a good way to post photos, and I would be uncomfortable doing so anyway, but I can confirm that the layouts that Khaz posted earlier were 100% accurate.

The vehicles aren't all in one place in this book; each type of vehicle is listed with the organization that uses it, and vehicles are my biggest weakness (I just don't care about vehicles :P ), but if you can give me a few, I can try to find as many as possible and give you an idea of what's in here.

Can you give a brief overview of what the new talents do?

48 minutes ago, Khazadune said:

Seriously? This is not a request you should be making. Sharing some of the info falls under the Open Gaming License but actual photographs of something that is banned from being released as a PDF to begin with is one **** of a leap too far. I’ve worked in copyright infringement for years and I despise this sort of thing with every fibre of my being.

Is this really any different than the pdf specialization sheets put together by members of the community and shared freely here that ffg doesn't have problems with? Hasn't ffg said that photocopying/sharing just those specific pages is ok? It's not like I'm asking for the long form of the talent descriptions which I believe are what's off limits. Now if I'm wrong about what ffg permits, then I apologize for asking and withdraw the request, but spec tree pages have been posted on these forums before and I've never heard of ffg asking anyone to take them down or removing them themselves which they do have the ability to do.

The Retired Clone Trooper spec states that your character must be a human male. In exchange for the restriction, the character gets six career skills. However, the talents are not specific to being a clone, per se, and would be appropriate to a more general “Veteran” spec, if you want. However, if you choose to open the spec to all races, sexes, and ages, I suppose you’d probably want to drop the spec down to four career skills.

Anyone else with the book have thoughts on the matter? Also, I didn’t see anywhere that it’s suggested the universal specs could be substituted for class specs or that the universals could be provided for free. The base rule for specs still looks to be intact.

17 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

You're mostly right :) . Farsight needs to be activated every couple of rounds, although with 2 Force points and both duration upgrades, you only need to do it once every three rounds. However, as mentioned above, Kanan has a variant called Kanan's Farsight, which is a passive ability.

Gotcha. It makes it somewhat impractical to use it to work around permanent blindness (but barring cybernetics, there isn't a lot of options), which is why I was curious how they'd handled it with Kanaan.

1 minute ago, Richardbuxton said:

Can you give a brief overview of what the new talents do?

Sure! I'm going to do that first, as that's something I care about :P !

Force Adherent:

--Disciple of Lore: Once per round, suffer 1 strain to decrease the difficulty of a Knowledge (Lore) check by ranks.

--Push Aside: After ANY successful melee check, you can push the target out to short range, in any direction you want (no cost). A Triumph can be spent to knock them over at the same time.

--As the Force Wills It: When you're making your end-of-encounter checks to recover stain, you can replace the Simple Discipline or Cool check with an Easy Knowledge (Lore) check. If you spend a Triumph, you heal all strain. (At its core, this is a weaker version of One with Nature due to the difficulty increase, but I think the Triumph effect makes it about even).

--Extended Reach: When using a two-handed Melee weapon, suffer 1 strain to make a combat check against a target at short range.

--Disciplined Soul: Spend 1 Destiny Point after making a Discipline check to spend a number of Threat no greater than your ranks in Knowledge (Lore) as if they were Advantage.

Imperial Academy Cadet:

--Know the Enemy: You can use Knowledge (Warfare) for Initiative checks.

--By the Book: One per encounter, before making a combat check, suffer 2 strain to add 1 Advantage per rank to the check.

--Formation Tactics: Make a Hard Leadership check. Upgrade the difficulty of combat checks against one ally in short range per Success once until the end of your next turn.

--Formation Tactics (Improved): The difficulty becomes Average, and you may spend 6 Advantage (or a Triumph) for the effect to last until the end of the encounter.

--Targeted Firepower: Once per session, make a Hard Knowledge (Warfare) check targeting an enemy. For the rest of the encounter, allies in short range add one Advantage per Success to combat checks targeting that enemy.

Padawan Survivor:

--Secrets of the Jedi: Gain Lightsaber as a career skill. Decrease the difficulty of checks to construct or repair lightsabers a number of times equal to half your ranks in Knowledge (Lore) (round up).

--Secrets of the Jedi (Improved): Gain Discipline as a career skill. The effect applies to adding mods to lightsabers.

--Disorienting Strike: spend 2 Advantage (or a Triumph) on a missed Lightsaber combat check to disorient the target for 3 rounds.

--Trust No One: When targeted by a social check, you can suffer 1 strain to add a Failure to the check. If you do and the check fails, you may spend a Despair to perform a maneuver immediately.

-- Temple Training : Spend a Destiny Point to add damage to one hit of a Lightsaber check equal to your ranks in Knowledge (Lore).


--Knows the Ropes: Add a Boost per rank in Knowledge (Underworld) to checks to escape from restraints. You can spend a Triumph to free any allies in close range.

--Fearsome Rep: Add an Advantage per rank to Coercion checks.

