Hacking Blades...

By JawaJedi, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

1 hour ago, JawaJedi said:

I don't think FFG seems to care about their own IP. Why?

* We get repeated species and careers instead of new ones. Are FFG staff so lazy to ignore an entire UNIVERSE of possibilities? Wouldn't new content spur more new books? Want to investigate a crime scene? Congratulations: one of two rules books has you covered. Likewise, droid building x2 (Fully Op & Spec Mods). I may be an idiot if I buy both books unless a completionist of have a specific adventure in mind.

They have been asked this before, and the reason they have some overlap on species, is for the people who aren't going to buy every single book they produce (like me). So if there happens to be a signature species that is known for a couple different things, they can print them, and people can still access them. For example, it's the exact reason we have Human in all 3 core books. Because that way, if a new GM, or player, picks up any single title line for the first time, to see what it's like , they have access to one of the most ubiquitous races in Star Wars.

1 hour ago, JawaJedi said:

* Serious editing errors or oversights. These include mistakes in species, force talents, plot designs, and print/ship/in development delays. Again, Expect Ghosts by Halloween.

I'm not sure how long you've been playing table top rpgs, but this is hardly unique to FFG. Errors in the product happen. Simple typos that missed editing sweeps, variations in stats because one team was working on one part, and another team was working on another, and they didn't get the memo about a change. So you have stats that printed one place, show +1 Something, and another place shows +2 Something, etc. EVERY game line I've ever played had this issue to some degree or another. I mean I used to play old edition White Wolf stuff, and holy crap did they have errors, so a typo here and there? Yeah that doesn't even twig my radar at all.

1 hour ago, JawaJedi said:

* The Sacred Cow: ABSOLUTE COMPLETE FFG CRUNCH SPOILS FOR FREE, ON THEIR OWN WEBSITES. Yeah, ain't nobody touching this one out of fear of admitting they copy or paste others IP wantonly with impunity. Aside from owning the CRB, nobody could convince me an entire party couldn't be made using new careers and species from other spoiled books by consulting...well...just HERE in the forums. Why does nobody seem concerned about taking money out of FFG staff's pockets? Isn't this called stealing?!?!?!?!?!

...what are you talking about? You mean things like "Hey, can someone with *Insert Book Title*, please clarify what the talent tree is for *Insert Career Specialization* for me? I don't own it but it's coming up in question."

That kind of thing here on the forums? Well for one, I can't speak for FFG, but they are probably comfortable that people who want to buy a book, or still going to buy a book. I've seen people talking about Disciples of Harmony right after it got out, and they discussed entries, and you know what? I still bought a copy. In fact, a LOT of us, when clarifying points for someone who is asking, tell them to buy the book. For example.

Poster A: Hey! Anyone have any ideas on how to run a scene in a place like the Cave on Dagobah? I want to run my players through such and such situation, and think a Dark Side heavy place would be great, but I don't know how to do the mechanics of it.

Everyone Else: You should totally pick up Nexus of Power, it's got like 30% of it's pages devoted to these very type locations. *Further clarification may or may not follow, usually in generalized ways*

Poster A: Hey cool! Thanks! I was debating picking it up, but knowing it's got that information in it pretty much seals the deal for me!

Boom, we just increased their profit. Sure, some people might only try to bank off using posted material here, to save themselves money. But, if they are that determined not to spend the cash....nothing we do is going to convince them to spend it in the first place.

Like myself, I personally have no plan on buying some titles of the FFG line, because I just have zero interest in the material therein. If there is say, one talent tree that is of interest to me, I'm not spending 30+ bucks on a book, that I won't even read 85% of, for one thing. I'm just not, and I don't feel ashamed to say so. So sure, for that type thing, I don't mind pulling info from other people who did. But I also have bought several books, entirely based on the information presented by people on this forum. So it's a give and take.

