Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

They delight in me torturing you all like 6 year olds on Xmas Eve.......

Edited by 2P51

I wonder are they about to announce what will replace Star Wars Rebels when it's last season airs and that's why this is being announced now?

Thats the thing where Rebels confused me...I had heard at one point there was going to be a live-action series and that something like 150 episodes had been written for it...now nothing....*shrug*

I like Era books and am hoping next up will be a Clone Wars book...but mostly I just want to know the canon fate of Ashoka...hopefully final season of Rebels will tell us.

Just updated my list of books with this one... more things to buy for us completists!

More please!

1 hour ago, TheShard said:

I really hope they have bits of legends scattered in there...

Pretty much every book released has, to my knowledge, reintroduced a bit of the old Expanded Universe. I would count on seeing something , at the very least :)

So pumped for this! And very pleased and relieved that the line is moving forward with more content!

I suppose it'll be the 3 movie eras. But I'll still have that small flame of hope for an Old Republic one.......

Its a shame that a pure-Legends EU book would probably be out of the question. I want a NJO/Vong War book so bad.

29 minutes ago, jivjov said:

Its a shame that a pure-Legends EU book would probably be out of the question. I want a NJO/Vong War book so bad.

One of my players is a rather large fan of the Legends work... He too yearns for a vong war mention... That and Dash Rendar to be cannon... :P

Yeah, I love that FFG keeps bringing things like planets and species from Legends into their books...but I think a major event like the Vong War would be the realm of a fan supplement rather than anything official.

Sequel era, with the Last Jedi coming out, seems a given shortly. I would hope for no Clone Wars/Prequel stuff though; the narrative dice system lets you play wel fleshed out and rounded characters, not one dimensional trick pony space wizard ninjas.

Just now, Endersai said:

Sequel era, with the Last Jedi coming out, seems a given shortly. I would hope for no Clone Wars/Prequel stuff though; the narrative dice system lets you play wel fleshed out and rounded characters, not one dimensional trick pony space wizard ninjas.

I hope they wait on a "Sequel Era" book until after Episode IX...just so the book doesn't feel 'unbalanced' in terms of what stuff from the ST is included.

As for "one dimensional trick pony" characters...so far FFG has done a really good job of things like making force users reasonable and whatnot in the F&D line...I'd trust them to give us a "Clone Troopers, Battle Droids, Jedi, and Dark Force User" book without suddenly breaking everything they've done so far.

1 minute ago, Endersai said:

Sequel era, with the Last Jedi coming out, seems a given shortly.

I would think that they'll wait on the third one to come out before they do that.

The book I would badly want to see? The 30 years between 6 and 7. Since the movie itself cant be bothered to flesh out the state of the universe, having a sourcebook during that span of time would be perfect.

@KRKappel did some work on this, so there's like to be some EU/Legends stuff in there, if only a hint or something snuck in.

26 minutes ago, Desslok said:

I would think that they'll wait on the third one to come out before they do that.

And not benefit from the insane marketing push the movie will provide come release?

They have to, the books have stuff about the films in them.

1 hour ago, jivjov said:

I hope they wait on a "Sequel Era" book until after Episode IX...just so the book doesn't feel 'unbalanced' in terms of what stuff from the ST is included.

As for "one dimensional trick pony" characters...so far FFG has done a really good job of things like making force users reasonable and whatnot in the F&D line... I'd trust them to give us a "Clone Troopers, Battle Droids, Jedi, and Dark Force User" book without suddenly breaking everything they've done so far.


42 minutes ago, 2P51 said:

They have to, the books have stuff about the films in them.

They can release them concurrently.

Dude we didn't even get the full playtest doc until after Rogue 1 came out.

Oh my word, I'm excited. I have been wondering about this for a while (as have others) but this is a delightful and unexpected departure. Can't wait to see what's next.

6 hours ago, SavageBob said:

Hmm. Any new FFG SW is good FFG SW, but I'm a bit dismayed to see them adopting the "sourcebook" approach that WEG and WOTC followed so much (a model that dates back to the three Galaxy Guides based on specific Star Wars films from West End). I mean, I'm not sure how helpful it'll be to have stats for the crew of the Ghost, or the Rebels who stole the Death Star plans.

Personally I'm not all that interested in the show and I doubt I'd ever include anything related to it in my games, and I've never been in a game that's done so either. New content is nice but I feel like they could've done a lot more on this with a more generalized approach. This just feels... a little too niche, or too focused, to me. I dunno, I guess I just expected more. It seems to do what it says on the tin though.

Edited by Galakk Fyyar
3 hours ago, Endersai said:

the narrative dice system lets you play wel fleshed out and rounded characters, not one dimensional trick pony space wizard ninjas.

Lol you never saw the Wookie Marauder with a vibro-axe who is only useful to cleave people in half to say such stupidity

I heard about that in the Order 66 podcast; I guess the system is at the mercy of probable prequel fans. :P

Take my money already.

5 hours ago, jivjov said:

I hope they wait on a "Sequel Era" book until after Episode IX...just so the book doesn't feel 'unbalanced' in terms of what stuff from the ST is included.

As for "one dimensional trick pony" characters...so far FFG has done a really good job of things like making force users reasonable and whatnot in the F&D line...I'd trust them to give us a "Clone Troopers, Battle Droids, Jedi, and Dark Force User" book without suddenly breaking everything they've done so far.

Well we have several of the battle droids, ships, species,. And they aren't unbalanced. And Storm troopers and clone troopers really aren't far off. Clones would be better obviously