Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

5 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Do they actually give system information for Lothal in this one, or like in Nexus of Power is it mostly "Unknown?"

5 pages worth of content sound good to you?

1 minute ago, Desslok said:

ARRRRGH! Stupid street dates! My FLGS has copies, but cant sell them until tomorrow!


Hey that’s a look of longing love reserved for Companions alone!

Edited by Khazadune

If K9 and Kamelion count as a companions, then my Dawn of Rebellion book can too!

Edited by Desslok
5 minutes ago, Desslok said:

If K9 and Kamelion count as a companions, then my Dawn of Rebellion book can too!

K9 should have been THE companion, loyal robot dog with a laser? Sign me up.

While I love K9, he has a very hard time competing with . . . .


13 minutes ago, Desslok said:

While I love K9, he has a very hard time competing with . . . .


Hey Tegan is the greatest! She was from Brisbane, Australia, where I am! (just kidding. she was terrible).

1 hour ago, Khazadune said:

Yes! This was one of the coolest elements for the new species along with Sa’kalla! for the Drabatans.

Basically the egg mates can spend destiny points to utilize their ability with their fused pairing. Really a sweet addition and @KRKappel should be commended for his work.

Incidentally, the Sa’kalla! I mentioned is in reference to the battle cry yelled in rogue one. There has been an amazing backstory developed for that, but I’ll let you get the book to discover it, truly one of the best Easter eggs in any system.

Hey, thanks! The species were so fun to develop on this book! Inventing from what very little information existed at the time was a great challenge that led to some fun ideas. Looking forward to seeing everyone's Drabatan builds named "Krr'mit"

2 hours ago, Desslok said:

ARRRRGH! Stupid street dates! My FLGS has copies, but cant sell them until tomorrow!


As someone who lives in Norway, where the book is unlikely to be available for at least another month, I have great sympathy for your suffering.

Oh look, I need to replace this dial on my sarcasm-meter. It just exploded. :P

1 hour ago, Krieger22 said:

As someone who lives in Norway, where the book is unlikely to be available for at least another month, I have great sympathy for your suffering.

Oh look, I need to replace this dial on my sarcasm-meter. It just exploded. :P

could be worse... you could be in Oz...

6 hours ago, Desslok said:

ARRRRGH! Stupid street dates! My FLGS has copies, but cant sell them until tomorrow!


Mine too!

1 hour ago, Daeglan said:

could be worse... you could be in Oz...

I have mine on pre-order from Milsims. I do hope they get it soon...

Got my copy. Very cool. Should dovetail nicely with my campaign when we return.

5 hours ago, Daeglan said:

could be worse... you could be in Oz...

Ha! When No Disintegrations was released, it took so long getting to the UK that some people ordered copies from Australia, which still arrived ahead of the "official" UK stock.

On ‎19‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 7:57 PM, Khazadune said:

Maul, Grand Moff Tarkin, Shelish, Krennic, Saw Gerrera, Governor Price, Commandant Aresko, Ryder Azadi, Senator Trayvis, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Agent Kallus, Darth Vader, Grand Inquisitor, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Ahsoka Tano, Commander Jun Sato, Kanan, Hera (Ghost, Phantom I, Phantom II), Chopper, Zeb, Sabine, Captain Rex, Ezra, Cikatro Vizago, Cham Syndulla, Numa, Fenn Rau, Azmorigan, Hondo, Ketsu Onyo, Lando Calrissian.

Wow, that's unexpected, and it made one player in particular very, very happy.

Can you say 'killing spree'?

Though some of these are already dead in the Marcy Cinematic Universe (Maul, most of the Rebels), and two are beyond anyone's reach (Emperor Tarkin and Bail Organa). Vader is top of that player's hit-list, and presents all kinds of problems seeing as how Anakin is long-dead. Someone suggested a Dagobah-style situation so the player can legitimately say they solo'd Vader and murderised him without it really affecting the story of the campaign.

It also brings back some very old and sore arguments about Ahsoka, who came it at #3 on the list of NPCs the players hated, but I felt very uncomfortable with the concept of the players killing her off and simply said she didn't exist. :(

Thanks to everyone who posted something. Gods know we're starved of gaming news around here lately and need something to debate.

A word on the new specs... This book seems to be a fairly radical departure from the past, with reams of canon stats and very-specific specialisations. Not really something they've done before.

Does it say anything about using (or restricting these specs) based on species? Can you have a snow-wookiee who's a 'Retired Clone Trooper' (or rather. one who has the spec)? How else would this spec get used seeing as how there's no 'clone' species?

I mean, if they'd wanted specs called vague things like 'Initiate', 'Cadet' or 'Veteran' (for RCT) they would have done that, right? I mean, the old-timers are usually giving advise to newbies not to get too hung up on the spec titles and that taking 'Thief' doesn't literally mean your character must be a criminal or steal things.

Does it say anything about restrictions on who can or can't have these specs? It seems unlikely, to put it mildly, that a wookiee or hutt or jawa would have intended an Imperial college (unless they were lab animals or something). Can these species still take the spec? Were they just taught by someone who did attend such a college?

