Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

43 minutes ago, SEApocalypse said:

Rogue One was all over the place in the first half of the movie and Ragnarok missed the mark on tone. It tried too hard to be the typical funny marvel movie, without considering its own darker themes of the movie.

I don't see a conflict between dark themes and humor. Without the movie's irreverent attitude its themes would have seemed preachy and plodding. That it finds the humor in Thor recognizing that he grew up enjoying the privileges reaped from violent colonialism makes telling such a story in a blockbuster superhero movie possible in the first place.

6 minutes ago, Stan Fresh said:

I don't see a conflict between dark themes and humor. Without the movie's irreverent attitude its themes would have seemed preachy and plodding. That it finds the humor in Thor recognizing that he grew up enjoying the privileges reaped from violent colonialism makes telling such a story in a blockbuster superhero movie possible in the first place.

I have to agree, I didn’t feel like there was a disconnect between the seriousness of the tone and the humor with which the characters chose to cope with it.

Mad someone who has depression and dealt with depressing situations myself I found it to feel very real and organic, and exactly how I have seen others and experienced myself deal with traumatic experiences.

5 minutes ago, Norr-Saba said:

I have to agree, I didn’t feel like there was a disconnect between the seriousness of the tone and the humor with which the characters chose to cope with it.

Mad someone who has depression and dealt with depressing situations myself I found it to feel very real and organic, and exactly how I have seen others and experienced myself deal with traumatic experiences.

Ah, gallows humor. My constant companion growing up.

On 12/14/2017 at 0:44 PM, Concise Locket said:

Canon, Expanded Universe (or whatever Disney/Lucasfilm is calling tie-in material), and Legends are three different but interrelated concepts.

Legends material is de-canonized tie-in material. Until it makes it back into a film, TV show, or tie-in material, the content is non-canonical. Thrawn was Legends material until he was introduced in Rebels .

FFG books are canonical tie-ins. However, because FFG had the license prior to the Disney sale, some material is in the process of be de-canonized.

There is a range of SW reference materials that cover the spectrum of "Canon" to "Not-Canon".

I am still working on what reference materials I want to incorporate into my work in progress campaign; but I am strongly leaning towards the FFG SW RPG line and the SW Essential/Ultimate/Complete line of books as my baseline. I don't know if there is a "shared language" that describes where this falls on the spectrum listed above, or if I even need such a thing beyond "what ever works for your game".

One thing I know I am not going to use at all (and this will be heresy for many here) is any of the movies as a source of reference. The basic reason being that the movies is a storytelling medium that is different from a RPG storytelling medium. I am building my campaign as if the movies never existed, thus giving me more freedom to build the type of stories/adventures I want to develop.

I have not made any determination as to the material from Rebels and any of the new comics/books under the Disney canon line for the simple reason I don't have access to any of them at this time.

I have a feeling the new Dawn of Rebellion sourcebook will be a big influence on my campaigns development, I am VERY eager to get my hands on it! :)

23 hours ago, Giorgio said:

One thing I know I am not going to use at all (and this will be heresy for many here) is any of the movies as a source of reference. The basic reason being that the movies is a storytelling medium that is different from a RPG storytelling medium. I am building my campaign as if the movies never existed, thus giving me more freedom to build the type of stories/adventures I want to develop.

Welcome to my world :)

As you say, an RPG and a movie are two different things. Some people like the idea of playing in an established universe. We didn't. So our game ended up a homage to the themes of the movies, rather than including any of the events of them.

It's been a fun project for the last 4 years and I'd never have got back into SW without the FFG game.

Let us know how you get on. Heretic or no, I've found the forum to be a great place for brainstorming and bouncing ideas off. It's (mostly) a pretty friendly place.


On 9/28/2017 at 4:53 PM, KRKappel said:

I mean, what was Rogue One if not a unique take on a story that partially took place on and around the Death Star? Clearly, there is more storytelling potential to consider over it's nearly 20 years of construction.

Also, consider that. 20 years of construction. The second Death Star is fully operational and visually like 66% built by ROTJ, just 3 and a half years after ANH. So it would seem the second death star is under construction long before A New Hope. There are perhaps others in various stages of construction as well.

There was an EU source that suggested the ultimate plan was to have a Death Star in every oversector (there were like 20?) for each Grand Moff to keep their local regions in line. So maybe they were on a plan to roll out another Death Star every 5 years or so, which means there might be up to two other death stars in earlier phases of their development out there somewhere. They PROBABLY don't have working superlasers yet, but who can say. And who knows who got a hold of them as the Empire fragmented.

I believe Pablo Hildago said it didn’t take 20 years to build a death star it took 20 years to R&D the superlaser.

A Death Star can be built in 2-3 years, but would still take a galaxy wide empires resources. So after the first couple where made and the bugs worked out they could probably crank out 2 or 3 in five years.

Also once you build a weapon system theirs no reason not to build another. So I don’t see the problem with there being more built in other movies and them being major plot points as they are major threats.

Edited by Eoen
On 17.12.2017 at 3:10 AM, Eoen said:

Also once you build a weapon system theirs no reason not to build another. So I don’t see the problem with there being more built in other movies and them being major plot points as they are major threats.

It's not a problem from the world building side of things. It's a problem because it gets boring fast. Seen that, done that applies quickly.