1 hour ago, JawaJedi said:

So, if THEY don't care about their products, WHY SHOULD/WOULD I? Good luck with GENESYS at the expense of FFG SWRPG. Yeah, they're nearing the finish line, so flock new stuff since the old stuff (i.e. mistakes) seems to cut the mustard.

So...you acnowledge they are near the end of the gameline, and thus need other stuff to have their employees working on (you know, so they get paid for their jobs), and yet you are angry they are doing other stuff?

Oh, and to answer your own question, you don't have to care about any of it. Yet you clearly do, from the level of frustration and emphasis you are putting into this thread. Nothing lasts forever. If they were constantly churning out stuff, you would likely complain because "OMG THEY ARE JUST RECYCLING THE SAME CRAP OVER AND OVER!!" (something you've already stated in this thread actually). They can't just make new stuff up to fill an entirely new book. They have a license to make games, using LucasArts copyrighted material. They have limitations in what they can create whole-cloth.

So I don't really see what you expect them to do, as a company. They don't JUST do Star Wars, they have their fingers in a lot of pies, and their divisions work on things a couple years in advance. Plus, you are assuming that the staff that worked on GYNESYS are the same people who were working on Star Wars. Now, maybe they are the same team, I have no idea, but it could also just as easily be a different creative team.

So what is it you want? You want them to acknowledge the line is fading, and let them move on to other things? Or do you want them to just keep churning out the same stuff over and over, simply to satisfy your need for material? Because you can't have it both ways.

If the community and FFG believe people aren't avoiding payments by using the spoilers posted, may I interest y'all in some prime real estate deals? PDFs?! Nope- people will steal 'em. Just come here and find what you need, because MAYBE you'll buy it. This just seems like a missed opportunity for more robust sales if FFG leaked more content. Notice how they've been showing more and hinting more about different crunch in previews? Isn't this good enough, and would solve the fan-copied hijinks. Some may say that using the information is morally wrong; I contend that sharing copyrighted IP is as morally questionable as it is a crime.

In some regards, I liken this experience to flipping through a book at the store. Neither my moral insight nor store staff will let me peruse the book for more than a minute, but I'll get my immediate fix and determine my purchase. Frankly, I think (most) people will have already made a decision on their purchase BEFORE they pick up the book. Online, I see the same stuff. However, since it STAYS online, I can go back and review it, unlike an experience at the LGS (well, I suppose I could go back to the store on a regular basis and read one new page a day or whatnot, but that's getting silly). The CRUNCH is all here for free.

No, I don't believe it does force us to pick only one CRB and stick with just that game. The point of it is to allow for groups to do so.Not everyone wants to play a Rebel or a Jedi, so they may want to stick strictly with EotE. The same for groups that only want to play Force users, or only want to play Rebels battling the Empire. To give these groups that option , they need to reprint certain things between games. IT does not force groups to stick only with one game though.

1 minute ago, KungFuFerret said:

They have been asked this before, and the reason they have some overlap on species, is for the people who aren't going to buy every single book they produce (like me). So if there happens to be a signature species that is known for a couple different things, they can print them, and people can still access them. For example, it's the exact reason we have Human in all 3 core books. Because that way, if a new GM, or player, picks up any single title line for the first time, to see what it's like , they have access to one of the most ubiquitous races in Star Wars.

I'm not sure how long you've been playing table top rpgs, but this is hardly unique to FFG. Errors in the product happen. Simple typos that missed editing sweeps, variations in stats because one team was working on one part, and another team was working on another, and they didn't get the memo about a change. So you have stats that printed one place, show +1 Something, and another place shows +2 Something, etc. EVERY game line I've ever played had this issue to some degree or another. I mean I used to play old edition White Wolf stuff, and holy crap did they have errors, so a typo here and there? Yeah that doesn't even twig my radar at all.

...what are you talking about? You mean things like "Hey, can someone with *Insert Book Title*, please clarify what the talent tree is for *Insert Career Specialization* for me? I don't own it but it's coming up in question."