This is kinda important to the Marcyverse because we don't allow non-class specs at all, so having some Universals at long last really opens some options for many long-standing characters with spare XP...

Edited by Maelora
On ‎20‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 3:41 AM, KRKappel said:

Posting actual stats seems like going a bit too far, no? I mean, I get sharing the table of contents, or lists of things. But if people are sharing full talent abilities and stat blocks before the book is even out, I feel like thats a bit over the line?

Why the change in FFG and mods attitudes, Keith?

I get what you're saying, but spoiling and discussing new books is an old forum tradition that goes back to the start of the game and nobody's ever questioned it? I had the honour myself with Special Modifications and it was fun for me and everyone else.

I mean, I'm pretty sure we will all be buying the books as soon as they physically arrive (which might be weeks or months for those outside the US). And others will want to put the new stuff into Oggdude's editor ahead of time.

Also, please note we're in an unprecedented famine of new stuff to debate and discuss, and are generally beginning to feel like the red-headed stepchildren, when the new shiny collectible stuff like Destiny and Legion are getting almost daily updates.

Is it a Disney thing I wonder? Sure FFG can start playing hardball but that's a change of direction for you, and right now it's a rather strange time to do it.

Edited by Maelora

Is there any clue of when this will be available on Amazon?

5 hours ago, Maelora said:

Does it say anything about using (or restricting these specs) based on species? Can you have a snow-wookiee who's a 'Retired Clone Trooper' (or rather. one who has the spec)? How else would this spec get used seeing as how there's no 'clone' species?

Now that you mention this, I wonder if it wasn't an option to include a Human-type race as the Corellian born Human or Mandalorian. That way you could create a Clone Wars Veteran Spec.

And yes, I would love to see more Universal Spec. Like a Quixotic Jedi or Arrogant Noble.

5 hours ago, Maelora said:

Why the change in FFG and mods attitudes, Keith?

I got the impression KRKappel only expressed his personal opinions as a (freelance?) writer, not official FFG policy. Khazadune took down the info of his own complete volition as I understand it, as he was wary of posting details to such extent in the first place.

25 minutes ago, penpenpen said:

I got the impression KRKappel only expressed his personal opinions as a (freelance?) writer, not official FFG policy. Khazadune took down the info of his own complete volition as I understand it, as he was wary of posting details to such extent in the first place.

Correct. I am just a freelancer. My views or statements are only my own, and don't in any way reflect FFG, Asmodee, or any individuals in their employ other than me.

As for why, I mean, I know there is a lot of sharing of table of contents type information. That seems normal. The trees, too, is normal. Lists of things contained in the book, check. I just saw a request for full on stat blocks and talent descriptions, and commented that I thought that was over the line. Just my opinion. I had not personally noticed that with previous releases (though I admittedly don't really thread-watch even all the releases I contribute to).

2 hours ago, Rithuan said:

Is there any clue of when this will be available on Amazon?

I wonder if Disney's beef with Amazon spills over onto ancillary product like the RPG. I know you are S.O.L. if you want to buy a DVD of the Last Jedi on Amazon, but I don't know about the books.

1 minute ago, Desslok said:

I wonder if Disney's beef with Amazon spills over onto ancillary product like the RPG. I know you are S.O.L. if you want to buy a DVD of the Last Jedi on Amazon, but I don't know about the books.

I got Ghosts of Dathomir through Amazon (a week early, at that), but am fairly sure it was a marketplace vendor and not Amazon directly.


The book is officially out, for those who didn't see the new release article


Speaking of this awesome artwork, I love the track from Rebels that turns the Imperial March into a parade theme .

To add—

From my understanding as told by a friend/fellow player who has an online card/gaming business on the side, the Amazon thing may be less of a Disney/Amazon issue than an Asmodee dealer requirements issue.

Prior to Asmodee taking over, he had a dealer account with FFG, and could order the books, X-Wing/Armada/Imperial Assault minis, etc. Upon Asmodee taking over, any retailers are required to have a brick and mortar presence, not just an online store, to order from them.

Newer information from my comic store of choice has told me that they’ve also upped their minimum order amount significantly since changing distributors last year, effectively eliminating smaller retailers from being able to get their product (and build demand for it so that they CAN make those minimums).

1 minute ago, Nytwyng said:

To add—

From my understanding as told by a friend/fellow player who has an online card/gaming business on the side, the Amazon thing may be less of a Disney/Amazon issue than an Asmodee dealer requirements issue.

Prior to Asmodee taking over, he had a dealer account with FFG, and could order the books, X-Wing/Armada/Imperial Assault minis, etc. Upon Asmodee taking over, any retailers are required to have a brick and mortar presence, not just an online store, to order from them.

Newer information from my comic store of choice has told me that they’ve also upped their minimum order amount significantly since changing distributors last year, effectively eliminating smaller retailers from being able to get their product (and build demand for it so that they CAN make those minimums).

The idea of it being Disney is silly when it is so easy to get other star wars book on Amazon