Cyphers and Masks Spy book announced!

By coyote6, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

On 6/4/2018 at 2:50 PM, NovaGman said:

Amazon (I know, not the most reliable source) is showing an in stock date of August 31, 2018. Getting very frustrating since I have had this on pre order from Miniature Market since mid Feb, and this is the last book in that group from the order.

I preordered when it was first announced. Pretty sick of there release dates. Great material just crappy service.

The 30th Anniversary Edition switched to “shipping now” today, meaning it’s two weeks from shelves (7/5). The only thing left from the bottleneck at that point is Cyphers and Masks . So, I’m sticking with my 100% pure guess of the end of July.

Then we’ll be in the Great Unknown, as all announced products will be released.

Age of Rebellion seems like the red-headed step child out of the three games.

If popularity of these forums is an indicator I can see this being the truth. I don't have the sales numbers but I can see Age of Rebellion being behind Force and Destiny and Edge of the Empire in terms of gross/net sales. (Not sure of this though. But there are much less posts on the AoR forums as compared to EotE and FaD).

My guess is that this book is already in stores and it's hiding in plain sight. This cat & mouse game of misdirection is just part of their ploy.

(I've had the derned thing on preorder & paid for since September. Grumble.)

Feel bad that I've only really joined this forum to complain, but the delay with this product is beyond a joke. Like other posters, I ordered Cyphers and Masks as part of a bundle with other products announced at a similar time (Dawn of Rebellion and Fully Operational) so I'm still waiting, 6 months on, for all three.

It is not only the time 'on the boat' (seriously, is it floating on an air-bed?), it is the appalling communication from the customer service team - if there is a problem, just tell people so they understand. Stop telling me to keep checking the 'Upcoming Section' when I have already told you I am doing that!

Although it appears to be speculation, thank you to the other posters attempting to provide some clarity - although I continue to have a bad feeling about this you are genuinely my only hope,

I really can’t wait for this one to come out, it’s likely going to be a go to for many. I’m also wondering when a F&D spec might come out with the “I rip thoughts from your mind” ability to pair with the interrogator!

So much awesome in this little book. I can’t wait for it.

Just now, Khazadune said:

I really can’t wait for this one to come out, it’s likely going to be a go to for many. I’m also wondering when a F&D spec might come out with the “I rip thoughts from your mind” ability to pair with the interrogator!

So much awesome in this little book. I can’t wait for it.

TLDR - Can’t we just get this book already?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

On 6/20/2018 at 1:29 PM, Sincereagape said:

Age of Rebellion seems like the red-headed step child out of the three games.

If popularity of these forums is an indicator I can see this being the truth. I don't have the sales numbers but I can see Age of Rebellion being behind Force and Destiny and Edge of the Empire in terms of gross/net sales. (Not sure of this though. But there are much less posts on the AoR forums as compared to EotE and FaD).

AOR is the most boring of the three. This system is not really geared for wargame and large scale battles. Plus space battles are too deadly to build campaign around. The only thing left are stories about little strike team that does infiltration and skirmish. It grow boring quickly.

On 6/21/2018 at 4:39 AM, Nytwyng said:

Then we’ll be in the Great Unknown, as all announced products will be released. 

Which leads to something I've been wondering for a while - what will FFG do to keep the RPG lines alive? Era books, adventures, more rules supplements, location-specific fluff books, or any combination of the above?

Place your bets now, folks!

I feel like adventures will still continue. I expect era books also, but I like Dawn of the Rebellion and hope to see more like it. Plus, they can always do a Species book like WotC did back in the day.

I'm surprised we haven't gotten more books like Lords of Nal Hutta and Suns of Fortune.

Just to add here, I have played in 4 campaigns and 3 of them were AoR strike team that included FnD and/or EoE. I agree after a little it got boring.

Does any one know why this one book is so delayed???

18 hours ago, vilainn6 said:

AOR is the most boring of the three. This system is not really geared for wargame and large scale battles. Plus space battles are too deadly to build campaign around. The only thing left are stories about little strike team that does infiltration and skirmish. It grow boring quickly.

I will have to disagree here, at lest on the first and last part. I've been running EoE/AoR/FaD for over 2 years, most has been AoR. Personally, just about any adventure can be an Age adventure. Missions for the Rebellion are not limited to only "hey, go blow that up" or "hey, go shoot that up". We have had several adventures of both types, but I tend to intersperse those with other adventures (players turned Beyond the Rim into a very cool AoR adventure, just show an example), some having ties back to the rebellion, some not.

