Dawn of Rebellion Sourcebook

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hmm. Any new FFG SW is good FFG SW, but I'm a bit dismayed to see them adopting the "sourcebook" approach that WEG and WOTC followed so much (a model that dates back to the three Galaxy Guides based on specific Star Wars films from West End). I mean, I'm not sure how helpful it'll be to have stats for the crew of the Ghost, or the Rebels who stole the Death Star plans.

Wow! They're actually putting out an era sourcebook! Taking the RPG in a whole new direction. And looks like it's attached to Age of Rebellion. But with a black cover.


I for one welcome our new era book overlords. It's a shame that my favorite eras are far in to legends.

The entire article is basically a fluff piece, and offers very little as to what's in the book. New species? Universal specs? Planet profiles, like in a region book? Nothing is said or hinted.

Since they tossed the EU, there's a lot of unknowns in this era now, so it's kind of a clean slate. Now maybe this means they're going to do a post-RotJ book in the future.

I will be honest and say the setting is not terribly interesting to me. Too bleak.

Now this is juicy.

With AoR and FaD coming to a close slowly but surely in terms of career supplements this is certainly exciting.

4 minutes ago, kaosoe said:

I for one welcome our new era book overlords.


28 minutes ago, Blackbird888 said:

The entire article is basically a fluff piece, and offers very little as to what's in the book. New species? Universal specs? Planet profiles, like in a region book? Nothing is said or hinted.

Since they tossed the EU, there's a lot of unknowns in this era now, so it's kind of a clean slate. Now maybe this means they're going to do a post-RotJ book in the future.

I will be honest and say the setting is not terribly interesting to me. Too bleak.

If I were to hazard a guess I would say they're probably going to be most akin to the more general ressource books we already have.

Like Strongholds, with pertinent planets, systems, the workings of an infant rebell cell for example, details on imperial protocol maybe?

They surely have a lot of info to fill and compound from Rebels and Rogue One.

Setting is down to taste and that's fair. And I wish we would have had this book since we only just ended a campaign in that era last weekend.

It sets an exciting precedent however.

Edited by RicoD

Well that's exactly when our group is playing so cool!

Well, looks like the fanmade Rebels Sourcebook just got made obsolete. And I guess we now know what the future without career books holds. Although it's interesting that they're releasing this before the final season of Rebels drops.

Let the speculation for other eras begin!

Edited by Desslok

Nice, it's the dawn of new setting books, era source books

Love it.

Love what this may lead to even more.

8 minutes ago, Desslok said:

Let the speculation for other eras begin!

Let's see here:

Fall of the Empire / The New Republic

Rise of the First Order

The Clone Wars

maybe even something pre Clone Wars?

and whatever else they can come up with in new canon over the years

I prefer this model to the seemingly endless splatbooks for each career.

I'm looking forward to this one.

Sequel era.

If anything, the beginner box for tfa makes a lot more sense now.

Edited by DanteRotterdam
Just now, Chimpy said:

I prefer this model to the seemingly endless splatbooks for each career.

I'm looking forward to this one.

How do the career books seem endless to you?!

We already exactly know how many we are getting....

I'm glad they've decided to put aside the "three lines" and just do Star Wars game books.

I look forward to seeing what supplements come rolling down the pike. This will be cool, but what I'd really like to see is some post RoTJ source material.

Oh good! It seems we've solved the "what are they cooking up over there" conundrum. Now we just have to solve the "where did the boat carrying X go?" conundrum.

I really hope they have bits of legends scattered in there...

34 minutes ago, Desslok said:

Well, looks like the fanmade Rebels Sourcebook just got made obsolete. And I guess we now know what the future without career books holds. Although it's interesting that they're releasing this before the final season of Rebels drops.

I believe at this point that the final season of Rebels is bordering on the Rebellion Era at this point, assuming that each season represents a year's time. I recall hearing speculation that this last season would run up pretty close to the Battle of Scarif and the events of Rogue One, but wouldn't actually delve into those events as per Filoni.

Plus, FFG has 15+ years of time frame that's not really been addressed since the canon reset, so there's plenty for them to work with.

Glad they finally let this cat outta the bag...fun cat....

Just now, 2P51 said:

Glad they finally let this cat outta the bag...fun cat....

Is there anything you don't know? :D

Tell me pirate, tell me your secrets!

Just now, RicoD said:

Is there anything you don't know? :D

Tell me pirate, tell me your secrets!

In God we trust...........all others I monitor......... :ph34r:

9 minutes ago, 2P51 said:

Glad they finally let this cat outta the bag...fun cat....

If I was a designer at FFG and constantly saw one of the playtesters act so smug I would cut them off.

Either that, or I'm just jealous...


Edited by DanteRotterdam

What can they say? Mr. Pirate does good work.