So begins the lightsaber combat challenge between myself and @awayputurwpn...dice rolls may be found here:
Hasal Nisseen gapes at the Adegan crystal--the largest he's ever seen. The Force has blessed me , he muses. I must be the first Jedi in generations to behold this artifact of the Light Side .
A presence intrudes on his musings. A dark presence. The first Jedi , he thinks, but perhaps not the first wielder of the Force...
My Destiny roll was one Dark Side, so combined with APW's roll of 2 light, we'll begin with 1 Dark and 2 Light Destiny.
After posting this, I will make a roll to determine whether Vigilance or Cool will be used for initiative. I'll roll a d%; 1-50=Vigilance, 51-100=Cool. Since neither character really has ranged combat abilities, our starting positions will be mostly a matter of flavor, so I invite APW to choose wherever he'd like his character to begin.