IMHO, the only reason the line would get boring would be falling into tropes and that could be said of ANY game, not just this one.

Either way, it's purely subjective and a matter of opinion. Here's to hoping you can find some excitement in AoR.

7 hours ago, Atraangelis said:

Just to add here, I have played in 4 campaigns and 3 of them were AoR strike team that included FnD and/or EoE. I agree after a little it got boring.

Does any one know why this one book is so delayed???

Know with certainty? No. But, we can draw some educated conclusions.

We know that it got caught in the logjam of delays begun with what someone from FFG characterized as printing issues that made Ghosts of Dathomir unreleasable, followed by a shipping company going out of business with their cargo seized to pay creditors that appeared to affect FFG’s shipments. Once the ball started rolling again with Dawn of Rebellion hitting shelves, a pattern of monthly releases started to establish itself, with a logical pattern of not releasing the two delayed books from the same line back-to-back. One final monkey wrench was thrown into the works by Knights of Fate being released on time rather than being held back for Cyphers to be released.

I’m guessing we’ll probably see it at the end of July.

GenCon is next month. If FFG doesn't make a formal announcement about what they're doing with the RPG line, one way or the other, I wouldn't be surprised if they sunset it. The financial returns on RPGs tend to diminish over long periods of time. This is the primary reason why modern RPGs get new editions; not because there was anything inherently wrong with the previous edition but because player attention and spending is waning and the company wants an influx of new money. That and Star Wars is the most expensive gaming license.

I do hope I'm wrong.

31 minutes ago, Concise Locket said:

GenCon is next month. If FFG doesn't make a formal announcement about what they're doing with the RPG line, one way or the other, I wouldn't be surprised if they sunset it. The financial returns on RPGs tend to diminish over long periods of time. This is the primary reason why modern RPGs get new editions; not because there was anything inherently wrong with the previous edition but because player attention and spending is waning and the company wants an influx of new money. That and Star Wars is the most expensive gaming license.

I do hope I'm wrong.

Well, lets hope they get AoR:CnM in before then.. thats the only item from the ENTIRE starwars ffg line im missing.

33 minutes ago, Concise Locket said:

I do hope I'm wrong.

Well, if it matters any, they have been doing plenty of reprints of books, and that's something one generally doesn't do if a product line isn't turning a profit.

Though I do suspect that now that the various career splats have been written, we'll probably see a downturn in terms of new SWRPG product. I'm figuring that Dawn of Rebellion did well, so that may greenlight FFG to do more era-based books that cross over all three game lines. Not sure how well adventures have sold for them, but generally speaking adventure books aren't big money-makers for RPGs since only the GMs tend to buy them.

They've probably also been devoting resources to L5R (pretty sure that's going to be their RPG darling at this year's GenCon) as well as a strong likelihood of developing setting books for Genesys.

While I do like getting new crunch for the RPG, I do have to wonder if we're reaching (or have long since past) the point of system bloat. As such, maybe it's not a bad idea to not have quite so much new material constantly being churned out? I'd be good with a two or three books a year, especially ones that are devoted to specific parts of the galaxy or to various eras of play.

10 minutes ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

While I do like getting new crunch for the RPG, I do have to wonder if we're reaching (or have long since past) the point of system bloat. As such, maybe it's not a bad idea to not have quite so much new material constantly being churned out? I'd be good with a two or three books a year, especially ones that are devoted to specific parts of the galaxy or to various eras of play.

I wish they could do more web content. I would love to see semi-regular articles of new crunch and supplemental material.

3 hours ago, kaosoe said:

I wish they could do more web content. I would love to see semi-regular articles of new crunch and supplemental material.

So long as they don't go the route that WotC did with D&D 4e and burying us under new crunch every other week.

But yeah, an article about once a month would be nice. I get a feeling that FFG did try that with some of the purely fluff-based articles they published, but the generally negative response those articles garnered likely soured them on the idea.

4 hours ago, kaosoe said:

I wish they could do more web content. I would love to see semi-regular articles of new crunch and supplemental material.

1 hour ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

So long as they don't go the route that WotC did with D&D 4e and burying us under new crunch every other week.