That kind of thing here on the forums? Well for one, I can't speak for FFG, but they are probably comfortable that people who want to buy a book, or still going to buy a book. I've seen people talking about Disciples of Harmony right after it got out, and they discussed entries, and you know what? I still bought a copy. In fact, a LOT of us, when clarifying points for someone who is asking, tell them to buy the book. For example.

Poster A: Hey! Anyone have any ideas on how to run a scene in a place like the Cave on Dagobah? I want to run my players through such and such situation, and think a Dark Side heavy place would be great, but I don't know how to do the mechanics of it.

Everyone Else: You should totally pick up Nexus of Power, it's got like 30% of it's pages devoted to these very type locations. *Further clarification may or may not follow, usually in generalized ways*

Poster A: Hey cool! Thanks! I was debating picking it up, but knowing it's got that information in it pretty much seals the deal for me!

Boom, we just increased their profit. Sure, some people might only try to bank off using posted material here, to save themselves money. But, if they are that determined not to spend the cash....nothing we do is going to convince them to spend it in the first place.

Like myself, I personally have no plan on buying some titles of the FFG line, because I just have zero interest in the material therein. If there is say, one talent tree that is of interest to me, I'm not spending 30+ bucks on a book, that I won't even read 85% of, for one thing. I'm just not, and I don't feel ashamed to say so. So sure, for that type thing, I don't mind pulling info from other people who did. But I also have bought several books, entirely based on the information presented by people on this forum. So it's a give and take.

So...you acnowledge they are near the end of the gameline, and thus need other stuff to have their employees working on (you know, so they get paid for their jobs), and yet you are angry they are doing other stuff?

Oh, and to answer your own question, you don't have to care about any of it. Yet you clearly do, from the level of frustration and emphasis you are putting into this thread. Nothing lasts forever. If they were constantly churning out stuff, you would likely complain because "OMG THEY ARE JUST RECYCLING THE SAME CRAP OVER AND OVER!!" (something you've already stated in this thread actually). They can't just make new stuff up to fill an entirely new book. They have a license to make games, using LucasArts copyrighted material. They have limitations in what they can create whole-cloth.

So I don't really see what you expect them to do, as a company. They don't JUST do Star Wars, they have their fingers in a lot of pies, and their divisions work on things a couple years in advance. Plus, you are assuming that the staff that worked on GYNESYS are the same people who were working on Star Wars. Now, maybe they are the same team, I have no idea, but it could also just as easily be a different creative team.

So what is it you want? You want them to acknowledge the line is fading, and let them move on to other things? Or do you want them to just keep churning out the same stuff over and over, simply to satisfy your need for material? Because you can't have it both ways.

I like these points. I guess I'm just frustrated. Yeah, I want people to get paid, to your point. If this is your stance too, why let people have stuff FOR FREE? Yeah, let's not pretend everyone here is a Jedi with 100 Morality.

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, I don't believe it does force us to pick only one CRB and stick with just that game. The point of it is to allow for groups to do so.Not everyone wants to play a Rebel or a Jedi, so they may want to stick strictly with EotE. The same for groups that only want to play Force users, or only want to play Rebels battling the Empire. To give these groups that option , they need to reprint certain things between games. IT does not force groups to stick only with one game though.

I could envision a mixed playgroup having one main CRB, maybe some other careers out of game line, and never repeat a species or career in their collected books. A bunch of soldiers (AoR) add a smuggler, for example.

At the end of the day, I try to imagine if *I* had a job working at FFG, I feel like I'd shortchange fans who want to buy everything our team writes. Ergo, I feel shortchanged as a fan when I get two different Lanniks. It suggests that the team isn't planning well. I site Genesys because it uses very similar dice in a possible Sci-Fi setting. To think this is completely free of SWRPG influence is too far a stretch even for a sci-fi fan.

4 minutes ago, JawaJedi said:

I could envision a mixed playgroup having one main CRB, maybe some other careers out of game line, and never repeat a species or career in their collected books. A bunch of soldiers (AoR) add a smuggler, for example.

