New player-Rotation cycle for the game imminent

By VF308, in Star Wars: The Card Game


I am contemplating purchasing the full game (as in the long road to all the components) though doubtful will ever enter competitive play.

With the imminent rotation cycle I am debating if I should consider seeking the expansions that are to be phased out (which I assume entails they will be out of print) to begin with. However should one not assume that the Hoth Cycle and the Echoes of the Force will return in future in an updated form to better interact with the rest of the sets?

What do the more learned members consider the future to be and a path toward it?

Thank you.

Edited by VF308

Rotation is not imminent. We get the first pack of the sixth cycle right now. So it will be at least a year before Hoth and Echoes rotate out.

I don't think those cycles will return. Maybe some abilities found on some cards will inspire new cards but I would say that's about it. Maybe they will revisit the Hoth theme but if they do they will do it rather differently than they did the first time. The first cycle was meant to be thematic and was rather tame in design.