Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

3 hours ago, Andreievitch said:

Ace: Rigger would be kinda cute. Ghost being his signature ship?

@Absol197 I would say chops' possibly an ace: rigger/ pirate. He's got that rebels against everyone who's not family kind thing going on.

47 minutes ago, jayc007 said:

@Absol197 I would say chops' possibly an ace: rigger/ pirate. He's got that rebels against everyone who's not family kind thing going on.

I definitely think he's more of a Technician, and while Pirate kinda fits, he definitely doesn't have a Fearsome Rep, and I can't see him using Prepare to be Boarded. He was a Starfighter astromech in the Clone Wars, which really screams Mechanic to me. Besides, if he's a Technician and Hera's an Ace (which is obvious), she could take Rigger, He could take Modder, she already has Ship Captain, with all those combined the Ghost could have all of the Signature Vehicle talents applied to it, along with Pride and Joy, and it would be an awesome ship :) .

So is anyone going to answer my question about what temple trained talent does or not? I have asked a couple times and not gotten a response.

13 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

So is anyone going to answer my question about what temple trained talent does or not? I have asked a couple times and not gotten a response.

It was listed earlier, but it seems that post was deleted. Once the book lands in Australia I will let you know :P

24 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

So is anyone going to answer my question about what temple trained talent does or not? I have asked a couple times and not gotten a response.

I'd love to, but as I don't have the book yet, and didn't get to it before Khaz took the talent descriptions down, I am unable to do so. Since he's the only one who appears to have the book so far, if he doesn't want to share, we'll have to wait until someone else gets it before we get our answer.

I've been dying to know the answer myself, I wish is gotten through the talent deceptions Khaz posted faster :( .

Just two more days at most...

Edited by Absol197
6 hours ago, Absol197 said:

And to round it off, let's do Captain Rex as a SOLDIER: Vanguard/Retired Clone Trooper.

Rex should be a COMMANDER: Tactician/Retired Clone Trooper. After all he is CAPTAIN Rex.

Just now, Edgookin said:

Rex should be a COMMANDER: Tactician/Retired Clone Trooper. After all he is CAPTAIN Rex.

Ah! You know, that IS probably a better fit! I'm just so used to thinking of clones as soldiers first, the existence of the Commander career entirely slipped my mind.

From what I remember Temple Trained converts Knowledge lore into Lightsaber ranks or Advantage on Lightsaber checks equal to lore ranks. I may be completely wrong as I so often am but meh.

Temple Training: Before making a lightsaber attack, you may flip a Destiny Point to add damage equal to ranks in Knowledge (Lore). It's like other talents such as Anatomy Lessons, but for Knowledge (Lore). Pretty basic. The best thing about it is that it applies to lightsaber attacks, and goes off of a great thematic skill for Jedi characters.

10 hours ago, OriginalDomingo said:

To each GM, his own. With an experienced (non-power gamer player), I would consider allowing a non-FS universal spec to start. I once toyed around with the idea of starting everyone in an AoR campaign with the Recruit spec to go along with their chosen careers before allowing them to move on to the career specs. A basic training thing. It was just a thought though, because who would want to play in a campaign so restrictive? Answer: not my group!

The way it stands, the Retired Clone Trooper universal spec (if your character concept is an actual retired clone trooper), makes the most sense in a game with higher than normal starting XP. Some sort of modified Knight level play. Otherwise, it's sort of like "oh hey, I'm trooper X. I shot Aayla Secura in the back on Felucia. The darnedest thing though. In the 20 years since, while pondering my actions on that day, I've seemed to have forgotten the bulk of my clone trooper training."

Actually that's not so unrealistic. If a clone was decommissioned or went AWOL and spent the years since Order 66 keeping a low profile, their skills would have atrophied significantly.

4 hours ago, Underachiever599 said:

Temple Training: Before making a lightsaber attack, you may flip a Destiny Point to add damage equal to ranks in Knowledge (Lore). It's like other talents such as Anatomy Lessons, but for Knowledge (Lore). Pretty basic. The best thing about it is that it applies to lightsaber attacks, and goes off of a great thematic skill for Jedi characters.

