Cyphers and Masks Spy book announced!

By coyote6, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG


Edited by Swordbreaker
2 hours ago, ZeiramMR said:

They had it at the FFG booth during GenCon. I haven't had a chance to look through my copy yet.

I believe River Song said it best.....


Since talent trees have already been mapped that leaves Species stats, Cool gear and/or vehicles and what else is in the book.

Edited by warchild1x
14 hours ago, warchild1x said:

I believe River Song said it best.....


Since talent trees have already been mapped that leaves Species stats, Cool gear and/or vehicles and what else is in the book.

I'll post some of that later today. Here is what I can recall off the top of my head; largely things from chapter 1 (a lot of the species information is mentioned in the articles from last year). I was also looking through the Mystic book last night for the first time and hope I didn't get mental wires crossed on anything.

Spoiler contents: Some info on Species abilities, one-liner descriptions of the Signature Abilities, and a reference to GM skill templates.

Species: Balosar get a Streetwise rank and two Advantages added to Vigilance results. Kubaz remove two setback for vision while Melitto remove all setback for vision. They each had a skill rank but I am not recalling the ones associated with the latter two. I believe Kubaz have an Atmosphere paragraph that they get narrative breathing apparatus and treat human-centric atmospheres as Corrosive 6 if exposed (but again, I might be conflating that with something I saw in the Mystic book).

Signature Abilities: The narrative one foils a plan of an enemy agent (who doesn't need to be there in person). The Unmatched one lets you choose negative dice to remove AFTER the roll.

You said the Specialization trees are already mapped somewhere? I remember a few things about these but I'll skip that in this post.

Chapter 3 had four(?) skills that each got about two pages of details on some ways to use them for Spy-centric tasks. Each had a chart for ways to spend Ad/Th/Tr/De.

Edited by ZeiramMR

Any info on what new starships (and new starship attachments) are in this book would be most appreciated.

Where are these trees mapped?


Anyone have the species stats?

Someone want to actually dive into revealing details of this book? Really shocked how little has been shared.

Yeah, spies are normally really open with their information !

7 minutes ago, Darzil said:

Yeah, spies are normally really open with their information !

Lol, touché.

No, I just am suprised. For the last half dozen books we have had full lists of ships, items, talents, people, planets... basically everything. I know, I’ve done two of them. Took me hours to type out, but it’s the courtesy to others when you have the baton.

I'd be interested in getting the neato lore on Balosars.

1 hour ago, Khazadune said:

Lol, touché.

No, I just am suprised. For the last half dozen books we have had full lists of ships, items, talents, people, planets... basically everything. I know, I’ve done two of them. Took me hours to type out, but it’s the courtesy to others when you have the baton.

I think It's the oddity of the soft release at GenCon that is affecting that. Probably as those preorders ship and people get it closer to it's "official" street date we will see the usual spoilers

Something came up last night, but here's a little more info before I head to work.

Rest of the Species details and a list of Droids and Vehicles:

Balosar: High Cunning, Low Willpower, 10/10/100, Streetwise 1, 2 Advantage on Vigilance

Kubaz: High Willpower, Low Presence, 9/10/100, Stealth or Survival 1, Remove 2 setback for vision

Melitto: High Brawn, Low Willpower, 9/11/100, Perception 1, no penalty to vision/darkness, they have the Toxin atmosphere details from the last post not the Kubaz


AC-1 Series Surveillance Droid (M)

E522 Assassin Droid (N)

L5X Series Slicer Droid (R)

M4 Series Messenger Droid (R)

Q-Signal Messenger Droid (R) + Q-Signal Messenger Droid Vehicle Profile

RA-7 Protocol Droid (R)

RM Series Military Intelligence Droid (N)

TS Series Interrogation Droid (R)

Landspeeder: Arlen-Dempler C-B7 "Interceptor"

Starship: IE-440 "Nighthawk" Multi-Role Starfighter

13 minutes ago, ZeiramMR said:

Something came up last night, but here's a little more info before I head to work.

Rest of the Species details and a list of Droids and Vehicles:

Balosar: High Cunning, Low Willpower, 10/10/100, Streetwise 1, 2 Advantage on Vigilance

Kubaz: High Willpower, Low Presence, 9/10/100, Stealth or Survival 1, Remove 2 setback for vision

Melitto: High Brawn, Low Willpower, 9/11/100, Perception 1, no penalty to vision/darkness, they have the Toxin atmosphere details from the last post not the Kubaz


AC-1 Series Surveillance Droid (M)

E522 Assassin Droid (N)

L5X Series Slicer Droid (R)

M4 Series Messenger Droid (R)

Q-Signal Messenger Droid (R) + Q-Signal Messenger Droid Vehicle Profile

RA-7 Protocol Droid (R)

RM Series Military Intelligence Droid (N)

TS Series Interrogation Droid (R)

Landspeeder: Arlen-Dempler C-B7 "Interceptor"

Starship: IE-440 "Nighthawk" Multi-Role Starfighter

Is that fighter the only new starship? I had expected some kind of courier vessel (for the Courier), even if it was just an AoR reprint of the Nova Courier. I had also hoped for some dedicated "spy ships" (with superior ELINT capabilities), but maybe there are some attachments that let other ships adopt that role.

