C-ROC vs Gozanti

By Kleeg005, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Just one other fellow and myself at the start of the evening, and as I had just acquired a C-ROC, we set up for a full 300 point Epic slugfest. We had just finished setting up when three high school-aged guys walked in with a single list between them.... They played SW Destiny and watched and drooled.

My opponent ran an ordnance Imperial list, Gozanti with Tubes and ProTorps, Ordnance Team, Suppressor title, and some other stuff, RAC with Kylo and stuff, Inquisitor, and three named Bombers. Tomax, Jonus, and Rhymer, with one as a Shuttle and the other two running Cluster Missiles. Oh, and Vessery with a Tractor.
I ran a full bounty hunter list. Jabba put out a hit on Moff Jerjerrod (who was forgotten until he died) and accompanied the fleet. Dengar, Boba, IG-88B, Asajj, and a Slaver toting Gunner/Bossk. Upgrades up to here on all of them.
An hour and a bit to set up. I sent Asajj off to flank the left side, running her against the Inquisitor and then the Gozanti. IG-88B took a very long time flanking off the right - I said it was to make him the closer, haha. Dengar took a closer flank up the right, while Boba and the Slaver went right up the middle, preceding Jabba's C-Roc. Turn 2 had a couple shields plinked off here and there on Range 3 shots. Third turn saw Fett and RAC both buy the farm, each focused almost exclusively by the other side. Fourth Turn put Tomax on a rock with Asajj's tractor beam effect, while her pilot ability shut down Vessery's Expertise. Fifth turn ended Inqy and saw Tomax crushed by the Gozanti. Sixth turn ended the Slaver and the Gozanti, with Dengar and Asajj pouring crits into the rear section. And with only a Defender and two half-health Bombers left against most of my fleet mostly unhurt, my opponent conceded. It was his first time flying an Epic ship, which he tried to fly in formation with the Bombers in order to exploit a wide range of planned synergies. Tough to do, and he did a lot of bumping. Otherwise I reckon it would have been a closer, and much longer, game.
So an hour or so of set-up, an hour and a half of play, and a half hour of clean-up. A very good evening, and it surely does give me a hankering for more Epic play. I should have written this up a lot sooner, as the game took place last Thursday and I have subsequently forgotten most of the details. I think I only used a single Jabba-powered Illicit Token, only needed to Zuckuss once with the C-ROC, and never even got a shot off with IG-88B. Lots of room for list tweaking, but this was more thematically than competitively inspired.
This is from set-up.

Sounds awesome. Always good to see epic games!


IG-88B took a very long time flanking off the right - I said it was to make him the closer, haha.

Yeah, it's easy to "flank" in epic and then discover you've sent someone far, far to far out. I recommend that if you want a flanking force in epic, try a aggressors with Push The Limit and Burnout SLAM - high speed move, SLAM, Boost lets you cover ground fast enough to actually make a difference!


It was his first time flying an Epic ship, which he tried to fly in formation with the Bombers in order to exploit a wide range of planned synergies.

Yeah. Keeping support ships around an epic ship works incredibly well, but it's also risky until you get used to how they fly. Unlucky for him, but I'm sure the nefarious Imperials will return for revenge!


  • Suppressor is a good ship, but best used without synergies with your squad. It's there to cripple the enemy. Suppressor, Sensor Team, Targeting Co-ordinator, Grand Moff Tarkin, Broadcast Array can essentially destroy any action/modifiers on a ship of your choice - Targeting Co-ordinator lets you take a target lock, Suppressor removes one evade or target lock, then you jam (double stressing them) as your action, then Tarkin takes away their focus token. It doesn't need to interact with any other part of your squad....
  • If you want a bomber command ship. I recommend the Vector or Requiem.
  • Vector is probably best with elite bombers - you can manage a triple launch of the three named ones (For sheer scariness I recommend Crack Shot APT Rhymer and Crack Shot Clusters Bren, paired with Systems Offcier/Fleet Officer/Cool Hand Jonus) - One launches, does a 3 bank and barrel rolls, the next does a 3 bank and target locks, and then the TIE shuttle does a 1 bank, passes the barrel rolling ship a target lock with systems officer, passes both a focus with fleet officer, and uses the stress to give itself a focus or evade from cool hand. You then open up at range 2/PS8 with a serious hail of ordnance. Most importantly, that doesn't need Vector to do anything in particular to support it, leaving it free to carry torpedoes itself, or use its turret, or whatever.
  • Requiem is best for generics. Upping ships to PS8 for the turn is nice. It only lasts a turn, but if said ships are only packing a single missile, you only care about that one turn anyway. I'd consider putting a fleet officer on the ship to get the magic target lock/focus pair.