A quick question about "Ignoring armor"

By Malligan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Whilst playing descent last night i came accross a problem that i have been unable to resolve.

The hero was wearing a cloak that gave +1 to armor and for every wound dealt rolled 1 power dice and if a surge was rolled it cancelled 1 wound

The hero also had equiped Ghost Armor which allows fatigue to be spent to cancel 1 wound

The DM played a card that did damage ignoring armor.

The problem that occured was us being unable to determine "armor" the following are possible situations we came up with:

1. The cloak is armor and the ghost armor is also armor and therefore must be ignored. The hero suffers X wounds and may not roll power die or spend fatigue to cancel wounds.

2. The cloak is armor and the card must be ignored but the ghost armor is an other card and may be used. The hero suffers X wounds but may spend fatigue to cancel wounds.

3. The heros armor rating and the bonus armor rating from the cloak are ignored (giving an armor rating of 0). The hero suffers X wounds but may roll power dice and spend fatigue to cancel wounds.

This was a tricky one for us, any further help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, the term "armor" has multiple definitions in Descent. And the "Ghost Armor" doesn't actually adhere to any of them and is thus rather misleadingly named.

When damage or wounds "ignore armor," that always means your numerical armor rating, not cards of the "armor" type, and certainly not cards that have "armor" in their names. This has been informally clarified by the developers. Also, it would be pretty perverse if they were intentionally using multiple definitions of the word simultaneously, and having it refer only to items of the "armor" type (and thus not ignoring a hero's base armor, or armor from other sources) would be fairly stupid.

Thanks Antistone

So that would mean no.3 is correct. The attack ignores the numerical arrmor rating a hero has, but not any special abilitys any armor may have.