46 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

Is that fighter the only new starship? I had expected some kind of courier vessel (for the Courier), even if it was just an AoR reprint of the Nova Courier. I had also hoped for some dedicated "spy ships" (with superior ELINT capabilities), but maybe there are some attachments that let other ships adopt that role.

I was surprised at the low number too. There are about a half-dozen vehicle attachments (one is a Hush Drive).

Can we get a list of new equipment and vehicle attachments.

The gear chapter is pretty long, clocking in at 28 pages total.

Chapter 2, Weapons/Armor and part 1 of gear


Ranged: a heavy blaster pistol that can be converted into a rifle (complete with carrying case for the parts you are assembling), a light blaster pistol that is essentially a holdout blaster but hard to detect, a blaster rifle that can shoot invisible bolts if you spend a maneuver (but becomes Slow-Firing 2 if you do), a repeating heavy blaster pistol (lower damage and accuracy but has Auto-fire), a disc launcher (I really wonder if this is an Easter Egg to some sort of wrist shooter toy IRL), and a wrist blaster.

Melee: Garrote, mono-molecular dagger, and sap gloves (50 credits for Brawl +2 and Concussive 1 at a moderate rarity?! It takes a lot of advantages for a crit, but that still seems unbalanced to me.)

Armor: a suit that aids climbing, a suit that helps stealth, and a suit that really helps stealth.

Gear: This section is where it gets to the fun stuff of the chapter.

Chems/poisons: Suicide tooth capsule, a slow but long-acting poison, truth serum, and an anti-anxiety drug that makes it easier to resist stress/fear and to shoot from sniper range.

Cybernetics: Cortex bomb, Cyber disguise, Lockbreaker hand, Multi-tool hand, Pain Damper, Retinal Implant, Vessel Implant, and Vocal Emulator Implant

I'll get to electronics / tools and the various attachments tomorrow. And I think this is a first, there are "gear attachments" in this book that lets you add things like a hidden compartment or weapon in a piece of gear.

And here is the rest of Chapter 2:

One more weapon that is in a side bar: Redirection Crystal (a one-use blaster rifle bolt that can be triggered... basically make it look like a shot came from somewhere else)


Electronics: Dataspike, Earbud Commlink, Holographic Image Disguiser, Mem-Stik, Surveillance Scanner, Toxin Detector, and Vid-Vox Scrambler.

Tools: Agent's Bag (this is much more narrative as needing what you need it to be than having specific mechanics, the item could be a carrying case, courier bag, etc.), Concealed Escape Kit (the illustration shows the various tools hidden in the sole of a boot), Explosives Belt (one set of explosives that can be remote triggered), Fingerprint Masque, Garrote Chrono, Lockpick Set, Shadowcloak, and Slicewire (not to be confused with slicing, this is a monofilament cable that can be used for cutting/attacks/traps).


Weapon: Componentization (break up your weapon into parts to make it harder to detect or to disguise), Lightweight Frame, Scanner-Proof Hardware (standard weapon-detecting scanners won't catch it, but using a more advanced scanner gives a skill check), Xciter Overcharge

Armor: Armor Insert (turns soak 1 armor with no defense into armored clothing), Boot Blade, Jump Boots, Reflec Adaptive Skin (improves Stealth), Stealth Field Generator (like the previous attachment but makes it harder for them to spot you instead of making your Stealth better), Scannerweave (improves opposed Stealth against scanners)

Gear: Comlink Bug, Concealed Climbing Cord, Dart Gun, Hidden Compartment, Holo Converter, Subminiature holocam, Retractable Garrote, Self-Destruct System

Vehicle: Cloaking Device (takes a Daunting check to spot, but speed is halved and certain ship functions cannot be used), Holographic Shell (holographic disguise, Daunting check from a distance, physical examination detects it), Hush Kit (adds setbacks to hearing the ship in atmosphere), Mobile Listening Post (improves sensors), Retractable Weapon System (lets you hide a weapon in a hidden compartment), Sensor Shunt (at speed 3 or less, it is much harder to detect the ship by sensors)

Edited by ZeiramMR

What skill does the garrote use, Melee or Brawl?

And does chapter 3 talk extensively about incorporating Stealth?

1 hour ago, ZeiramMR said:

And here is the rest of Chapter 2:

One more weapon that is in a side bar: Redirection Crystal (a one-use blaster rifle bolt that can be triggered... basically make it look like a shot came from somewhere else)


Electronics: Dataspike, Earbud Commlink, Holographic Image Disguiser, Mem-Stik, Surveillance Scanner, Toxin Detector, and Vid-Vox Scrambler.

