So, I was having an into game with a friend who's just getting into the game and doesn't have any cards yet. I modified a copy of each starter deck with some better cards (a few in each) and gave him the Kylo deck (which I also gave a 2nd FO Stormtrooper to balance the points.) I took elite Rey and Finn.
Rey and Kylo died first and then Finn just couldn't do enough damage to the two Stormtroopers to win. It was a decent game, but after I lost Rey it just seemed that I didn't have enough leverage to do anything much.
I also never see him in decks, while Rey pops up paired with Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan. Is Finn no good? I love the character and want to make him work, but he seems a little pricey for what he brings to the table.