Chaos Cards - Kent UK 5th-6th August

By chaoscards, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play

Hello! Here at Chaos Cards in the UK we are running a £1.5k prize pool for our Find the Truth open event for Netrunner!

First prize is a whopping £500 with many other prizes for people who participate!

It runs from the 5th of August to the 6th of August! Please do not hesitate to ask for anymore information!{"source"%3A5%2C"page_id_source"%3A2239053909653027%2C"action_history"%3A[{"surface"%3A"page"%2C"mechanism"%3A"main_list"%2C"extra_data"%3A"{\"page_id\"%3A2239053909653027%2C\"tour_id\"%3Anull}"}]%2C"has_source"%3Atrue}