Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

12 hours ago, Khazadune said:

The thing that blew me away was the Lightbow. The Vibrorang was impressive and then of course the assortment of blasters are stellar;

DLT-19D Heavy Repeating Blaster Rifle

E-11 D Blaster Carbine

E-22 Blaster Rifle

MWC-35c Repeating Cannon (standard or single shot)

PB08 Heavy Blaster Pistol

if this book has a let down for me it would be that there are no pieces of actual Armor or equipment, just droids, vehicles and weapons. But given how much else it has, wow.


While I understand Lasat aren't on the available races...do we get Bo-Rifle stats/costs?

I really hope we don't have another No Disintegrations level delay in getting this to the UK, you guys are really making me want to read it!

15 hours ago, Khazadune said:

every piece of gear or vehicle we’ve seen in Rebels or Rogue One is detailed

I don't need specifics, just a yes or no will do...

- Does it have a deck plan for the Ghost?

- Does it have stats for the Ghost?

3 hours ago, Vorzakk said:

- Does it have stats for the Ghost?

In his listing of the characters with stats, next to Hera, he mentioned the Ghost, the Phantom, and the Phantom II. :)

I'm curious if the Retired Clone Trooper specialization has some sort of restriction or at least guide on how to use it. Or is it a free for all to make, for instance, Gand Retired Clone Troopers and such? :) (of course, as has been mentioned earlier, you could use it to represent some other military organization, but I'm curious about how the book presents it).

Do the book have full descriptions of planets like those in the regional sourcebooks. If yes, which planets?

36 minutes ago, Ilderfant said:

I'm curious if the Retired Clone Trooper specialization has some sort of restriction or at least guide on how to use it. Or is it a free for all to make, for instance, Gand Retired Clone Troopers and such? :) (of course, as has been mentioned earlier, you could use it to represent some other military organization, but I'm curious about how the book presents it).

I hope that the template serves as more of a "Clone Wars Veteran" than being specifically for people who want to play a Rex clone (no pun intended). One of the PCs in my campaign, when I get back to it, is a former Republic Navy marine who may well be interested in it.

1 hour ago, Dafydd said:

I hope that the template serves as more of a "Clone Wars Veteran" than being specifically for people who want to play a Rex clone (no pun intended). One of the PCs in my campaign, when I get back to it, is a former Republic Navy marine who may well be interested in it.

I'd be surpirsed if it's not just a "War Veteran" kind of specc. And if not, there's seems little reason to not appropriate it as such.

I don't think these have been mentioned yet: Are there new troopers statted out?

Most notably, Death-, Shore-, and Tank-Troopers?


14 minutes ago, RicoD said:



I'm not sure that the Imperial combat assault tank pilots, as they were described in Rogue One need that much more differentiation from, say, AT-ST crew or even AT-AT crew.

Take stormtroopers, make sure they have gunnery and pilot, mechanics if you really want, done.

Edited by Evilref

What does the disciplined soul talent do?

9 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

What does the disciplined soul talent do?

If I recall, it lets you spend a Destiny Point when making a Discipline check to convert a number of Threat up to your ranks in Knowledge (Lore) to Advantage. But we'd want fill confirmation from someone with the book.

I am also surprised that didn't include the Lasat instead of the snow wookie. Aside from this, the book is really great.

On 2/19/2018 at 11:02 AM, Khazadune said:

Arrived in Canada today! Holding this book in hand rocks!

The Chosen One has arisen! Quick light the grey smoke!!!

so what does temple training do?

37 minutes ago, Desslok said:

The Chosen One has arisen! Quick light the grey smoke!!!

This is a reference to the selection process of the Catholic pope for those not aware.

I'm not really expecting it but are there rules to let you pick a career and have one of these universal specs as your starting spec? Because a bounty hunter/retired clone trooper would be amazing. Bounty hunter is my favorite not FS career.

51 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm not really expecting it but are there rules to let you pick a career and have one of these universal specs as your starting spec? Because a bounty hunter/retired clone trooper would be amazing. Bounty hunter is my favorite not FS career.

To each GM, his own. With an experienced (non-power gamer player), I would consider allowing a non-FS universal spec to start. I once toyed around with the idea of starting everyone in an AoR campaign with the Recruit spec to go along with their chosen careers before allowing them to move on to the career specs. A basic training thing. It was just a thought though, because who would want to play in a campaign so restrictive? Answer: not my group!

The way it stands, the Retired Clone Trooper universal spec (if your character concept is an actual retired clone trooper), makes the most sense in a game with higher than normal starting XP. Some sort of modified Knight level play. Otherwise, it's sort of like "oh hey, I'm trooper X. I shot Aayla Secura in the back on Felucia. The darnedest thing though. In the 20 years since, while pondering my actions on that day, I've seemed to have forgotten the bulk of my clone trooper training."

