Cyphers and Masks Spy book announced!

By coyote6, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

1 hour ago, SavageBob said:

Do we have Weequay in the AOR line? There's a Weequay pictured in first image.

Yeah... We have a Weequay in an Imperial uniform (of a technician?). That's going to be convincing.

Internal spread art is hit or miss at best for indicating the species. It's the full character art, like on the covers or on the specialization pages, that gives the best indicator. The announcement article, for example, teased the Sleeper Agent with a piece of artwork that was titles Sleeper Agent,

20 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Cunning Persona looks interesting, and awfully cheap for what it does.

I guess it makes the four social skills 2 x Cunning, 1 x Presence, 1 x Will, rather than 1 x Cunning, 2 x Presence, 1 x Will. So much less powerful than if it made Coercion work with Cunning or Will, or Deception work with Presence or Will.

9 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

Yeah... We have a Weequay in an Imperial uniform (of a technician?). That's going to be convincing.

"Don't mind me. Just thinking 'bout all that suns exposure I got back on Tatooine. As a Human. A Human on Tatooine..."

26 minutes ago, SavageBob said:

"Don't mind me. Just thinking 'bout all that suns exposure I got back on Tatooine. As a Human. A Human on Tatooine..."

Let's not forget that these are FFG Weequay that are among the dumbest and least socially apt species in the galaxy. At least they have a good Cunning, but yeesh... Maybe they make good spies because others think they are unsuited to being spies.

It's a good thing deception relies on cunning and not presence or intellect.

The article did say that not all Sleeper Agents work within the Imperial Armed Forces, and some played other roles in the Imperial machine. In that light, nearly any alien would make sense as a Sleeper Agent.

38 minutes ago, kaosoe said:

It's a good thing deception relies on cunning and not presence or intellect.

The article did say that not all Sleeper Agents work within the Imperial Armed Forces, and some played other roles in the Imperial machine. In that light, nearly any alien would make sense as a Sleeper Agent.

The Empire using aliens as work force isn't exactly beyond the scope of the movies.

2 hours ago, Darzil said:

I guess it makes the four social skills 2 x Cunning, 1 x Presence, 1 x Will, rather than 1 x Cunning, 2 x Presence, 1 x Will. So much less powerful than if it made Coercion work with Cunning or Will, or Deception work with Presence or Will.

True, but Negotiation/Leadership are not as important for the Sleeper Agent (or the Spy in general), so this still makes it easier for them to ignore Presence and focus on Cunning.

So what do we have room for as far as final specs? A Handler? A reprint of Assassin? A Spyhunter/Counterintelligence type?

On 10/2/2017 at 9:26 PM, ExileofEnya said:

There's no doubt in my mind that due to the focus of information on it lately that Cyphers and Masks has killed Fully Operational when we weren't looking, like the sneaky little assassin it is, no doubt as part of some dastardly scheme to get released before it.

The question is if this book is prepared to do this to one of it's own line, there's no telling the depths it will sink to in order to get released quicker. Why, even typing this right now I could be in terrible dan-

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there usually 4 articles per book usually spaced out with the movement of the book? One when announced then one during development, one when it goes to printer, one when goes to the boat and one when it goes to shipping then maybe one when it's available in stores? I might have the schedule wrong but there have been 4 articles on FO which I would have thought should suggest that it should have been ready to ship in June... of course that really panned out and doesn't account for the lack of movement beyond development but hey I'm probably not correct in this line of thinking anyway.

5 hours ago, jayc007 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there usually 4 articles per book usually spaced out with the movement of the book? One when announced then one during development, one when it goes to printer, one when goes to the boat and one when it goes to shipping then maybe one when it's available in stores? I might have the schedule wrong but there have been 4 articles on FO which I would have thought should suggest that it should have been ready to ship in June... of course that really panned out and doesn't account for the lack of movement beyond development but hey I'm probably not correct in this line of thinking anyway.

That post was supposed to be a joke.

11 hours ago, Blackbird888 said:

That post was supposed to be a joke.

I figured but it brought that question to mind and what better way to ask it? It was a good segway and I didn't want ppl thinking I was just asking out of the blue.