Tools: Agent's Bag (this is much more narrative as needing what you need it to be than having specific mechanics, the item could be a carrying case, courier bag, etc.), Concealed Escape Kit (the illustration shows the various tools hidden in the sole of a boot), Explosives Belt (one set of explosives that can be remote triggered), Fingerprint Masque, Garrote Chrono, Lockpick Set, Shadowcloak, and Slicewire (not to be confused with slicing, this is a monofilament cable that can be used for cutting/attacks/traps).


Weapon: Componentization (break up your weapon into parts to make it harder to detect or to disguise), Lightweight Frame, Scanner-Proof Hardware (standard weapon-detecting scanners won't catch it, but using a more advanced scanner gives a skill check), Xciter Overcharge

Armor: Armor Insert (turns soak 1 armor with no defense into armored clothing), Boot Blade, Jump Boots, Reflec Adaptive Skin (improves Stealth), Stealth Field Generator (like the previous attachment but makes it harder for them to spot you instead of making your Stealth better), Scannerweave (improves opposed Stealth against scanners)

Gear: Comlink Bug, Concealed Climbing Cord, Dart Gun, Hidden Compartment, Holo Converter, Subminiature holocam, Retractable Garrote, Self-Destruct System

Vehicle: Cloaking Device, Holographic Shell, Hush Kit, Mobile Listening Post, Retractable Weapon System, Sensor Shunt

Can you describe the vehicle mods?


22 hours ago, kalidor2000 said:

Can you describe the vehicle mods?


I added some more description in the post.

23 hours ago, Swordbreaker said:

What skill does the garrote use, Melee or Brawl?

And does chapter 3 talk extensively about incorporating Stealth?

Brawl, but it doesn't deal (direct) damage, instead it inflicts suffocation. The target can make opposed checks to escape.

Extensively might be too strong a word. Chapter 3 covers a lot of the usual last chapter items except for things like Crafting. It has:

  • narrative description of incorporating spies into a campaign
  • four skills (Computers, Deception, Skulduggery, Stealth) each get a page of additional uses for the skill and a page with a chart for uses of Ad/Th/Tr/De
  • sections on Counterintelligence, concealing/disguising weapons (which is about to come in handy with where my party is in Friends Like These ), and Slicing Encounters (just short of an exact reprint of the part in Special Modifications, it is missing the bit on Slicing Signatures and the bottom entries from the chart)
  • three outlines of sample Spy campaigns, each slightly over 2 pages long
  • Spy Rewards, which are more narrative description than something mechanical like Scars

8 hours ago, ZeiramMR said:

Brawl, but it doesn't deal (direct) damage, instead it inflicts suffocation. The target can make opposed checks to escape.

Extensively might be too strong a word. Chapter 3 covers a lot of the usual last chapter items except for things like Crafting. It has:

  • narrative description of incorporating spies into a campaign
  • four skills (Computers, Deception, Skulduggery, Stealth) each get a page of additional uses for the skill and a page with a chart for uses of Ad/Th/Tr/De
  • sections on Counterintelligence, concealing/disguising weapons (which is about to come in handy with where my party is in Friends Like These ), and Slicing Encounters (just short of an exact reprint of the part in Special Modifications, it is missing the bit on Slicing Signatures and the bottom entries from the chart)
  • three outlines of sample Spy campaigns, each slightly over 2 pages long
  • Spy Rewards, which are more narrative description than something mechanical like Scars

Any chance we could get the new motivations?

On 8/8/2018 at 10:36 PM, ZeiramMR said:

The gear chapter is pretty long, clocking in at 28 pages total.

Chapter 2, Weapons/Armor and part 1 of gear


Ranged: a heavy blaster pistol that can be converted into a rifle (complete with carrying case for the parts you are assembling), a light blaster pistol that is essentially a holdout blaster but hard to detect, a blaster rifle that can shoot invisible bolts if you spend a maneuver (but becomes Slow-Firing 2 if you do), a repeating heavy blaster pistol (lower damage and accuracy but has Auto-fire), a disc launcher (I really wonder if this is an Easter Egg to some sort of wrist shooter toy IRL), and a wrist blaster.

Melee: Garrote, mono-molecular dagger, and sap gloves (50 credits for Brawl +2 and Concussive 1 at a moderate rarity?! It takes a lot of advantages for a crit, but that still seems unbalanced to me.)

Armor: a suit that aids climbing, a suit that helps stealth, and a suit that really helps stealth.

Gear: This section is where it gets to the fun stuff of the chapter.

Chems/poisons: Suicide tooth capsule, a slow but long-acting poison, truth serum, and an anti-anxiety drug that makes it easier to resist stress/fear and to shoot from sniper range.

Cybernetics: Cortex bomb, Cyber disguise, Lockbreaker hand, Multi-tool hand, Pain Damper, Retinal Implant, Vessel Implant, and Vocal Emulator Implant

I'll get to electronics / tools and the various attachments tomorrow. And I think this is a first, there are "gear attachments" in this book that lets you add things like a hidden compartment or weapon in a piece of gear.

What does the retinal implant do?