At the end of the day, I try to imagine if *I* had a job working at FFG, I feel like I'd shortchange fans who want to buy everything our team writes. Ergo, I feel shortchanged as a fan when I get two different Lanniks. It suggests that the team isn't planning well. I site Genesys because it uses very similar dice in a possible Sci-Fi setting. To think this is completely free of SWRPG influence is too far a stretch even for a sci-fi fan.

Well, that's you. I don't feel shortchanged at all.

1 minute ago, JawaJedi said:

I apologize if I sound like a troll. I'm just seriously disappointed. I stand at a crossroads with FFG.

I bought into the line because of the genre. (Mistakenly?) I bought all three CRBs and a lot of careers and other splatbooks. In hindsight, I feel foolish. Why?

Scouts, Drivers, Heavies, Pilots, Slicers and Mechanics are all repeated to date. The lines aren't done. SIX careers reprinted? This seems like a lack of imagination on FFGs' part, especially considering we've a galaxy of possibilities. Instead, even Droid Specialist and Droid Tech are close but still DIFFERENT. Likewise, Investigator and Skip Tracer. Why couldn't similar tweaks be given to repeated careers? I can appreciate how their different starting career dictates their ultimate abilities. In all seriousness- IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK? It may be, given the shiny new GENESYS rpg on the horizon.

Similarly- species.

I CAN accept how we'd have zero repeats WITHIN the line. Okay, but doesn't this just push us into picking ONE of the CRB/systems and ignoring(?) the rest?

I'm scared. Maybe the GENESYS launch rattled me into believing FFG is abandoning the heart of the game. When we have some misses with editing (they have editors, right?), repeats of species/careers, and shipments hanging in dead air, I question what's going on.

I think most agree that the art is lovely and fits the fluff of the content. Fonts are sometimes a problem due to readability; I'm in this camp of hating small, blurry print in my older age. I'd magnify my pdf of the books, except there seem to be speculative problems that the books would be reprehensible pirated. So just come here and get your fix instead of a download. Yes, it's morally problematic to copy stuff? YES. Is it problematic to be the ones posting copywritted material? Ditto- where's the outrage?

TL;DR: I feel like FFG is slipping as they unveil Genesys. Should I just switch systems now? Will the quality be better as we finish?

See, I disagree on several of your points. "lack of imagination"?? As of today they have 96 different specializations across the 3 lines. D&D has 40ish if you are generous and count their archetypes, Pathfinder has 23, Shadowrun even less. That means that even if they stopped printing books at the Engineer splat books they will still have 100 classes.

What about what most games would call races. SWRPG currently has 74 species across all 3 lines. Currently D&D has like 27, if you include sub-races.

Let's not even get into equipment, weapons and armor. At a glance, my current spreadsheet has 300+ weapons alone.

You are doing the developers a disservice to criticize their lack of intelligence considering they have twice the content of most other big RPGs.

Second, and this is much more a matter of opinion, but I think the last few books have been well above the average for FFG in terms of quality of their content design. Did they have some typos, yes, they did but failures by the editorial team is not the same as being a bad book.

9 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

They can't just make new stuff up to fill an entirely new book. They have a license to make games, using LucasArts copyrighted material. They have limitations in what they can create whole-cloth.

So I don't really see what you expect them to do, as a company. They don't JUST do Star Wars, they have their fingers in a lot of pies, and their divisions work on things a couple years in advance. Plus, you are assuming that the staff that worked on GYNESYS are the same people who were working on Star Wars. Now, maybe they are the same team, I have no idea, but it could also just as easily be a different creative team.

So what is it you want? You want them to acknowledge the line is fading, and let them move on to other things? Or do you want them to just keep churning out the same stuff over and over, simply to satisfy your need for material? Because you can't have it both ways.


Well, Chronicles of the Gatekeeper gave us a fresh new species exclusive to the FFG line. So, creativity is a staple, if even rare.