--Double Talk: Spend 2 Advantage (or a Triumph) on a successful Charm or Deception check to disorient a number of opponents up to your Presence in short range for the rest of the round and tow more rounds.

--Prepare to be Boarded!: (The exclamation point is important :P ) Once per encounter, make an opposed Coercion vs. Discipline check against an enemy ship captain. The target suffers 1 strain per Success, and you can spend 4 Advantage (or a Triumph) to inflict extra strain equal to your Coercion. If the target is incapacitated, they immediately surrender their ship to you.

--Altered Deal: Once per session, make a Hard Coercion check to change a pre-existing deal to terms more to your advantage.

Retired Clone Trooper (as a side note, in the description of the specialization on the page opposite the tree, it does mention that you must be a "human male" to take the tree, because you have to be a clone; I am very disappointed with that :( ):

--Steady Aim: You don't lose the benefits of aiming if you do something else between aiming and firing.

--Combat Veteran: Add a Boost per rank to Brawl and Discipline checks.

--Persistent Targeting: After making a successful combat check against a target, you add a Boost to all other combat checks made against that target for the rest of the encounter.

--Comrades in Arms: Once per encounter, make a Hard Discipline check. You and one ally per Success in medium range gain +1 defense for the rest of the encounter.

--Comrades in Arms (Improved): spend 3 Advantage (or a Triumph) to give one affected character +1 soak as well.

Ship Captain:

--Pride and Joy: One ship of Silhouette 4+ is your Pride and Joy. Upgrade social checks made within short range of your Pride and Joy once.

--Pride and Joy (Improved): Whenever you recover strain while in your Pride and Joy, recover +1 strain. When making end-of-encounter checks to recover strain, you may spend Advantage to have an ally in the ship recover 1 strain.

--Pride and Joy (Supreme): Once per session while piloting your Pride and Joy, you can reduce the effective Silhouette by 2 until the end of the next round.

--Seen a Lot of Things: Spend 3 Advantage (or a Triumph) on a failed Knowledge check to attempt the check again the next round.

--Trust the Captain: Make a Hard Leadership check to have all allies in short range increase their ranks in Discipline by your ranks in this talent for the rest of the encounter.

--Inspiring Leadership: Make an Average Leadership check to have a number of allies up to your Presence in short range add 1 Success to their next skill check.

--Most Impressive: Spend a Triumph from any skill check you make to give allies up to your Presence in short range 1 Advantage on their next check.

I'm not going to go into any more detail than that, but that should be more than enough for you all to work with to start :) .

Farsight has no commit option other then for enhancing perception. Basically Kanaan's ability does nothing to solve his I can't see problem.

Now if he replaced Duration 1 and 2 with Mastery: Commit allowing him to commit a force die to maintain the base power indefinitely and a Mastery that then made it not require a commit then it would be cool.

1 minute ago, Decorus said:

Farsight has no commit option other then for enhancing perception. Basically Kanaan's ability does nothing to solve his I can't see problem.

Now if he replaced Duration 1 and 2 with Mastery: Commit allowing him to commit a force die to maintain the base power indefinitely and a Mastery that then made it not require a commit then it would be cool.

Kanan's ability in this book basically is just: "Yeah, he's blind, but it doesn't matter, because Force." He doesn't need to spend actions or maneuvers or anything to maintain the ability.

A PC, however, would need to use the Farsight power, and thus need to spend the occasional action.

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

...also what are the silhouettes, passenger capacity, and presence or lack thereof of a hyperdrive of each of the "shuttles" in the book.

I'm making no guarantee that I've got all of them, but here are the shuttles I can find:

--Phantom I: Sil 3, Passenger Capacity 8, Hyperdrive 2(15).

--Phantom II: Sil 4, Passenger Capacity 8, Hyperdrive 2(10).

--T-3C Shuttle: Sil 4, Passenger Capacity 30, Hyperdrive 1(10).

--Zeta Cargo Shuttle: Sil 4, Passenger Capacity 50, Hyperdrive 3(12).

...That may actually be all of them. Apparently I thought there were more ships in the book than there actually were after my first pass...

36 minutes ago, Atticus Havelock said:

The Retired Clone Trooper spec states that your character must be a human male. In exchange for the restriction, the character gets six career skills. However, the talents are not specific to being a clone, per se, and would be appropriate to a more general “Veteran” spec, if you want. However, if you choose to open the spec to all races, sexes, and ages, I suppose you’d probably want to drop the spec down to four career skills.

Anyone else with the book have thoughts on the matter? Also, I didn’t see anywhere that it’s suggested the universal specs could be substituted for class specs or that the universals could be provided for free. The base rule for specs still looks to be intact.

I’m going to walk back my initial impression of the Retired Clone Trooper. The requirement that one must be a human male is strictly fluff, as there are no mechanical adjustments in the system for being an old man. And restricting the spec to humans is not really a disadvantage, since humans are a pretty good species.

As such, I suppose my recommendation to reskin the spec as a generic “Veteran” would not necessitate reducing the career skills to four (instead of the listed six). Keep it as is. If it’s balanced for a human male, it should work just fine for a Twi’lek female.

