Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

36 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

You mean Punisher and Miracleman, don't you? :P

Nighthawk and Hyperion.

1 hour ago, Ferryman said:

I hope to see stats for the Imperial Raider and the new stuff shown in Rogue One.

The Imperial Raider is in the Friends Like These adventure.

41 minutes ago, Stan Fresh said:

Nighthawk and Hyperion.

Batmanslaughter and Space Jesus. :)

I wonder how much of this time period is going to be really covered. It's almost 20 years between E3 and E4, but this sounds like its really o ly going to cover the last quarter or so of that period. I have to wonder if that will be a distinctive enough "era" compared to the time between E4 and E6 (the current default for these games).

The Dawn of Rebellion product page is blank, and Cyphers and Masks still doesn't have one.

I mean, that's not too unusual. There have been some books that took a couple weeks after announcement to get their product pages up.

Not that these particular absences don't cause additional concern, what with the other upcoming book issues. But I just wanted to remind the good folks of the forum that this has happened before. Although I guess a partial product page like the DoR one is new.

19 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

I wonder how much of this time period is going to be really covered. It's almost 20 years between E3 and E4, but this sounds like its really o ly going to cover the last quarter or so of that period. I have to wonder if that will be a distinctive enough "era" compared to the time between E4 and E6 (the current default for these games).

Honestly, I'm pretty much with you on this...

But I figure this book is really just an excuse for Disney to ram its "Rebels" retcons down our throats while also sprinkling in a little Rogue One material as well (e.g., the Imp droids, the U-Wing, and the Tie Strikers).

Unless you're a big fan of "Rebels?" Yeah, seems this one can be missed.

51 minutes ago, Harlock999 said:

Honestly, I'm pretty much with you on this...

But I figure this book is really just an excuse for Disney to ram its "Rebels" retcons down our throats while also sprinkling in a little Rogue One material as well (e.g., the Imp droids, the U-Wing, and the Tie Strikers).

Unless you're a big fan of "Rebels?" Yeah, seems this one can be missed.

I'm not a fan of Rebels, big or otherwise, but I did enjoy Rogue One. I'll buy the product to mine for stats, but Disney's new canon is largely crap IMO, and I'll use or lose any particular portions of it that I see fit (as I did with the previous canon).

Also, I am betting that this is where the Lasat species is going to show up.

5 hours ago, Harlock999 said:

Honestly, I'm pretty much with you on this...

But I figure this book is really just an excuse for Disney to ram its "Rebels" retcons down our throats while also sprinkling in a little Rogue One material as well (e.g., the Imp droids, the U-Wing, and the Tie Strikers).

Unless you're a big fan of "Rebels?" Yeah, seems this one can be missed.

What got retconned in Rebels? I thought that series has been pretty consistent so far?

4 hours ago, jivjov said:

What got retconned in Rebels?

I don't watch it myself, but I seem to recall some complaints regarding the history of the A-Wing.

The retcons i know are about ships rather than events: the A-Wing and B-Wing being developed and used (for the A-wing) much earlier than any previous source stated. I think the effects of some weapons are also increased compared to what we used to know.

17 minutes ago, Vorzakk said:

I don't watch it myself, but I seem to recall some complaints regarding the history of the A-Wing.

I think you mean the B -wing. They don't really get into the history of the A-wing at all.

What Rebels has done is made Jedi (or Jedi-wannabes) much more prominent in the era than almost all previous sources suggested was the case.

35 minutes ago, Lareg said:

The retcons i know are about ships rather than events: the A-Wing and B-Wing being developed and used (for the A-wing) much earlier than any previous source stated. I think the effects of some weapons are also increased compared to what we used to know.

I don't think any other Canon source talked about the history of the A or B Wings? All we've known about their development came from Legends.

14 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

What Rebels has done is made Jedi (or Jedi-wannabes) much more prominent in the era than almost all previous sources suggested was the case.

I disagree with that statement whole-heartedly. All it shows is that there were still scattered Jedi survivors out there. This is not a contradiction with the movies either.

Revenge of the Sith planted that seed with Obi Wan and Yoda reversing the return signal at the Jedi temple. Rebels doesn't retcon anything, it explores likely possibilities that scene in a very canon source laid out.

1 minute ago, 2P51 said:

Revenge of the Sith planted that seed with Obi Wan and Yoda reversing the return signal at the Jedi temple. Rebels doesn't retcon anything, it explores likely possibilities that scene in a very canon source laid out.

Exactly. :)

Yeah...in a galaxy of quadrillions, there's bound to be a bunch of force sensitives out there.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I think you mean the B -wing. They don't really get into the history of the A-wing at all.

Legends sources regarding the A-wing indicated that they were developed right after the Battle of Yavin; the basic idea being that the Alliance saw the need for a fighter with greater raw speed. Their very existence in Rebels contradicts that.

Just now, Vorzakk said:

Legends sources regarding the A-wing indicated that they were developed right after the Battle of Yavin; the basic idea being that the Alliance saw the need for a fighter with greater raw speed. Their very existence in Rebels contradicts that.

You're referring to the old WEG D6 game and Essential Guide to Starships and Vehicles . Those are the only sources that mention that. It's not really that big of a deal.

20 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

You're referring to the old WEG D6 game and Essential Guide to Starships and Vehicles . Those are the only sources that mention that. It's not really that big of a deal.

Never said I thought it was.

1 hour ago, HappyDaze said:

What Rebels has done is made Jedi (or Jedi-wannabes) much more prominent in the era than almost all previous sources suggested was the case.

...much more prominent compared to the EU? Seriously?

54 minutes ago, Tom Cruise said:

...much more prominent compared to the EU? Seriously?

I know right! Seems like Luke couldn't sneeze without a force user force moving a handkerchief to him.

Edited by Ebak
14 minutes ago, Ebak said:

I know right! Seems like Luke couldn't sneeze without a force user force moving a handkerchief to him.


Stop bringing perspective into "evil Disney is destroying everything that is good and beautiful about Star Wars" territory. :P

11 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:


Stop bringing perspective into "evil Disney is destroying everything that is good and beautiful about Star Wars" territory. :P

As a long time Star Wars fan I am perfectly fine with Disney culling the EU. It's not all it was cracked up to be and really...this is a fantasy world we are getting bent out of shape about.

While peoples opinions are peoples opinions...I don't get the perspective of "I hate Rebels because it messed with an imaginary legacy that Disney already disclosed they were getting rid of for a perfectly legitimate reason." I don't get why the existence of Rebels somehow invalidates the EU especially when, in my opinion, Rebels has good content that stands on its own.

Yes the EU had some great stuff. It also had stuff that should be forgotten, or for some reason gets a free pass "'cuz legacy of EU".

Besides, we all know select members of this community wouldn't get this book anyway. It clearly doesn't have 'Edge of the Empire' in big letters on the cover and thus is not eligible for their collection.

Edited by Ebak