How many species do we expect to have? Apparently, it is too much to ask for new species in every book, because of the work involved. Okay, I'll buy it- FFG is too busy to care about new careers and species. Their fire is dying because the number of books has reached an expected limit. Why not burst forth towards the finish line with grand new things?

I cannot accept that people didn't know and plan for Genesys or any number of other FFG produced products. If people are on the same team, then I expect awesome synergy between systems (aside from slightly different dice). If it's a different team, I expect that writers are committed and paid for their existing work, and won't accept FFG just mailing it in over the last few products.

I honestly cannot believe the general naivety over people stealing the copyrighted material from these boards, nor FFG's willingness to let their writers NOT possibly get paid for it. Why no PDFs? They'll be shared and stolen. Meh- just come to our website instead. How is this good business sense?

9 minutes ago, JawaJedi said:

I could envision a mixed playgroup having one main CRB, maybe some other careers out of game line, and never repeat a species or career in their collected books. A bunch of soldiers (AoR) add a smuggler, for example.

At the end of the day, I try to imagine if *I* had a job working at FFG, I feel like I'd shortchange fans who want to buy everything our team writes. Ergo, I feel shortchanged as a fan when I get two different Lanniks. It suggests that the team isn't planning well. I site Genesys because it uses very similar dice in a possible Sci-Fi setting. To think this is completely free of SWRPG influence is too far a stretch even for a sci-fi fan.

You know, I might respect your outrage more if FFG came out with one book a year like D&D. If that were the case I feel like you've be very justified saying "You've repeated stuff and your editorial team is bad". But that just isn't the case. With then averaging a book every 5-6 weeks, why do you care if the Lanniks are different? Just skip that book. What does it matter? You still have 70+ species to play with. Ohh no, they reprinted heavies in FiB. That's fine, I'll just have to make do with the 95+ other specialties.

1 minute ago, JawaJedi said:

Well, Chronicles of the Gatekeeper gave us a fresh new species exclusive to the FFG line. So, creativity is a staple, if even rare.

True but the developers at FFG talked about that in an order 66 podcast and how it was the first time they were "allowed" to do it. It's not like they could make one up willy nilly.

I'm not comparing FFG to anything but itself. Yes, I acknowledge D&D has fewer XYZs, and even more games have fewer or more, but still not to the caliber of FFG. You say 100 different options; I simply ask why not 106? Is 6% too hard? It must be, because that's what we got.

18 minutes ago, JawaJedi said:

I like these points. I guess I'm just frustrated. Yeah, I want people to get paid, to your point. If this is your stance too, why let people have stuff FOR FREE? Yeah, let's not pretend everyone here is a Jedi with 100 Morality.

That's fine, being frustrated about something you love/enjoy is natural, I just think you're aiming the frustration at the wrong point.

As to the for free question, again, no company has 100% penetration into the market. Some people will buy every single title they make, because that's who they are, some people won't, but will buy a decent amount, for the same reason. And some people won't buy a single thing they make, and take all of it from an illegal method. Nothing is going to change their minds really. Nothing is going to convince me to buy No Disintegrations, because I have zero interest in Bounty Hunters. But, even though people have already posted stuff in Disciples of Harmony, I don't care, because I was going to buy a copy anyway. Whether people posted it online or not, had zero impact on my buying situation. I've decided to buy more titles due to information revealed on these forums, than not. Like the that included rules for making a light saber hilt. I had zero interest in that book, but then I saw someone post the rules for it, and decided it was a wise investment. Sure, I could've just copy/pasted that one entry, but I didn't want to. I wanted to have the actual book. So I bought it, because someone provided the information online.

Nothing we do is going to stop people who are determined to get it for free....from getting it for free. Trust me, there are tons of ways for them to obtain that stuff for no cost.

Just now, SladeWeston said:

True but the developers at FFG talked about that in an order 66 podcast and how it was the first time they were "allowed" to do it. It's not like they could make one up willy nilly.

