Are you ready to skirmish? The first ever Dragons Lair IA store Championship is being held this year!
When: Sunday,July 16th at 1:00 PM
Where: Dragons Lair on Fredricksburg
Cost: $10
Prizes: 2017 FFG SC Kit and many more prizes from older kits!
Bring ALL your map tiles for the CORE and maps in the current rotation.
Registration 1:00 PM-2:00PM
1st Swiss Round: 2:00PM ISB HQ
2nd Swiss Round: 3:15 PM Anchorhead Bar
3rd Swiss Round: 4:30 PM Jabba's Palace
4th Swiss Round: 5:45 PM Surprise Core Skirmish Mission
There will be 10-15 minutes between rounds to setup new maps!
Prizes By Rank:
SC Championship Kit
Reverse Ranked order Pick of alt art cards from older kits!
Prizes By player vote:
Best Scum Squad
Best Rebel Squad
Best Imperial Squad
Best Painted
Door Prizes!
The Time To fight is now!