I'm at it again, and this time it was rather...brutal.
Once again, the entire collection is painted, but this time, no more expansions are out, YAY!! (yet). Reanimates, spearmen, Ankaru Maro, and Lord Sauron…I mean Hawthorne.
I started with the reanimates and you can compare those to the first set for the experience difference - they were EASY. It was a wonderful experience, I felt like I learned something! “I’m getting better!” and I think I am. This time, not fooling around I based them, lightly dry brushed them (maybe too lightly), and then literally poured super glue over them to keep the bloody rocks on the model.
Again with the eyes...no, won't do it, can't make me, just a dab of blue and tried to leave the white there and let it go if not.
Then came the spearmen. I tried a bit more detail and it wasn’t completely horrible.
Ok, Here's the thing...what in the Sam Hill am I supposed to do about Maro? Demon surfer dude on a weekend pass from Hell? “Like dude, I’m gonna eat your soul. Totally.”
Glued them together (with as much cursing as last time, while p u l l i n g my fingers apart) and then basically stared at both Maro and Hawthorne for 3 days.
Looked on the web, there were not a lot of folks posting their awesome work.
Thornroo1 put up a great one, but not many posting so I thought I would post my "simplified" Maro. (simplified being primarily: "Use 5 colors", I used 9 (NINE!)).
Just click next for the new ones or go back for previous to see just how much of a masochist I am.
Or you can go here, it puts newest at the bottom: https://www.amazon.com/photos/share/YNRuXRWLJPlhvbaB33imlanRkY5CIbBfl4rORjOzDnW
Not great, not flashy, painted.
Here's the thing, I wanted to use flesh tone for the things that tied the bones together, so I wanted to "suggest" that that was flesh, by using that color on our demon surfer but still give him a ghastly appearance.
That almost completely failed perfectly.
Waves? Ok waves of magic?...o...k... so I tried dry brushing them with a bit o' white...and pretty much got the same result as the flesh. *sigh*
But still I can live with the Maro’s.
Now lets talk about Hawthorne. Let me say, we are not on speaking terms.
You really can't describe the experience without using the word "cluster". I certainly compared him to various forms of bovine excrement and rather loudly discussed FFG staff's ancestry. (Look, I love you guys, I buy more gaming stuff from FFG than from any other game maker maybe all others combined. But you make cruel taskmasters.)
The level of detail is probably a great mini for the masters to play with, for me it was just...ridiculous. Seriously. I could sort of do the breastplate, but the shoulders, helm, arms, and legs were out of the question, again, did what I could and went with solid colors where I messed up to the point of losing detail. I don’t have the patience for that task. Bought a “blond” color which is way to banana, but by that time, I used it out of spite. Looks good on the ‘stash but not so great on the hair coming out of the back of the helmet. I considered using grey, but again that was just mean spirited.
Now off to play.
Until the next expansion, Cheers!
Edited by Adun42
fixed the link