That said, it is a badass spec. I really wish they hadn’t included the needless restrictions, but it should hardly prevent any but the most diehard RAW adherents from expanding its availability.

Wouldn't the Padawan spec be better if it had spec skills instead of force rating. It seems like it be better for a F & D character but they don't get the force die.

Edited by Eoen
4 minutes ago, Eoen said:

Wouldn't the Padawan spec be better if it had spec skills instead of force rating. It seems like it be better for a F & D character but they don't get the force die.

I look at it this way:

If a Padawan Survivor continued to develop their Force abilities, they’d be one of the core classes from F&D. If they instead progressed into a class from one of the other two lines, then Padawan Survivor would be appropriate to reflect their childhood training (even though they grew up to be something other than a Force user).

6 minutes ago, Eoen said:

Wouldn't the Padawan spec be better if it had spec skills instead of force rating. It seems like it be better for a F & D character but they don't get the force die.

The spec is designed to more make a character around an EotE or AoR career with a padawan background. Essentially a character with enough oomph to claim Jedi training without going all the way that a F&D career does. The unique talents are nice, but that is generally true of all of the universal specs. This is a jumping off point for Force Use rather than a later step like it would be for a F&D career.

Every F&D career can get Lightsaber as a career skill with an in house spec, possibly Discipline too. If they ever do a Prequel era book I could see a regular Padawan spec with a lot of talent duplication (probably not Trust No One for obvious reasons) that grants skills instead of a Force Rating.

And, in case it’s not painfully obvious, the Commodore just became insanely awesome with the advent of the Ship Captain.

2 hours ago, Atticus Havelock said:

The Retired Clone Trooper spec states that your character must be a human male.


1 hour ago, Eoen said:

Wouldn't the Padawan spec be better if it had spec skills instead of force rating. It seems like it be better for a F & D character but they don't get the force die.

The Padawan tree is an odd one in my opinion. I agree that it might be better to give it a force upgrade instead of dedication, and give it skills. But it is still a hugely awesome tree. Fairly easy to buy into with a cheap combined 3 levels of parry and reflect. Plus a nice mix of stealth and face skills.

I like the universal trees, but as others have mentioned, they seem like good backgrounds, not something to be bought after character creation.

one of my group pre-ordered it from FFG so I flicked through it tonight and it's gorgeous. Mine won't be here till 3/3 (oh COME ON, CSI!).

If enough universal specs come out then a good option for GM’s starting a game is to gift all pc’s one free universal spec at creation.

I definitely think Ships Captain is an awesome spec to fit into the commander career.

Padwan Survivor also works really well for a character with an escaped padwan mentor. So let’s say you find yourself on some backwater planet with the local hermit giving you life advice, enter PS

The human male restriction on clone trooper seems a bit wishy washy to me. I'd prefer to see a something like a clone species (basically human with most of the xp pre-spent to get something like the stormtrooper statline and very few options in general, basically the anti-droid) or else they shouldn't have bothered.

Edited by penpenpen

Just an update for the UK... I pre-ordered this from Shiny Games waaaaaay back in August.

I emailed them this morning to check when the expect to have it & they tell me they’re hoping to have it here in 3 weeks ?

5 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

If enough universal specs come out then a good option for GM’s starting a game is to gift all pc’s one free universal spec at creation.

I give a chunk of starting XP to starting characters, on the basis that they can't ever take non-career specs. They're either an established in-game badass or someone like Rey who's some sort of awesome prodigy.

As we seem to be slightly derailing the book thread, maybe I'll start another one purely for reskinning specs?

Wow. The U-wing is really, really good. Like, only falling short of HWK-levels of OP-good.

A little weak on the armor side but with the strong basic statline and fairly generous amount of hardpoints it oozes potential. Stick some proton torpedoes on it and it will give the both the x- and y-wings a run for their money even before you stick more performance enhancing attachments and/or weaponry on it. And it's damned cheap too in comparison. Sil 4 might be a little bit of bother when the smaller capships come out or when facing fighters with tricky target-like shenanigans but the extra HT and SST should make up for it. And it can be a ship captain's pride and joy.

10 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

You do know there are multiple PDF’s with links posted on these boards that have full replications of all the specialisations, Signature Abilities and Force Powers. The sharing of the trees (not the full talent description mind you, just the abridged tree versions) has been going on since the first few months of EotE.

If you don’t want to share them then that’s fine, I have no problem with that and respect your choice. Someone will share though as has always happened, without any word from FFG.

At the bottom of each page for the talent trees it specificallys states, “Permission given to print and photocopy this page for personal use only. LFL FFG”

No, you are not allowed to share it. You may have done so in the past, but it is specifically stated that you cannot do so, and so any sharing was and remains, a violation.

Oh, flicking through this book one more time, do you know what I realized?

OggDude is gonna have to work triple time to get all the stats in this one's taken down :D ! But I'm sure he's up to the challenge :) .