On 12/16/2017 at 7:08 PM, Maelora said:

Let us know how you get on. Heretic or no, I've found the forum to be a great place for brainstorming and bouncing ideas off. It's (mostly) a pretty friendly place.

Thanks, I will be developing my campaign work here on the forums as I do research, ask questions, solicit feedback and wait for the DOR book to be released.

Perhaps taking inspiration from your own campaign notes, I should call my SW campaign work in progress the "Giorgioverse"? :)

4 hours ago, Giorgio said:

Perhaps taking inspiration from your own campaign notes, I should call my SW campaign work in progress the "Giorgioverse"? :)

Absolutely you should! :)

(and yeah, brainstorming here helped a lot back in 2013; I picked up a bunch of useful ideas and I still raid the forum for cool concepts even today!)

See, part of the reason why I’m so willing to put a lot of work into brainstorming stuff is because I know any house rules or settings I come up with is going to be used for any future games I gm so I know I’m also going to amount to what would effectively be my own starwars au, it unfortunately my names don’t lend themselves well to being a prefix to verse

We used the phrase 'No Questions Asked' as the title for our Edge (Sandbox/obligation roll/player driven) campaign... so the films have had their uses....

...along with usual cliches like 1) the droid not being allowed in the Mos Eisley cantina, 2) a shootout in said cantina 3) docking in Bay 94.. and loads more I can't remember without looking at my campaign notes

On the boat ppl. Merry christmas

Its on the boat! Yay! Pre-Ordered at my FLGS, going to send a reminder to make sure its in their system. :)

On 12/21/2017 at 6:23 PM, jayc007 said:

On the boat ppl. Merry christmas


Oh, my poor wallet. I just pre-ordered this, and the 3 other books that are on the boat with it. I'm looking forward to getting everything, but hopefully after this logjam clears we can go back to a semi-regular spaced out schedule.

Huh. I was reviewing all the data we have on our upcoming books (because I have little else to do :( ), and a thought occurred to me...

There are six Universal specializations in Dawn of Rebellion , as we've been told. Six is an...interesting number. it's 2 * 3, and there are three different lines.

What if it'll have 2 specializations geared towards each main line? So two criminal-ish, shady-ish specializations aimed to Edge characters, two military-like specializations aimed towards Age characters, and two new Force-Sensitive specializations for the Forcies?

We already know we're getting the Pirate and the Retired Clone Trooper. That's an easy 1 Edge and 1 Age already, if we assume that there's merit to this idea. Whadd'ya think?


16 hours ago, Absol197 said:

Huh. I was reviewing all the data we have on our upcoming books (because I have little else to do :( ), and a thought occurred to me...

There are six Universal specializations in Dawn of Rebellion , as we've been told. Six is an...interesting number. it's 2 * 3, and there are three different lines.

What if it'll have 2 specializations geared towards each main line? So two criminal-ish, shady-ish specializations aimed to Edge characters, two military-like specializations aimed towards Age characters, and two new Force-Sensitive specializations for the Forcies?

We already know we're getting the Pirate and the Retired Clone Trooper. That's an easy 1 Edge and 1 Age already, if we assume that there's merit to this idea. Whadd'ya think?

This would make a lot of sense. I could see something like "Former Padawan" for a force sensitive PC fitting very well during the time period covered.

Maybe one for each setting, plus three new Universals?

On 2017-12-19 at 1:19 PM, Maelora said:

Absolutely you should! :)

(and yeah, brainstorming here helped a lot back in 2013; I picked up a bunch of useful ideas and I still raid the forum for cool concepts even today!)

I selfishly made a thread with that topic in mind, “share your story.” The hope is that as people share crazy adventures, character concepts and nemesi (is that the plural of nemesis? Nemeses?) that we can inspire one another. A Marcyverse and Giorgioverse breakdown would offer a nice discussion of how to take the game outside of traditional Star Wars stories.

Edited by Khazadune
15 minutes ago, Khazadune said:

A Marcyverse and Giorgioverse breakdown would offer a nice discussion of how to take the game outside of traditional Star Wars stories.

What do you have in mind? A general overview of my work-in-progress campaign setting, or a detailed breakdown of the "why" of the decisions I have made as a GM in creating the campaign in a certain way (add this, subtract this, ignore this, change this...), for a certain play style and for a certain player audience?

7 minutes ago, Giorgio said:

What do you have in mind? A general overview of my work-in-progress campaign setting, or a detailed breakdown of the "why" of the decisions I have made as a GM in creating the campaign in a certain way (add this, subtract this, ignore this, change this...), for a certain play style and for a certain player audience?

Generally it’s a discussion of in progress game elements, but you can riff on what elements you plan on using and why, I think others will likely have some takeaways from that. (Myself included)

Just now, Khazadune said:

Generally it’s a discussion of in progress game elements, but you can riff on what elements you plan on using and why, I think others will likely have some takeaways from that. (Myself included)

Sure I will be happy to participate in that type of conversation, say around mid-February or so when I continue work on my campaign development. I am currently focusing on finishing a January only online university class, to that has priority right now. :)

So this is listed as Shipping Now with a 2/22 release date.

Quick! Someone turn on the @Absol197 signal!
