In your games, how do you handle the process of Rogue Traders going to new star systems they've never seen before, and exploring star systems? How do you handle, mechanically, the process of actually surveying an entire system?
My own campaign, I basically told my players that they had a fairly basic starchart of Winterscale's Realm that they had bought, which has a number of star systems on it, all of which I generated beforehand. Once they arrive, usually they've got to spend a couple of weeks doing a system wide survey to really get an idea of what kind of planets and other astral bodies are in the system. Generally, I make it a 12-success Exploration challenge.
Thing is, I'm a bit dissatisfied with this method, it seems a bit slapdash to me, and I'd like to hear how other GMs handle exploration in their own games. Assuming they don't have a star chart to go off of, how do your PCs figure out which system to jump to? After all, I believe most stars don't have planets, and it could get extremely dull game-wise to travel through the warp again and again just to find nothing.
Assuming they find a system with something of interest, how do you handle system-wide exploration? The auspex surveys on starships don't seem to have the range necessary to just make a cursory scan from the edge of the system, after all. What about planetary surveys?