July 16 Store Championship Dragons Lair San Antonio TX

By 3rrant5had0w, in Imperial Assault Organized Play

Are you ready to skirmish? The first ever Dragons Lair IA store Championship is being held this year!

When: Sunday,July 16th at 1:00 PM

Where: Dragons Lair on Fredricksburg

Cost: $10

Prizes: 2017 FFG SC Kit and many more prizes from older kits!

Bring ALL your map tiles for the CORE and maps in the current rotation.


Registration 1:00 PM-2:00PM

1st Swiss Round: 2:00PM ISB HQ

2nd Swiss Round: 3:15 PM Anchorhead Bar

3rd Swiss Round: 4:30 PM Jabba's Palace

4th Swiss Round: 5:45 PM Surprise Core Skirmish Mission

There will be 10-15 minutes between rounds to setup new maps!

Prizes By Rank:

SC Championship Kit

Reverse Ranked order Pick of alt art cards from older kits!

Prizes By player vote:

Best Scum Squad

Best Rebel Squad

Best Imperial Squad


Best Painted


Door Prizes!

The Time To fight is now!

Just updated the event with the list of tiles. You can substitute a map during your match if you own one. Rounds 1-3 we will try to have everyone play the same map. Round 4 will be a tie breaking round if needed. Bring the skirmish mission and it's components of your choice. Think of it as a wild card or throwback round. 1f609.png ;)

Please Bring the following:
Map List with Tile Numbers:
Core: 20A, 25A, 26A, 27A, 31A, 32A(2), 33A, 34A(2), 36A(4), Bespin Gambit: 02A, 03A, 05A, 08A;

Anchorhead Bar:
Core: 02B, 04B, 05B, 18B(2), 20B, 21B, 23B, 24B, 26B, 28B, 29B, 31B, 32B, 33B, 34B, 35B, 39B(2)

Jabba's Palace:
core Set: 18B(2), 21B, 25B, 28B, 29B, 31B, 32B(2), 34B(2), 35B(3), 36B(3), 39B,
Jabba's Realm: 01B, 03B, 05B, 10B, 12B, 13B, 15B

Skirmish Mission of your choice: A/B Mission cards, rules, and tiles. We will use this for tie breakers in the 4th round if we need too!
