What sheets to use for binder?

By JagerBombsAway, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm using the Fantasy Flight Standard Card sleeves for my Destiny decks. Wondering what binder sheets I can use that will fit the Fantasy Flight card sleeves.

The sheets I bought off of Amazon were too small even though they were standard size.

Thanks for your help!!

I've seen the official FFG sleeves fit into Ultra Pro binders, but I don't know which size...

I'd say to either keep them unsleeved and then sleeve them whenever you take them out to play them, or keep 'em in a box.

Not the best picture (and probably not the best method ever), but here's what my collection looks like. Those first two rows are Awakenings, the second two are Spirit of Rebellion. I keep all the duplicate commons unsleeved in another box (to save space):


i just use a black ultrapro binder i got for a different card game, it works perfect for Destiny and fits set 1 and set 2 fully.

10 hours ago, ZachsDestiny said:

i just use a black ultrapro binder i got for a different card game, it works perfect for Destiny and fits set 1 and set 2 fully.

I too use this, mine is a MTG binder it was on clearance at Barnes and Noble a few months back. Works great with FF sleeves which are a little bigger than most of the sleeves I use. You could easily double sleeve them. The only problem is lack of expansion for the binder. Both sets fit now even with empty spaces for cards I have yet to get, but a third set is going to be a no go.

Appreciate the help. I'll go check that UltraPro binder! Thanks so much!!