But yeah, an article about once a month would be nice. I get a feeling that FFG did try that with some of the purely fluff-based articles they published, but the generally negative response those articles garnered likely soured them on the idea.

I'm pretty sure there is also the licensing agreement on digital media that ffg doesn't have. I believe EA still has those rights and that severely limits what ffg can output electronically.

5 hours ago, warchild1x said:

I'm pretty sure there is also the licensing agreement on digital media that ffg doesn't have. I believe EA still has those rights and that severely limits what ffg can output electronically.

Yep. The electronic supplemental material available probably slips through the same loophole that the dice app does: they're useless without the game itself, which is not available digitally. Other content could potentially utilize that same technicality, but as soon as you start distributing new rule data, it steps over that line. (And, note that, for example, a great many of the NPCs in Dawn of Rebellion feature exclusive special abilities - and one or two even new talents not found in spec trees - not found anywhere else. That would be new rules.)

Edited by Nytwyng
12 hours ago, warchild1x said:

I'm pretty sure there is also the licensing agreement on digital media that ffg doesn't have. I believe EA still has those rights and that severely limits what ffg can output electronically.

Which is why i said i wish they could do more web content.

Although, it's not too restrictive. From what I can tell, WotC had the same license deal, and they produced web content for SAGA from time-to-time.

On 6/21/2018 at 5:22 PM, themensch said:

(I've had the derned thing on preorder & paid for since September. Grumble.)


Pre-ordering FFG feels like joining a kickstarter. But with less progress updates.

19 hours ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

Well, if it matters any, they have been doing plenty of reprints of books, and that's something one generally doesn't do if a product line isn't turning a profit.

Though I do suspect that now that the various career splats have been written, we'll probably see a downturn in terms of new SWRPG product. I'm figuring that Dawn of Rebellion did well, so that may greenlight FFG to do more era-based books that cross over all three game lines. Not sure how well adventures have sold for them, but generally speaking adventure books aren't big money-makers for RPGs since only the GMs tend to buy them.

They've probably also been devoting resources to L5R (pretty sure that's going to be their RPG darling at this year's GenCon) as well as a strong likelihood of developing setting books for Genesys.

While I do like getting new crunch for the RPG, I do have to wonder if we're reaching (or have long since past) the point of system bloat. As such, maybe it's not a bad idea to not have quite so much new material constantly being churned out? I'd be good with a two or three books a year, especially ones that are devoted to specific parts of the galaxy or to various eras of play.

Adventure books tend to be loss-leaders unless you go the Paizo route of a subscription service. FFG has been pretty smart about adding a decent amount of sourcebook style material to adventure books - like the multi-page write-up of Ord Mantell in "Mask of the Pirate Queen" - but they're definitely the lowest selling items since they're geared toward GMs. "Dawn of Rebellion" sold out at my game store so it's possible that more era books are forthcoming but that's limited to post-RotJ to pre-TFA and maaaaaybe The Clone Wars (though combining the height of the Jedi with Force & Destiny , which focuses on minor Force users rediscovering lost knowledge, would be tricky).

System bloat or setting bloat? The rules are pretty much baked in with the core books and the supplements only add minor, career-specific tweaks and sub-rules. Setting-wise, the Star Wars Universe was pared waaaaay back with Disney axing Legends so anything FFG develops has to follow something that's a part of the movies, a TV show, a novel, or a Marvel comic. Disney is really into the whole cross-promotional thing so anything FFG creates probably needs to be in support of something else going on outside the company. I could be wrong but I'm not seeing evidence that contradicts me.

A trend in current RPG design is to release complete games rather than releasing on-going volumes of materials. Green Ronin's DC Adventures super-hero game was deliberately designed to be four books and no more. FFG may have had a "core book + 6 career books over three lines and no more" model built in at the start.

In the end, enough player demand for more new material could result in new stuff anyway. :)

3 hours ago, kaosoe said:

Although, it's not too restrictive. From what I can tell, WotC had the same license deal, and they produced web content for SAGA from time-to-time.

It would be nice but it's hard to monetize that. WotC gave up the SW license early because it wasn't pulling in enough money for the company.

59 minutes ago, Edgookin said:

Pre-ordering FFG feels like joining a kickstarter. But with less progress updates.

At least I know I'll get my book in the end after having paid for it! I'm patient.