This is fair. Thanks for the contribution. Still, where are any number of species fans write about in said dedicated species-wanted threads?

1 minute ago, JawaJedi said:

This is fair. Thanks for the contribution. Still, where are any number of species fans write about in said dedicated species-wanted threads?

Yes,there are, and FFG will probably get to many of them (if not all) eventually. The point though, is that the species chosen for each book (whether reprinted from one of the other lines or not) were made to fit specific themes. Not every species fits all themes. Therefore, they can't just pick a species at random for a given book, just because it would be "new" if an already printed species ( from one of the other lines ) fits better.

1 minute ago, KungFuFerret said:

That's fine, being frustrated about something you love/enjoy is natural, I just think you're aiming the frustration at the wrong point.

As to the for free question, again, no company has 100% penetration into the market. Some people will buy every single title they make, because that's who they are, some people won't, but will buy a decent amount, for the same reason. And some people won't buy a single thing they make, and take all of it from an illegal method. Nothing is going to change their minds really. Nothing is going to convince me to buy No Disintegrations, because I have zero interest in Bounty Hunters. But, even though people have already posted stuff in Disciples of Harmony, I don't care, because I was going to buy a copy anyway. Whether people posted it online or not, had zero impact on my buying situation. I've decided to buy more titles due to information revealed on these forums, than not. Like the that included rules for making a light saber hilt. I had zero interest in that book, but then I saw someone post the rules for it, and decided it was a wise investment. Sure, I could've just copy/pasted that one entry, but I didn't want to. I wanted to have the actual book. So I bought it, because someone provided the information online.

Nothing we do is going to stop people who are determined to get it for free....from getting it for free. Trust me, there are tons of ways for them to obtain that stuff for no cost.

Thanks. I feel like I'm being heard. Yeah, I might be fuming wildly. I guess it's just misappropriated expectations. Does this sound better?

I have really enjoyed FFG SW RPG. It has a robust CRB for whichever of the 3 (or almost 4?) lines. However, as a SW fanboy, I'm more likely to pick up a book that matches my interests. I won't buy some books, either, because I don't really care for pilots, let's say. While I may read what someone has ripped from the pages of a pilot book, it's to satisfy some curiosities. MAYBE, I might buy it, but probably still not. Likewise, any careers or species who are loners and savage, I'm likely to invest. I don't want two Ithorians, tho. Wasn't there some other possible species to include OTHER than a repeat? Is it too hard to do? Are there only a finite number of species given to FFG? Maybe that's an angle we don't know.

I am disappointed when I have repeated copies of things in the books. To your point, we've hundreds of new equipment. Isn't a blaster just a blaster, really? How many do we need? I guess the same could be said of species, and moreso of careers, but these are for the PLAYERS. A weapon isn't a character.

Does this make more sense?

4 minutes ago, JawaJedi said:

I honestly cannot believe the general naivety over people stealing the copyrighted material from these boards, nor FFG's willingness to let their writers NOT possibly get paid for it. Why no PDFs? They'll be shared and stolen. Meh- just come to our website instead. How is this good business sense?

As someone who is in marketing I can tell you that you don't know what you are talking about. There are many many marketing strategies that work by giving away material that is feature light or lower quality in an attempt to build hype around selling higher quality version of the product. Authors give away novellas, singers give away singles or put their songs on a site like youtube. There have even been documented cases of companies intentionally leaking content in order to raise hype. I know you're upset but you are very much crossing into topics that you clearly know nothing about.

People copying numerical crunch directly onto the website designed to promote sales:

This is fine.

Make PDFs for ecological and savings to players' table space and wallets?

Nope- these will be stolen by pirates.

I cannot understand this disconnect, or others defense of this practice.

8 minutes ago, JawaJedi said:

I'm not comparing FFG to anything but itself. Yes, I acknowledge D&D has fewer XYZs, and even more games have fewer or more, but still not to the caliber of FFG. You say 100 different options; I simply ask why not 106? Is 6% too hard? It must be, because that's what we got.

