Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

8 minutes ago, Concise Locket said:

Cool. If it wasn't announced on FFG's home page, I just missed the news.

Not on there page. Put together from snippets. Like the shipment was diverted. A distributor was told the container was lost. Which fits all the snippets

12 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

Not on there page. Put together from snippets. Like the shipment was diverted. A distributor was told the container was lost. Which fits all the snippets

You know perfectly well that this rarely happens and therefore CAN'T have happened and that actually there's a criminal conspiracy at work committing fraud. That's the only reasonable explanation.

I mean come on.

1 hour ago, Stan Fresh said:

You know perfectly well that this rarely happens and therefore CAN'T have happened and that actually there's a criminal conspiracy at work committing fraud. That's the only reasonable explanation.

I mean come on.

Well I blame these guys


1 hour ago, awayputurwpn said:

Well I blame these guys


I have no idea who these guys are, but at first glance I'd be inclined to blame them for just about anything.

41 minutes ago, Krieger22 said:

I have no idea who these guys are, but at first glance I'd be inclined to blame them for just about anything.

I'm planning on using these guys as inspiration for villains in a future campaign :) Still equivocating on whether they will be space-faring Ewoks or some other, more mysterious species...

Silhouette 20... I hope it has some special rules or it's going to have a hard time hitting those "tiny" Mon Cal cruisers.

5 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

Silhouette 20... I hope it has some special rules or it's going to have a hard time hitting those "tiny" Mon Cal cruisers.

If Death Star I is Sil 20 I don't want to see what DS II is.

I am more curious about how it would blow up planets. Skill checks or a narrative effect like "flip x dark side token to destroy a planet at short range" ?

Edited by vilainn6

Its got a couple guns.......it'll be ok.

I always imagined the DS-1 to be a Silhouette 10 moon, due to the entries in all the core books stating that Silhoeutte 10 is reserved for the largest vehicles and battle stations. To see it as a Silhouette 20 is insane but now we have a possible way of knowing the Silhouette of the DS-2 and Starkiller Base.

DS-1 was 160 kilometers

DS-2 was 200 kilometers, 25% larger

Starkiller Base was 660 kilometers, 3.3 times the size of DS-2

if DS-1 is Silhouette 20,

DS-2 is Silhouette 25

and Starkiller Base is Silhouette 82.5

19 minutes ago, GroggyGolem said:

I always imagined the DS-1 to be a Silhouette 10 moon, due to the entries in all the core books stating that Silhoeutte 10 is reserved for the largest vehicles and battle stations. To see it as a Silhouette 20 is insane but now we have a possible way of knowing the Silhouette of the DS-2 and Starkiller Base.

DS-1 was 160 kilometers

DS-2 was 200 kilometers, 25% larger

Starkiller Base was 660 kilometers, 3.3 times the size of DS-2

if DS-1 is Silhouette 20,

DS-2 is Silhouette 25

and Starkiller Base is Silhouette 82.5

Of course, the math doesn't match up exactly right between the game's Silhouette and the "actual size" of the vehicles unless you think of it exponentially.

For instance, a Star Destroyer's "actual length" is 1.6 kilometers long. This means you need 100 of them lined up nose-to-tail to match the width of the 160 kilometer-wide DS-1.

In the game, a Star Destroyer is Silhouette 8 and the DS-1 is Silhouette 20. I'm too tired at the moment to math any further on this but there ya go.

That -5 handling though, I can see it now...

*BOOMING CRASH, everyone gets tossed about as you see out of the DS-1 Deep Space Mobile Battle Station's viewscreen. A panel or twenty of metal float out into space as an asteroid ricochet's off the hull*

*The Helmsman cringes and slowly turns around as he hears it...*

*The sound of a respirator*

"Helmsman, you have failed me for the last time" *a booming voice echoes into the bridge as the Helmsman is lifted off the ground, clutching at his throat is of some invisible hand were squeezing off his means of respiration...*

Edited by GroggyGolem

“Wanted: helmsman for Project Stardust. Must have Skilled Jockey 3+.”

Just wish they would release to preorder on Amazon!

If you stat it, they can kill it!

Regarding Silhouettes, for the first eight-ish or so they work just fine being measured exponentially based on volume. For instance:

Sil 0 = 1 * 10 -0.5 m 3 ;

Sil 1 = 1 * 10 0 m 3 ;

Sil 2 = 1 * 10 1 m 3 ;

Sil 3 = 1 * 10 2 m 3 ;

Sil 4 = 1 * 10 3 m 3 ;

Sil 5 = 1 * 10 4 m 3 ;

Etc. That would be the "maximum limit" for being in that Silhouette bracket, and from what I was able to calculate it's pretty close for most statted vehicles and creatures. My attempt to calculate the volume of a Star Destroyer didn't go so well, but in general once you get to around Sil 8 this growth is slightly too small. But it does go to show that Silhouette is meant to be measured exponentially, and volume is a good was to estimate Silhouette.

Although you do need to recall that, like Encumbrance, Silhouette is an abstract number that takes into account both dimension, volume, and "wieldy-ness," for lack of a better term.

13 minutes ago, lupex said:

If you stat it, they can kill it!

I think you may need a signature ability to kill it, soldier ought to do

This is just a measurement of length, not of all the other various factors that go into encumbrance, like how unwieldly it is, the weight, the volume, etc

So a star destroyer's length is 1/100th of the width of DS-1. in the game it's 8 out of 20 silhouette, the difference being 12.

100/12 = 8.3

8.3*1.6 kilometers = 13.28 kilometers

13.28*12 = 159.36 kilometers or DS-1

13.28*15 = 199.2 kilometers or DS-2

13.28*50 = 664 kilometers or Starkiller Base

Just gonna put this out there I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Math magicians, am I doing things wrong?

30 minutes ago, lupex said:

If you stat it, they can kill it!

New project: make a character that can kill the Death Star.

20 probably just seemed like a ridiculous yet simple number. If it was 23 we would all be asking "why?" And would indicate an exact formula. My guess is they just picked a suitable number.

It's coming around to being a decent looking book

12 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

New project: make a character that can kill the Death Star.

He's named Luke....

47 minutes ago, 2P51 said:

He's named Luke....

Yeah, doesn't it just take the Exhaust Port talent and a Destiny Point flip?

So from that we can (roughly) extrapolate what a Torpedo Sphere might be sporting, too. Probably half those stats, all around.

7 minutes ago, Desslok said:

So from that we can (roughly) extrapolate what a Torpedo Sphere might be sporting, too. Probably half those stats, all around.

Now I know what those are. They seem kind of overly complex. Scan a planetary shield for hours to find a weak point, bombard it with torpedoes, hope that it opens the 6 square meter hole, hope that the hole gives them a clear shot to the shield generator, destroy that before it closes up within microseconds.