Course I guess that question would be better asked in trends so sorry for the derailure of the thread

22 hours ago, jayc007 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there usually 4 articles per book usually spaced out with the movement of the book? One when announced then one during development, one when it goes to printer, one when goes to the boat and one when it goes to shipping then maybe one when it's available in stores? I might have the schedule wrong but there have been 4 articles on FO which I would have thought should suggest that it should have been ready to ship in June... of course that really panned out and doesn't account for the lack of movement beyond development but hey I'm probably not correct in this line of thinking anyway.

Fully Operational seems to have been sidetracked by side effects of Ghosts of Dathomir being apparently lost & needing reprint. Subsequently announced things (like Genesys, 30th anniversary edition of WEG Star Wars, maybe Dawn of Rebellion) might've been higher priority, and pushed it further back. At least, that's my wild guess as to why FO doesn't have a "pre-order now" link on the Upcoming page, but every other RPG book does.

Or maybe the engineers were responsible for the Ghosts debacle, and have been sentenced to the spice mines as penance. Only the Emperor knows!

I have a feeling Gadgeteer might pop up in this. It seems like a good gadget-y fit.

Yeah, both Gadgeteer and Assassin are good fits for the Spy career. I hope they give us something more original, though. This is one of the books I've been looking forward to the most, so three brand spanking new specializations would be vastly preferable.

On 10/11/2017 at 5:51 PM, Krieger22 said:

Yeah, both Gadgeteer and Assassin are good fits for the Spy career. I hope they give us something more original, though. This is one of the books I've been looking forward to the most, so three brand spanking new specializations would be vastly preferable.

I'm hoping it's a hybrid social shoot clever spy... right when AoR came out I had a custom thread spec that Sam Stewart provided positive feedback on (I pm'd him a link to the thread asking him to take a look and provide feedback but the point was it was positive and I learned Daniel Craig was his favorite James Bond so far)

so although it's very unlikely it's not impossible (timing allows it) that it could have been the inspiration for the third spec, and I'm not a playterster so I have no inside info. I get that it has a few talents in common with the infilitrator and that makes it even less likely, but I thought I'dshare it.

I'd be very happy to see the Kubaz. I enjoyed Garrindan's story in the new anthology that just came out.

Looks like courier is a bit of a mix of racer and shadow... without the force of course.

It looks like the spec I was looking for for my soldier before he became fs

Edit: addition.

I might have to take it anyway

Edited by jayc007

Mildly surprised we get another human-like species (shrek antennae aside!). AoR is usually the home of the freakshow exotic species.

So we have Sleeper Agent and Courier now - any guesses on the last one?

1 hour ago, Maelora said:

Mildly surprised we get another human-like species (shrek antennae aside!). AoR is usually the home of the freakshow exotic species.

So we have Sleeper Agent and Courier now - any guesses on the last one?

The third spec is the Interrogator.

Edited by ExileofEnya

Oh yeah, sorry. That's three for three. Sorry, it's been a tough week and the 'blonde moments' are coming thick and fast. (THis morning I forgot my work pass for the first time in 20 years!)

Over to Absol and her crystal ball to tell us when we'll actually get the Spy book! :)

My crystal ball is unfortunately cloudy at the moment, sorry Marcy :( . And sorry about the rough week. If I could give some hugs, I would!

I hope y'all like the Courier when it shows up; it fights with the Sleeper Agent for my fav from this one :) .

I'm pretty convinced that Kubaz must be the third, which fits like a glove. Balosar is a pretty solid choice, though I was somewhat hoping for Umbaran.

I thought Courier as a spec eons ago, though it looks like works differently than the idea I envisioned for it.

Hmmmmm. Athletics seems like a shoe in for the spec skills. It also utilizes stealth quite often and deception; those skills are already part of the career set, but at least some redundancy is expected to help accommodate anyone picking up the spec from outside the career. I wonder if one form or another of piloting might not be part of it........ seems like it would be useful.

Alternatively, streetwise seems about right based solely on what’s listed.

And now I’ve got a smuggler: pilot/spy: courier in my head.

Edited by MitchPelon