Maybe it is. There is a concept called design space. How many different melee combatants can you build 2? 12? 50? At some point you run out of ways to differentiate the classes from each other and they effectively become exactly what you hate, a reprint. My point is that anyone can create 4-5 unique classes, but creating 100 is a very different story. Something that other companies don't even try to do because its too **** hard. You're staring to sound like a spoiled child. For this reason, I think we are done with this conversation.

2 minutes ago, SladeWeston said:

As someone who is in marketing I can tell you that you don't know what you are talking about. There are many many marketing strategies that work by giving away material that is feature light or lower quality in an attempt to build hype around selling higher quality version of the product. Authors give away novellas, singers give away singles or put their songs on a site like youtube. There have even been documented cases of companies intentionally leaking content in order to raise hype. I know you're upset but you are very much crossing into topics that you clearly know nothing about.

I contend that the recent releases of hype promos give us all the needed fluff and crunch we need. Look over some of the recent species. It comes across like

Wookiees are strong but prone to wild outbursts. They are sturdy hand-to-hand combatants.

In this, we could easily predict (even if wrong), Wookiees have 2+ Brawn and maybe less than 2 Willpower. They might have increases or other advantages to brawling. This is FAR FAR different than literally letting someone snap pictures and pretend others won't bypass the checkout line - the same argument against PDFs.

Can't have it both ways, right?

I never said I'm a marketing expert. In fact, I'm trying to understand why it is. I still find your answer incomplete to address why no PDFs, and why no newer content. Wouldn't give-aways be the sneak peaks, podcasts, and other outlets' news of the game? I ask because I don't understand, nor do I want more debt in college level classes teaching me about marketing. Seeing stuff for free - all of the time with every new release - doesn't seem like OPTIMAL protection of the IP. Not protecting the IP means not protecting the writers' work and pay. Can you answer this decision? How am I wrong? Yeah, a sneak peak here and there is great for hype. For every single book? Gratuitous and endorsed piracy.

1 minute ago, SladeWeston said:

Maybe it is. There is a concept called design space. How many different melee combatants can you build 2? 12? 50? At some point you run out of ways to differentiate the classes from each other and they effectively become exactly what you hate, a reprint. My point is that anyone can create 4-5 unique classes, but creating 100 is a very different story. Something that other companies don't even try to do because its too **** hard. You're staring to sound like a spoiled child. For this reason, I think we are done with this conversation.

Got it. Thanks for your contributions. Sorry I sound like a spoiled brat. Maybe I'll just shut up now, and no longer buy anything from FFG, then, which was my OP. You have convinced me carrying a goal to the finish line is too hard for FFG writers to do, despite a literal galaxy of imagination. I guess the market for imaginative writers has dried up.

The next time some fan spoils the new book with photos of the printed pages, just remember nobody got paid for you to see that IP. Pat yourself on the back if you preordered the book. Otherwise, I guess our board is a welcomed mess of piracy condoned by FFG.

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper
12 minutes ago, JawaJedi said:

Make PDFs for ecological and savings to players' table space and wallets?

Nope- these will be stolen by pirates.

That's not why they don't make PDF's. It's just a stupid legal loophole in their contract which classifies PDF's as "electronic entertainment", which another company has the rights to.

2 hours ago, Vorzakk said:

That's not why they don't make PDF's. It's just a stupid legal loophole in their contract which classifies PDF's as "electronic entertainment", which another company has the rights to.

Yep. Licensing is the sole reason behind no PDFs.

I'll close and leave, offering thanks to many fans who pursue the game and spread goodness at the gaming table.

I have high expectations, don't fully understand marketing or how IP is used or protected. I'll shut up about it, and don't think I did a good job of stating my concerns. I just want more in a galaxy of possibilities, and thought the published content does great (but could do better with just a few tweaks). I'm not a publisher, so I speak out of turn.

So, TL;DR: Everything is awesome, including you.