Edited by OriginalDomingo
11 minutes ago, OriginalDomingo said:

To each GM, his own. With an experienced (non-power gamer player), I would consider allowing a non-FS universal spec to start. I once toyed around with the idea of starting everyone in an AoR campaign with the Recruit spec to go along with their chosen careers before allowing them to move on to the career specs. A basic training thing. It was just a thought though, because who would want to play in a campaign so restrictive? Answer: not my group!

The way it stands, the Retired Clone Trooper universal spec (if your character concept is an actual retired clone trooper), makes the most sense in a game with higher than normal starting XP. Some sort of modified Knight level play. Otherwise, it's sort of like "oh hey, I'm trooper X. I shot Aayla Secura in the back on Felucia. The darnedest thing though. In the 20 years since, while pondering my actions on that day, I've seemed to have forgotten the bulk of my clone trooper training."

Knight level (150 xp) for an EotE or AoR campaign goes without saying in my group, 225xp for starter characters in a FaD game.

But if doing the recruit thing, I'd just give everyone the recruit as a free bonus spec.

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm not really expecting it but are there rules to let you pick a career and have one of these universal specs as your starting spec?

The only problem I could see - and this would only come into play if everyone is gung ho for the Sig abilities - is that you have no signature ability to attach to the tree. The starting skills and those starting ranks would be easy enough to jigger, so I see nothing wrong with it at a high level. I'm just not a fan myself.

37 minutes ago, Desslok said:

The only problem I could see - and this would only come into play if everyone is gung ho for the Sig abilities - is that you have no signature ability to attach to the tree. The starting skills and those starting ranks would be easy enough to jigger, so I see nothing wrong with it at a high level. I'm just not a fan myself.

This is something similar to an idea I had early in the life of the system, before Genesys came along. When thinking about a High Fantasy setting, I came up with the idea of "Racial Specializations," or a bonus specialization that every character got for free at CharGen that was based on their race, so they could make themselves Elf-ier of Dwarf-ier (or Human-ier!) as time goes on.

Now that we finally have more than three Universals, you could use them as a Background specialization: give every character their pick of one Universal specialization for free, without increasing the cost of future specialization purchases. It gives each character a way to differentiate themselves from others of their career and starting spec. You could even allow characters to use their free ranks in skills from Specialization to be used with their Background career skills, too.

So taking this idea and running with it, let's see what we can do to model the crew of the Ghost as a starting PC party with this idea (as they're clearly what a bunch of these specs are based on :P ):

Kanan would probably be a GUARDIAN: Soresu Defender/Padawan Survivor;

Hera would be an ACE: Hotshot/Ship Captain;

Chopper is probably a TECHNICIAN: Mechanic/... I don't have a good one for Chopper yet... Force Adherent :P ?;

Sabine is a HIRED GUN: Demolitionist/Imperial Academy Cadet;

Zeb is a SOLDIER: Commando/Recruit;

Ezra would be (in my estimation) a SENTINEL: Racer/Force-Sensitive Exile

And to round it off, let's do Captain Rex as a SOLDIER: Vanguard/Retired Clone Trooper.

Ahsoka would probably be an NPC, mostly likely a Mentor for the group.

That gives you an idea of what I'm thinking. I think it might work, as long as everyone is doing it together. Obviously if you're not, you'd have to buy the Universals normally.

32 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Chopper is probably a TECHNICIAN: Mechanic/... I don't have a good one for Chopper yet... Force Adherent :P ?;

Ace: Rigger would be kinda cute. Ghost being his signature ship?

1 hour ago, Absol197 said:

Ezra would be (in my estimation) a SENTINEL: Racer/Force-Sensitive Exile

I've seen part of the first season, but from what I did see with him running around the rooftops of the hangars, I would say SPY: Courier/Force-Sensitive Exile. Since he's human, use his bonus non-career ranks for Piloting skills.

Edited by OriginalDomingo
13 minutes ago, OriginalDomingo said:

I've seen part of the first season, but from what I did see with him running around the rooftops of the hangars, I would say SPY: Courier/Force-Sensitive Exile. Since he's human, use his bonus non-career ranks for Piloting skills.

Looks like somebody was a playtester on ciphers and masks

6 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Looks like somebody was a playtester on ciphers and masks

Dude, I wish! I'm just going off the trickle of info we received on the talents in the preview.

1 hour ago, OriginalDomingo said:

I've seen part of the first season, but from what I did see with him running around the rooftops of the hangars, I would say SPY: Courier/Force-Sensitive Exile. Since he's human, use his bonus non-career ranks for Piloting skills.

He goes pretty much all-in on the Force training he gets from Kanan, so I figured he's probably a Force career, and Racer seemed the best initial fit.

But! I made no claim that my selections were the best fit; I was just trying to do it real quick as a means of example :) .