If it is *before* making an attack, it would be a quite different mechanism. Then you could waste a Desiny Point for nothing.

5 hours ago, Rogues Rule said:

If it is *before* making an attack, it would be a quite different mechanism. Then you could waste a Desiny Point for nothing.

That’s the risk, yes.

Considering deliveries to Canada always take 1-2 weeks there are others who should have received this book as well. I believe because of my preorder status I was higher up the chain, but even so, many others should be getting their preorders as well.

8 minutes ago, Khazadune said:

Considering deliveries to Canada always take 1-2 weeks there are others who should have received this book as well. I believe because of my preorder status I was higher up the chain, but even so, many others should be getting their preorders as well.

Loud and clear! Ok, everybody. Let's give Kazadune some much needed rest. Let some others pick up the slack. ;)

40 minutes ago, Khazadune said:

That’s the risk, yes.

Which makes sense, as it's generally much easier and cheaper to boost up a skill than it is to boost up a characteristic.

Does Kanan have a rules mechanic for his force sight or is it just hand waved?

Just now, penpenpen said:

Does Kanan have a rules mechanic for his force sight or is it just hand waved?

The Farsight power, from Savage Spirits .

23 minutes ago, penpenpen said:

Does Kanan have a rules mechanic for his force sight or is it just hand waved?

22 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

The Farsight power, from Savage Spirits .

Its a variant of the Farsight called Kanan’s Farsight that doesn’t require him to commit Force points to its use.

Oh, nifty. I just assumed they'd have handwaved it in his descriptive text, not given him an actual ability.

On 2018-02-20 at 12:02 PM, Alisair Longreach said:

Do the book have full descriptions of planets like those in the regional sourcebooks. If yes, which planets?

It does, it covers;

- Alderaan

- Atollon

- Dathomir

- The Death Star (That’s no moon!)

- Jedha

- Lothal

- Other planet’s are included nominally; The Anaxes Asteroid Belt, PM-6986, PM-1203, Garel, Malachor, The Ring Of Kafrene, Seelos, Shantipole.

On 2018-02-20 at 4:45 PM, EliasWindrider said:

I'm not really expecting it but are there rules to let you pick a career and have one of these universal specs as your starting spec? Because a bounty hunter/retired clone trooper would be amazing. Bounty hunter is my favorite not FS career.

In fact it covers just this in the introduction, suggesting that GM’s might offer them as free specs when starting characters to give them depth.

1 minute ago, Khazadune said:

It does, it covers;

- Alderaan

- Atollon

- Dathomir

- The Death Star (That’s no moon!)

- Jedha

- Lothal

- Other planet’s are included nominally; The Anaxes Asteroid Belt, PM-6986, PM-1203, Garel, Malachor, The Ring Of Kafrene, Seelos, Shantipole.

Do they actually give system information for Lothal in this one, or like in Nexus of Power is it mostly "Unknown?"

Just now, Khazadune said:

In fact it covers just this in the introduction, suggesting that GM’s might offer them as free specs when starting characters to give them depth.

Oh hey! That was exactly my idea!

On 2018-02-19 at 8:03 PM, OriginalDomingo said:

@Khazadune Also, is there any mechanical or narrative effect for being Tognath egg mates?

Yes! This was one of the coolest elements for the new species along with Sa’kalla! for the Drabatans.

Basically the egg mates can spend destiny points to utilize their ability with their fused pairing. Really a sweet addition and @KRKappel should be commended for his work.

Incidentally, the Sa’kalla! I mentioned is in reference to the battle cry yelled in rogue one. There has been an amazing backstory developed for that, but I’ll let you get the book to discover it, truly one of the best Easter eggs in any system.

ARRRRGH! Stupid street dates! My FLGS has copies, but cant sell them until tomorrow!


Edited by Desslok